Reviews from

The Red Dress

Viewing comments for Chapter 44 "The Red Dress chapter forty-four"
The story of a teenage girl

16 total reviews 
Comment from sweetwoodjax
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

this is very well written, alexis, you did a great job writing this chapter where lisa has finished school and is going to witness against nick on what he did to her, develops a deeper friendship with richard and learns the freedom that the car can give her

 Comment Written 13-Feb-2012

reply by the author on 14-Feb-2012
    Thank you for your great review and complete understanding of the plot. Take care, Alexis x
Comment from Maureen's Pen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow and other man......
Well this was a great chapter filling out the scene for the story.
I just thought it was perfectly penned and great foresight on the courtroom etc.
Amazing work as always, now see me rushing to the next chapter....LOL

 Comment Written 13-Feb-2012

reply by the author on 14-Feb-2012
    Good morning Maureen. As you now know, things didn't exactly go to plan!I'm having a day off today waiting for all those roses that won't arrive lol Thank you for all your wonderful encouragement wc. Alexis x
reply by Maureen's Pen on 14-Feb-2012
    LOL yes I know I'm still waiting too....roses.....chocolate and wine...I'll go buy my own:)
    Enjoy your day off, you deserve it:)
Comment from brighterside
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

really intresting and defo
want to continue the read i think
this will be great for school leavers and
the young as alot of people will relate
to it,i enjoyed your story as its quite
realistic great writing great read

 Comment Written 13-Feb-2012

reply by the author on 14-Feb-2012
    Thank you so much for your great review and apologies for taking so long to thank you, things have been a bit hectic because of the number of chapters I've posted recently. Alexis x
Comment from AlexAX
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm glad they all stayed good friends, I think Lisa needed that. Richard has been the support she needed too. Even though things seem to be going in a certain direction at the moment. She's going back to Scotland? hmmm I wonder how that will be lol Great build up to the court case. I saw just one thing .. Even although(though) Karen had told him that Vikki had said they were close. Alex :)
We've all got you working hard! But we love this book, so you cannot blame us ;)

 Comment Written 13-Feb-2012

reply by the author on 13-Feb-2012
    Thank you so much, Alex, not only for the fabulous review, but for the support you've given me throughout. Only four chapters to go, PHEW! Many , many thanks, Alexis x
Comment from tonytnt
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very interesting story. I will have to go back and read the other chapters but you have described things so good I think I can follow along.

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 Comment Written 13-Feb-2012

reply by the author on 14-Feb-2012
    Thank you so much for such a great review and your instant understanding of the plot. Not many can do that so it is doubly appreciated. Alexis x
Comment from RUMLOVE1000
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Once again beautiful work by you! Your writing ability is pretty good and this continuation has been just as the other that I have read although I must admit I've missed one in between obviously but I will catch up when I have a little time.

Magnificent I enjoyed :)


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 Comment Written 13-Feb-2012

reply by the author on 14-Feb-2012
    I have to admit, I so look forward to your wonderful reviews. Only a few chapters to go, and I'm almost sorry because it's been a great journey and I don't want it to end! My thanks again. Alexis x