Reviews from

Feed Yourself and Your neighbor.

Surviving the world-wide shortages.

22 total reviews 
Comment from Trena One Who Cares
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Aussie our elders knew just how to survive in hard times. Thank God my Mother taught us how to cook from scratch, garden, can foods, and sew.Great subject to write about we are all having hard times. Good rhythm and flow used throughout. Like poppy always said pull up your boot-straps and join the fun.LOL Trena

 Comment Written 22-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 22-Oct-2008
    Hi Trena, Thanks so much for your kind words; yes, now is the time to go back and use the skills our forefathers used. Blessed be. Aussie XX
Comment from PatriciaLiteHickman
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

good presentation, format and content especially! thought provoking, truthful and uplifting too :-) love the title; by itself it contains a strong message too; well done! no corrections :-)

 Comment Written 22-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 22-Oct-2008
    Hi there astrolite 1 - Thanks so much for reviewing. Blessed be - Aussie XX
reply by PatriciaLiteHickman on 22-Oct-2008
    You are very welcome for the review; I enjoyed the read; blessings on your night (or day) Tricia
Comment from PUPA
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I agree with you and like your thoughts very much. Whatever happens, we are not goint to die of hunger.
It is important not to panic and think properly, as you did here. Clever and meaningful.

 Comment Written 22-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 22-Oct-2008
    Hi PUPA - So glad you appreciated my poem; yes, we all need to pull together to beat poverty etc. Kind thoughts.
    Love Kay XX
Comment from llaliberte
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

nice to hear that it is not just the US that needs to be doing this i am glad to know that far away there are those who are also trying to make it through these tough is going to get worse but we all seem to think that it will not.. I appreciate your peom and thank you for saying what you said, The color is good too good job keep writing

 Comment Written 22-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 22-Oct-2008
    llaliberte; Thanks so much for your kind review. Haven't heard from you before, your name sounds French? Glad you could 'see' what I see, some do not. Blessed be. Kay XX
Comment from rmdelta
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


A nicely written poem, with great choice of wording. Powerful wording gives fantastic substance to a poem. your poem has the stuff to be able to take it up a notch.

 Comment Written 22-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 22-Oct-2008
    rmdelta; Thank you so much for reviewing; glad you appreciated my poem as I felt it necessary to 'connect' with others across the globe feeling the 'pinch' it will get worse before the sun starts to shine again. Blessed be Aussie XX
Comment from Minglement
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very nice. Great subject and good flow. The kind of piece that has a chance to move people to action. Use of words to create change. Lovely message. I have no corrections or suggestions to improve the work. Thank you for sharing your thoughts so beautifully.

 Comment Written 22-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 22-Oct-2008
    Minglement; thanks so much for reviewing and so glad you liked the poem; we do need to make changes and now is the time. Blessed be Aussie XX
reply by Minglement on 22-Oct-2008
    You're so welcome. Keep writing. Take care - Marcia (Minglement)
reply by Minglement on 23-Oct-2008
    Agreed, and you'e welcome!
Comment from Itslisa
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Just a great poem! Beautiful use of changing rhythm and rhyme to reflect the different perspectives--encouraging the reader to hurry through the ranting and worrying parts, then making him/her slow down to read the level-headed advice. Thank you for sharing!

 Comment Written 22-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 22-Oct-2008
    And thank you Itslisa for such a wonderful review. Much appreciated. Kind regards Aussie XX
Comment from Joyce L.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I read this poem a couple of times and although it has very good advice and I like the words, I found that it wasn't a real smooth read. Some of it rhymed and then there was some that didn't. I enjoyed the message very much but wondered if you realized this.

 Comment Written 22-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 22-Oct-2008
    Of course I do jem; it is not easy to pull reality together sometimes. I would think it a cross between a story and a poem. It is getting rave reviews, so it must be a small glich so far. Thank you. Regards Aussie XX
reply by Joyce L. on 23-Oct-2008
    Good, like I said before, ithis poem a good message.

Comment from Domino
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Ausssie.
This is all good advice on how to tighten the purse strings, and very well written and presented.
From the little I know of economics, this policy has a flip side and won't help in the long run. Of course, people with little money need adopt your policies to survive. Trouble is when this seed of economic instability is instilled then even the rich or resonably well-off 'stop spending. Once THEY do that as well then there's a mushroom effect as the economy completely stagnates as maunfactured goods and services aren;'t purchased. This leads to further job looses and a general slow down, making the matter worse. I wish I knew the answer.
Best wishes, ray xx

 Comment Written 22-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 22-Oct-2008
    Ray, there is no quick fix. We could all end up on our knees; greed before need has started this. Some will learn to do without, some will not. Australia relies on America and we are feeling the pinch already. Faith is my foundation. Love Aussie XX
Comment from Sarah_Goldwell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very good poem and so true. everything is rising sky high except our wages to meet it! this poem is well written and the rhyme is good

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 Comment Written 22-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 22-Oct-2008
    Thank you Goldwell; yes, we are in trouble big time; USA more so than Australia at the moment. It will get worse before it gets better and the sun shines again. Regards Aussie XX