Reviews from

The Return

Viewing comments for Chapter 36 "The Return FINAL CHAPTER"
Erotic Turmoil

38 total reviews 
Comment from dmt1967
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is a great ending to a great story and I loved the ending. I wish you well in publishing it. I think these historical ghost stories are all the range. Thank you for sharing and take care.

 Comment Written 06-Sep-2022

reply by the author on 06-Sep-2022
    Thank you, Jackie! I'm so pleased you enjoyed the ending to my story, that means a lot to me. And a big hug for the sixth star award! Warm hugs, my friend. :)) Sandra xxx
    When is Jake coming back?
reply by dmt1967 on 14-Sep-2022
    I have posted the last of book one for a while. Need to do a few rewrites and then will post for last time, tidy it up, and send it to publisher. I am at the end of writing book 2 and will, god willing, be posting that sometime next year.
Comment from Sanku
This work has reached the exceptional level

LOvely ending to a lovely love story . I was wondering what will happen to Margot? You have finished off the story with a real flourish.Thank you very much for this beautiful reading experience..

 Comment Written 06-Sep-2022

reply by the author on 06-Sep-2022
    What a lovely thing to say, Sanku, thank you so very much! I'm delighted that you have enjoyed my story, your reviews have always been so encouraging and I've appreciated every one of them. Thank you for the golden star, that is so kind of you. Love and hugs, my friend. :)) Sandra xx
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have weird problems with it also and have no answers on that one. You did a great job of reaching that happy ending that every story should have. Nothing like meeting a look-alike great grandson and having a Bessie to tell her it was all going to work out.

 Comment Written 05-Sep-2022

reply by the author on 06-Sep-2022
    Thank you, Carol! I'm so pleased you enjoyed the ending. I'd been threatened that it had to be a happy one, or else... LOL. Too many on here know my address! I'm glad you liked it. Warm hugs, my friend. :)) Sandra xx
    I've had a couple of suggestions on the spacing, I'll try them out and let you know which works. xx
Comment from Shirley McLain
This work has reached the exceptional level

What a wonderful story you created, and I love the happy ending. Those are my favorite kind. You brought a smile to my face. You did a great job. Have a blessed day. Shirley

 Comment Written 05-Sep-2022

reply by the author on 06-Sep-2022
    Thank you so very much, Shirley! I'm glad you enjoyed my happy ending. :)) Thanks also for that golden sixth star, my friend, I really appreciate both. Love and hugs, Sandra xx
Comment from estory
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think you tied all the loose strings up very neatly, we find out that Meg and Miles lived happily every after, and in the end, Margot seems to end up with Miles' great grandson, so she is happy too. True love prevails. I think you did a good job of describing Margot returning to her own time in the opening of the chapter, with her head spinning in the graveyard, and finding the fresh flowers where she left them at the start of the story. All those details make the scene come alive and we feel Margot's emotions much more strongly that way. estory

 Comment Written 05-Sep-2022

reply by the author on 06-Sep-2022
    Thank you so much for your lovely review of my final chapter, estory, I have really appreciated them all. Thank you! Warm hugs, Sandra xxx
Comment from Elizabeth Emerald
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

SSSSSSo ssssssorry the system won't let me give you a well-deserved bonus for this stunning series--brilliant ending--I didn't have a clue as to how you were going to pull it off.

 Comment Written 05-Sep-2022

reply by the author on 05-Sep-2022
    Thank you so much, Liz, it's the thought the really counts. I'm so pleased you liked the ending, I had to get it as right as possible without it making a nonsense of the whole story. Thanks for all your support, my friend, you've been amazing. Love and hugs, Sandra xx
reply by Elizabeth Emerald on 05-Sep-2022
    Ingenious--I couldn't see a way out.

    Glad I was able to get this review through! Per my email, the system blocked me last night. Weird--I tried again after midnight and was able to put all three reviews through--as I told Tom, this had never happened before--his pat response was: Sorry, you have to upgrade.
reply by the author on 05-Sep-2022
    I think that is the stock answer, Liz. I'm glad you got through though, I loved your review. 🥰xx
Comment from Jay Squires
This work has reached the exceptional level

You brought this to a whopper of a conclusion. Here I so naively thought that last week should end it. But you had a twist in mind that, once it manifested, made the ending the only way it could end. A click-of-the-heels salute to you, Sandra. Do send this out right away to a publisher. Don't settle on self-pubbing it until you give the standard way a try.

About the double spacing, I have been having similar trouble with the FS editor for over a month now. It won't accept my pasting text into the advanced editor. It won't "ok" it. Are you having similar problems? I've had to do a workaround that allows me to use the Advanced "commands", but loses other things in the process. (It all started shortly after Tom announced his lovely new fonts.)

Again, though, congratulations on your brilliant novel!


 Comment Written 04-Sep-2022

reply by the author on 05-Sep-2022
    What a lovely compliment, Jay, thank you so very much. I had to tie all the ends up and not leave them dangling. And, I had to have a happy ending; too many people on here know my address!! Lol.

    Thank you so much for the golden star, my friend, and all your support. I've always appreciated you reading my work.

    The publisher aspect. I have no idea how to go about that. So many people have told me that publishers are just not interested today in new authors, at least, not the famous ones they can make money from. If they did like it, they'd most likely ask my age and then reject me. At 75 they wouldn't be getting too many more books from me. I wish it was like it was half a century ago! Lol.

    Thank you again, dear friend. Always your fan and friend. Love and hugs, Sandra xxx

    Yes, what you said about the double spacing is just like it is for me.
Comment from Katherine M. (k-11)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well done Sandra on finishing, despite your bout with Covid that tried to slow you down, and well done on such a perfect, happy ending. Kate xx PS you are an inspiration to me, coming through your health problem like that. You make me determined to do the same.

 Comment Written 04-Sep-2022

reply by the author on 05-Sep-2022
    Thank you, Kate, that is so nice of you. I do hope you are feeling a lot better now, and will be back in full health writing your horror story! (someone told me it was true and that was why you were in hospital!! And I believed it!) Thanks again, my friend. I've appreciated all your support and encouragement. Warm hugs, my friend. Sandra xx
Comment from judiverse
This work has reached the exceptional level

What a wonderful ending. I like happy endings, and it was ideal that Margot meet up with Miles and Meg's great-grandson. I love the way Bessie keeps popping up and disappearing. She may stay around for a while. It's not surprising that Meg forgave Miles's parents. She seemed like a forgiving person. She and Miles must have found true happiness, thanks to the interference of Bessie and Margot. I was curious about the letter that Miles III brought for Margot. Beautiful story, and one that held my interest. judi

 Comment Written 04-Sep-2022

reply by the author on 05-Sep-2022
    I'm so glad you liked the ending, Judi! Thank you so very much for always being there and reading and reviewing my chapters. I've really appreciated them all.
    The letter. I've taken that out now. The reason it was in there was because way back in the early chapters, Bessie told Margot that Miles wrote two letters, one would be given to her, and the other would have been given to the look alike Miles. But in the end, I let Meg have her baby! So I had to change it. As you might have guessed from that, the final chapter had already been written way, way back. I changed a few things, but forgot the letter. :( But, I'm really glad you enjoyed it. Thanks so much, my friend, and another thank you for the sixth gold star! Love and hugs, Sandra xxxx
reply by judiverse on 05-Sep-2022
    Thanks so much for clearing that up. I love the way everything came together. It was fitting that the great=grandson showed up. Best wishes for the publication. judi
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
This work has reached the exceptional level

This was an awesome finale, Sandra. I enjoyed reading it.
You did a great job wrapping up all the loose ends. Your
opening paragraph brought readers back to real time.
The words were descriptive and relevant. I liked how
insistent Bessie was about having her coffee. I enjoyed how
the house hadn't changed in the month Margot was gone.
The use of the fresh flowers illustrated that fact well. The
explanation of how Margot was owed thanks for what she'd
done to help Meg get pregnant was great. In real life one's
emotions can cause adverse things and dealing with them helps
reverse some. The revelation of what befell the other individuals
involved in this novel was appropriate. You explained it well.
Margot's wish for Miles was handled well. Of course, she'd
want one who was part of her time. . . and her wish came true.
I thought she'd find someone like Miles when she returned,
just didn't it would be great grandson, but it all worked
Thanks for sharing an awesome ending
to your special book, Jan

 Comment Written 04-Sep-2022

reply by the author on 05-Sep-2022
    Aw, Jan, thank you so very much, my dear friend. Your constant support and encouragement has meant the world to me. I'm chuffed to bits you enjoyed my last chapter, and endorsed the reason why Meg hadn't fallen pregnant. I had a friend who was desperate to fall pregnant and had loads of tests done. There was no reason why she couldn't. They went on to adopt a little girl and then she fell pregnant! Lol. The reason was, she had stopped worrying about it. The children were both loved equally.
    Life can be strange. :)
    Thank you again, Jan, for this amazing review and all the stars. I'm so grateful. Love and hugs, Sandra xxx