Reviews from

Eight Simple Rules

A dad keeping his new son-in-law in line L O L

30 total reviews 
Comment from Madeleine Mardis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dr. Nad, I am so glad you are happy with your son-in-law! I don't have a computer, so the format was hard to read on my cellphone (my husband and I just don't want a home computer yet and I am just learning cellphones) but I got the gist of it!So hilarious!!! And I just knew you must be a good father, and I was right! Look how much you cherish your daughter!
You mentioned John Ritter, haha, I really enjoyed his humor! Hey, I remember that old soul song titled Mother-in-law, it's a really funny song! What an entertaining post, both of these are! Such a cute, sweet family picture!
Maddy I just figured
out how to read it
better, and the more
I read it, the better it gets!! Haha, so Josh is the one needing a dowry?, lol, and they must follow you if you and your wife move, and live within 15 minutes of your home, haha, just side-splittingly funny!!

 Comment Written 10-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jul-2024
    Hey Maddy, I'm glad you liked it, it was kind of fun to write. I wrote it back in 2009 and I've done nothing with it except show it to them at the time. I asked them for permission to publish it to FanStory and they said: "Go for it".
    There was a mixup on my part and they were two forms of this out there for little while. I don't know if you responded to the junkie copy or the good one. Anyway I'm really sorry that I missed a few people up and maybe you. There's a good copy that available on fan story. They look the same.
    About that dowry, that didn't fly with those guys. Believe me, it cost me a whole lot more than it cost them in money. Just seen our daughter have a wonderful husband who loves and adores her and the three grandchildren they have given us certainly makes it well worth anything it may have cost us. I don't know if it was clear or not but the picture is a picture of them 15 years later.

    Thanks for the reading and the review and the five beautiful scarves you gave me. Blessings on you and your husband.
reply by Madeleine Mardis on 10-Jul-2024
    Is the good one the
    one with lol in the title?
    I read that! Glad you
    posted it, it's a
    light-hearted romp
    about a father's
    love and a nervous,
    haha, ready to please,
    (hopefully) son-in-law.
    I got that the picture
    is 15 years later! What
    a beauty your daughter
    is! Maddy
reply by Madeleine Mardis on 10-Jul-2024
    It's worthy of six
    scarves, really 7, but
    I'm out of sixes! I just
    love your family's
    sense of humor, you
    all must've had
    belly-laughs galore
    over this, from 2009
    till now! Maddy
reply by the author on 12-Jul-2024
    Hey Maddy, sorry to be so late in returning my response. I've been away from FanStory for a couple of days. I had a very surprise visit from a first cousin I haven't seen for 30 years and this was only the second time in 50 years.
    You did see the right post, the other one has been taken down.
    I appreciate so much your very kind words and sentiments. As parents we spend a lot of time with our kids trying to build into them Godly values and principles. So many parents have had the misfortune of a good looking guy or gal coming along and stealing the heart of our child and turning their heart away from God and the things we hold dear. Often times that other person will then dump our child or mistreat them so badly that they suffer the rest of their life. Kathy and I have two children and we are blessed in the fact that both of their spouses are strong Christians and both families are very happy with each other and with us. We are blessed. Thanks again.
Comment from Ulla
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, my word, what a stunt this was. It actually made me laugh out loud. I hope the your son-in-law reacted the same way. He must have done as I know see he's very much in love with your daughter. What a lovely photo of your family. I have a daughter, a lovely son-in-law and three granddaughters. I know exactly where you're coming from. I loved it. Ulla:)))

 Comment Written 10-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jul-2024
    I want to thank you so much Ulla for stopping by, reading and rating "Eight Simple Rules". I appreciate your comments that indicate you caught both my humor and my call for honor concerning my only daughter. (I love that you laughed out loud ha ha.) I really appreciate as well the five beautiful stars you gave me.
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Dan, I was going to say, before I read your notes, that I hoped you would be reading this out at the wedding! So funny and sincere in equal measure, this was a joy to read and I would anticipate that your son-in-law couldn't be happier with his father-in-law. My favourite requirement is that he doesn't move any further away from you than 15 minutes:)) That's true love!! Great pic too! Thanks for sharing. Debbie

 Comment Written 10-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jul-2024
    I want to thank you so much Debbie for stopping by, reading and rating "Eight Simple Rules". I appreciate your comments that indicate you caught both my humor and my call for honor concerning my only daughter. I did officiate at their wedding so I couldn't read this but I never thought about it. Oh well they're doing great even if I didn't read it! L O L I really appreciate as well the five beautiful stars you gave me.
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I used to grill my daughter's suitors. It became a game with my daughter and wife. The final challenge concerned baseball: American League or National League? (It made a difference to me.) Knowing that it was coming, my daughter coached her boyfriends to answer "American League".
Seriously though. Yours is better.

 Comment Written 10-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jul-2024
    I want to thank you so much Wayne for stopping by, reading and rating "Eight Simple Rules". I appreciate your comments that indicate you caught both my humor and my call for honor concerning my only daughter. I really appreciate as well the five beautiful stars you gave me.
Comment from Marilyn Hamilton
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is awesome. Humor is wonderful and in my opinion welcomes someone to be part of a family better than anything else. Then you turn it to serious and make sure he knows how very welcome he is. Who wouldn't want to join a family like this?

 Comment Written 10-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jul-2024
    I want to thank you so much Marilyn for stopping by, reading and rating "Eight Simple Rules". I appreciate your comments that indicate you caught both my humor and my call for honor concerning my only daughter. I really appreciate as well the five beautiful stars you gave me.
Comment from davisr (Rhonda)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh my gosh!!! Dan, this is beautiful. You've spoken for dads everywhere! My father used to be "working on the car" every time a date showed up. It was hilarious.
I know this was tongue-in-cheek, but it did speak for your feelings.

They made a beautiful family!! I can see why you are so proud of them.

Take care, and glad to see you back,

 Comment Written 10-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jul-2024
    Thank you so very much for taking the time to both read and review "Eight Simple Rules". I'm glad you saw and appreciated both the honor and the humor.
    I also really appreciate the five stars that you gave me.
reply by davisr (Rhonda) on 10-Jul-2024
    It would have been 6 stars, my friend, if I hadn't been out of them, lol.
reply by the author on 10-Jul-2024
    No problem, I appreciate the sentiment though. I had one person message me and tell me they were going to wait until Sunday when they got new stars and they were going to review it then even though the promotion would be off. Both of you really speak to my heart.
reply by davisr (Rhonda) on 10-Jul-2024
    Aww, that was very sweet of them!!
reply by the author on 10-Jul-2024
    Blessings on you.
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

#5 I would end as follows: Kathy and me (no matter where we may choose to live). Take away comma after me, No doesn't need to be capitalized, put the period outside the parenthesis.

#6: purchases ($50 or more),

as to: need assessment,

very, very precious to us (add the comma)

I like #8 the best:-) But I would have loved to see Joshua's face as he read this! He must have been thinking, "Is he serious? What am I getting myself into?"

I have to say, the scrutiny from the whole of your family is intimidating, but it sounds like you take care of your own, and I can imagine you are a very loving and giving family.

Wow! Fifteen years! I guess he was the right one, and I know you have grown to love him as a son. Their family looks very happy.

Congratulations, Dan. Not everyone is as blessed as you - you're surrounded by a family full of love for one another.

Thank you for sharing this. Your sense of humor shines through here, as does your commitment to family.

Be well, my friend.


 Comment Written 10-Jul-2024

Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A super post. The firs half was a fun piece - and yet it would eliminate any undesirable prospective husbands. The second half was quite wonderful a tribute to your lovely daughter. The third part shows great wisdom and love, and would have shown Josh what a blessing and spiritual support his future in laws would be. Lovely post. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 10-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jul-2024
    Thank you so very much for taking the time to both read and review "Eight Simple Rules". Much thanks for sharing your personal insight and your affirmation of my family. I'm glad you saw and appreciated the humor.
    I also really appreciate the five stars that you gave me.
Comment from nomi338
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I was told by my late daughter's husband who is also deceased at this time, that he just had to meet me because all my daughter ever did was to tell him that her dad did not do things the way he was doing them or that what he was doing was not right according to the way her dad did things. After spending time with and around me, he said that he agreed and that he was going to try to start doing things my way. The buttons on my shirt threatened to pop at that time. LOL. I thoroughly enjoyed your list. In fact I am a little bit jealous.

 Comment Written 09-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jul-2024
    Thank you so very much for taking the time to both read and review "Eight Simple Rules". I'm glad you saw and appreciated the humor. Thanks for sharing your story concerning both daughter and son-in-law. As a former pastor, hospice chaplain, and hospital chaplain I would like to express my condolences to you on the loss of two very important people in your life. May God bless you.
    I also really appreciate the five stars that you gave me.
Comment from Cindy Decker 3
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dr. Nad,
Your writing has a very nice sentiment! You sound like a doting father.
What a wonderful way of showing your high regard for your child.
I hope your daughter fhas true
Nice writing, Dr. Nad.

 Comment Written 09-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jul-2024
    Thank you so very much for taking the time to both read and review "Eight Simple Rules". I'm glad you saw and appreciated the attempt to multitask by providing a suggestion of mutually respectful roles encased in humor.
    I also really appreciate the five stars that you gave me.