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To a son of God

Viewing comments for Prologue "Blessed Blood"
Metre ... Freeverse & Quatrain

16 total reviews 
Comment from Jean Lutz
This work has reached the exceptional level

Only yesterday I was reading how many of the writings in the Bible are multi-dimentional. With God time is not the same as we see it -- many Biblical passages are past, present and future at the same time. You have a gift that could only come from the Spirit -- continue to use it.

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2012
    Many thanks Jean L. I do try...
Comment from Ekim777
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You may be inspired, you may do great things, but you are only dealing with symbols, open to interpretation. Even the God son is a symbol, a dead thing, like a memory until you breath life into it. So you are inspired. But is any of this reality? Is the image and story of Christ really relevant to life and the present reality. It depends what you invest into these symbols. With the cultural canon, anywhere is fragmented that puts traditional symbols in jeopardy. The cold truth is we turn to organized religion but it hardly functions. We desperately grasp for a belief in God. Basically in our broken down world, we attempt to believe in belief. And maybe it all doesn't matter. Life and the present reality matters most.What does awareness mean to us? -Ekim777

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2012
    Awareness to me my dear friend is knowing where I have come from and knowing where I am going. These two places are very real to me because I have experienced them...perhaps you would to tell me that experience is just another alter reality of our delusion in which we grasp a the air to engage in self well being.

    The reality of Heaven and Hell surrounds us and more so it is in us, but hey just because it feels good doesnt make it right... what then how about a guide a helping sign post pointing the way, Christ Im afraid is a historical figure and his resurection has credible evidence to support, but then perhaps you would prefer for us all to believe that there is no God that way life would be easy, just think, no guilt, no accountability, no fear...the list goes on.

    Me I'll take forgiveness any day and take my place with those that love my God because surely one day death will have the final say and what then, do you go to your grave with these thoughts and false hopes, not me I would like to put my trust in something sure and something stedfast like the rock of ages the anchor of my soul,

    Gods peace on you or would you prefer his curse,
    either way,
    much obliged,
reply by Ekim777 on 03-Aug-2012
    I don't want to impose on your beliefs. I was saying that awareness can only occur in the immediate reality, the present, not by firing your past (dead) memories or your unknown future which is your past projected forward.Secondly, to deny God is not to absolve your self of guilt or responsibility. To deny God is to take on your own shoulders, your responsibility or salvation.
reply by the author on 04-Aug-2012
    The way I see it...past, present and future are intertwined on the same thread. You cannot change the past, perhaps that is why you consider it dead, but you can change the present for a better future.

    The past is a reflection of the present whereby you can change and the future is the element of a realisation or awareness of what you have or are from past and present experience.

    Man can in no way save himself as he is essentialy flawed in his faculties of being and this relates to his past, which he cannot change.
reply by Ekim777 on 04-Aug-2012
    With supreme awareness, man need not be flawed. The mind is made up of the past. But the past is dead. THerefor the mind is dead. And that is the tragedy of our lives. -Ekim
reply by the author on 04-Aug-2012
    No awareness whatsoever can change the past, as the past is made up of a reality, which, at that point of time is in the present.

    It is only because of continuation that the past becomes the past and a new present is evolved, which, with awareness can change the future, but not the past...your begining to sound like your brain is dead.
reply by Ekim777 on 04-Aug-2012
    It seems like this conversation has reached a dead end. I don't deny that you and I are born into the same mind set. I am talking about a state that may indeed by unattainable. It could be called the truth that passeth understanding.
reply by the author on 04-Aug-2012
    My dear fellow,

    I will continue to talk about this if you like, however, please understand that I come from a view that life is comparitive with past present and future.

    Each has their own significance and effect that determines certain outcomes whether as actions in history or within the goverment of the soul.

    If what you have discovered is the truth that passes all understanding it would have some relevence and some force of conviction behind it, but, however, it is, I am afraid to say no more than a vivid imagination as far as I am concerned.

    Just one point of obseervation, if the past is dead why does history always repeat itself, and as the good book says,"...there is nothing new under the sun."
reply by Ekim777 on 05-Aug-2012
    It is you who give significance to the mind set of past and future. I quote Alan Watts when he says; "There is no other reality than the present (even though religion is preoccupied with the future, including after life) But it is just this reality of the present, this moving vital now. Living always for the future, we are out of touch with this source and center of life.
    Second point.It was Solomon who said that all is vanity and there is nothing new unders thes sun. Generations come and go but the earth abideth forever." I would like to make one more point. To quote the eastern philosoper Gurdjief who was not a Christian;
    as much as we are unconcious,we live under the laws of accident (Things happen to us. We are not in control of our circumstances.) As we gain greater awareness, we move from the laws of accident to the laws of fate and gain control of our circumstances and salvation. God did ordain that we find our own salvation. That I may be a prey to a vivic imagination, I'll not deny. -Ekim777
reply by the author on 05-Aug-2012
    Your words not mine...
reply by the author on 05-Aug-2012
    On second thoughts just so there is no missunderstanding:

    First point:

    Quote is from a man...not God, who's revelation I happen to believe.

    What I mean by this is man is flawed in my eyes like all men born under the curse. I do not deny that the present for us is a source or center but it is not the end all and be all of life, as both past and future have significance within this present reality.

    The good book states and I quote, " In God we move and have our being." Now God is infinite and eternal he is always aware of man's past present and future all at the same time. "A thousand years is like one day and one day is like a thousand years," to quote the good book again on this matter.

    You might say that God is this great awareness that lives for the present but he is significant to the past and future of men and it is men we are discussing not the awareness of God.

    Man cannot attain this infinite and eternal awareness because he is a finite creature, he has a begining and an end in this world.

    Second point:

    Solomon was a christian and I agree it was him that said that quote, which proves my point, yet again God's authority speaks.

    Third point:

    Your philosopher states a movement from one reality into another, which is in my mind is telling me that both these realities exist, but, however, moving from accident to fate does not determine our own salvation.

    It would only determine a change of authority one of uncontrolled dilema to one of certainty.

    If we are in uncontrolled dilema or accident we cannot be governed by a rule that abides to a law. How can chaos and disorder be governed by order, the mere name accident denies this privilage.

    If we change to a law of fate or control how are we to correct the chaos of the past in our lives which makes us what we are in the present.

    If we change to fate and control how can we govern its law and order to satisfy the future outcome, whereby we must attain perfection, because the fate or control governs us now and leads in an order that is superficial because of the chaos of the past.

    If you have a man who is half devil and half beast where is his order, that is a reference to the condition that I believe the soul is in without a perfect cleansing.

    Does perfection mean nothing in this debate, because to me the fundemental law of order is perfection. The change from accident to control is flawed in its reality because chaos changed to order does not allow for perfection as in continuation of the span or thread that they spin on which is a constant equation, whereby, past meets present and leads to the future.

    Your philosopher is only relating to a state of some hypothetical awareness but the problem lies beneath that awareness, it lies in the very being or soul which needs to be cleansed.

    The soul is more than just awarenes it is a substance and it has faculties that govern and control this very awareness you speak of.

    If we attain control of our circumstances how then does salvation operate. Is it just for the present, without reference to the past, with no future involvement because we are always supposed to be in the reality of the here and now.

    This would not be salvation but perfection of awareness, salvation is the deliverance from something, which must relate to a past and denotes a future deliverance also.

    Here, I think the point is made of the significance of both past and future to the present, do you agree.

    But again he is only a man, flawed as all men are since the curse of Adam.
Comment from ernesto escarro
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Blessed Blood

Any one born of the Spirit of God is renewed.
He is blessed blood cleansed with water. Jesus
died for all of us. Anyone to acknowledge Jesus as his Lord
God and Savior will be saved and have the Spirit of God.
And have eternal life.

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2012
    ernesto: I put it down to translation, God loves his own, not all.
reply by ernesto escarro on 03-Aug-2012
    That 's right my friend. God bless.
Comment from Dawn Munro
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Joy! That is what the last line of your poem evokes for me -throughout, is sadness at the suffering of our Lord and Savior, and humble gratitude, that with God's Grace, will last forever.
This poem is a thing of beauty, from start to finish. It flows from stanza to stanza with such powerful, compelling words, it is a prayer to Him who created us. Wonderful.

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2012
    Many thanks ID...much appreciated.
Comment from sweetwoodjax
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

thi is very well written, bicpen, you did an excellent job writing this poem about the blood that covers a multitude of sins and makes us a new person in Christ, great imagery, i loved reading it.

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 Comment Written 03-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2012
    Excellent SWJ. I think the slant rhyme is more the key to holding this one together.

    I also enjoyed writing it, although, it did not seem like much at the time it meant a lot with deep conviction and love associated to it, that persuaded me more than anything to keep it and produce it.
reply by sweetwoodjax on 03-Aug-2012
    i just released one called Grounded.
Comment from Glasstruth
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is very musical. Love the rapid flow with short lines that all interconnect with blessed blood. I think this would make for an awesome read aloud at a recital. Great! Les

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 Comment Written 03-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2012
    Much appreciated Les, much obliged.