Reviews from


A Little Octogrammic Mould Breaker...

33 total reviews 
Comment from Righteous Riter
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like the structure of this piece. The writer does a good job of getting the point across and tapping into the mind of the reader. This piece is truly an attention getter.

 Comment Written 26-Mar-2013

reply by the author on 28-Mar-2013
    Thanks very much RR. Oh yeah...the piece is! LMAO
    Cheers P
Comment from strandregs
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

definitley unique- have ever noticed the word unique is made up of - you in que.
so get in the que!
Joking of course , I wish there were more noonoos like you
or in worse case scenario like me. eh eh. eh.
keep it baby , lets shoot'em down, and mud dle their hair.
:) Z.xx

 Comment Written 26-Mar-2013

reply by the author on 28-Mar-2013
    Thanks Z
    cute wordplay, clever boy X
    Cheers P
Comment from Spitfire
This work has reached the exceptional level

You definitely have a different style which is why I passed over one of your posts. Definitely not my funny Phillippa.
How long does it take you to write something so brilliant as this? Love the last two lines. That's what poetry is all about.

 Comment Written 25-Mar-2013

reply by the author on 28-Mar-2013
    Thanks muchly Shari...always good to get a sixer from you...I understand the passover, I do it to. I read what I want and review what I like. It's that simple. I have to break out of the box sometimes, however always hopefully remain true to my unique spin on things, no matter WHAT genre. Many thanks.
    Indeed, THIS poem is what having a unique voice is about. More peole here need one. To be honest, I'm sick of reading SHIT these days. I can't be inspired by Drivel...or can I? LOL There's a poem in that! Haha WATCH THIS SPACE.
    Cheers P
Comment from GWinterwin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good words and thoughts about voice unique. Sounds like voice unique has been good to you most of the time but sometimes as you said, you were up shit Creek. Your good flow of words and rhyming make this a very good poem to read and easy to understand.

 Comment Written 25-Mar-2013

reply by the author on 29-Mar-2013
    Thanks SO much. Yes the unique IS good to me most times but you CAN'T please everyone. I usually go up shit creek if I'm too serious! Haha
    Have a lovely Easter.
    Cheers P
Comment from oNray
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have no desire to tap dance on quick sand with flip flops as shoes. This group will eat your lunch then have you come in and tell you what a bad cook you are. Don't let yourself join up with the boo- birds. you do need to be you, cose that gives you at least one good friend.

 Comment Written 25-Mar-2013

reply by the author on 29-Mar-2013
    LOL Thanks oNray. Loved your review.
    Cheers P
Comment from Black_Oxygen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well Done ~ Phillippa

I, personally, look forward to being soaked by your
uniqueness. This piece held my interest from the
start (once it captured my attention) until the end
(after is was done having it's way with me). The
rhymes are placed perfectly and it flows without a
hiccup. Please, remain just as you are ~ don't change
a thing. Thank You for your creation.

 Comment Written 25-Mar-2013

reply by the author on 25-Mar-2013
reply by the author on 25-Mar-2013
    Whoops, laughed so hard I clicked Ok., Oxy, thankyou sweet thing for your delightful review...may I soak you in uniqueness as long as I'm here. No guarantees what your consequences will be other that "water(closet)logged" perhaps. Like the poem said, I won't be changin' any time soon...thanks for your support...Cheers P xx
Comment from l.raven
This work has reached the exceptional level

HI Phillippa, Unique!!! Well that be me. LOL One of a kind. The only one too!!!! Never was a follower. Maybe a bit strange, LOL but always myself. My words were my own. And you didn't have to say a word. Face it baby your all class. Totally Unique!!! Your writes show you are true to yourself. Really a great write. Can't find a favorite line. Love them all. Your picture looks like what I felt like last week. LOL Ya know I luff ya. Linda xxoo huggers

 Comment Written 25-Mar-2013

reply by the author on 29-Mar-2013
    Hey Linda, thanks for the sixer and yes nothing wrong with being a little strange.
    Unfortunately I can't be anything BUT myself which sometimes bites me on the arse with a few.
    Can't please everyone so I just go for SELF pleasure (haha - dildo joke) and of course making at least two of my audience laugh...any more and its a f**king bonus.
    Love ya baby...huggers and kissers...haha
    Lub Pee
reply by l.raven on 29-Mar-2013
    Love ya back!!!xxoo
Comment from Connie C
This work has reached the exceptional level

In your adorable Closet-style, you give some very good advice here, Sweetie. Be true to oneself by using the voice that just naturally comes out. YOU do that, and it has worked so well for you, at least on FanStory. You hold nothing back, and it all pays off with refreshing, original poetry.

Of course, I'm a little biased. You know you are one of my favorites, but this poem speaks the truth! When using your unique voice, you are able to say it like it is and get others to notice and appreciate it. Simple as that, huh? Seems like it.

This poem does have an Octogram feel to it. I like how you ended all the verses with the somewhat repetitive line. And I like those last two lines in your author's notes. Be careful what you dare or ask for. I'm just speaking from experience.

I'm giving this a sixer because it deserves it, not because I like you, which I do. So there!!
Connie xoxoxo

 Comment Written 25-Mar-2013

reply by the author on 25-Mar-2013
    Hahahaha...are we on the same wave today...I just clicked you a sixer for your latest brilliance, hit send and a review appeared from YOU with a sixer for moi.
    Thanks buddy, I LOVE you and YES you are biased.
    I'll take a one or two rating on this if anyone has the gonads...anyone with eyes can see it would be spite and jealousy at my unbelieveable rhyming capacity...or of course my complete MODESTY! hahahahaha
    Loved your review thanks so much...gotta dash, little man has the dentist in half hour.
    Love Phillippa xoxoxo
Comment from seewhatimwritingnow
This work has reached the exceptional level

LOL- Yes, you are truly unique, and that can't be all bad. We will never please everyone, so not much use in trying- Just throw it out there, in your own unique way- and we shall read and review in our own unique way. :) Thanks so much, dear, for sharing. I loved this! Betty

 Comment Written 25-Mar-2013

reply by the author on 29-Mar-2013
    Wow Betty, thanks so much for such an endearing review and yep, gotta be myself...and whatever I get back good or bad is all a learning experience.
    If people ARE genuine with reviews its a good way to test your audience to see what works and what doesn't.
    Humour works for me...serious doesn't...haha
    Thanks again
    Cheers P
Comment from despiser
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Unique - I'll vouch for that. one word comes to mind:
Bunny Wabbity Smirkity Wabbs.
Ok, that's 4.
So you're a loony tune huh? why am i not surprised? btw, never dare DEE (sounds like a cookie don't it?)
Very cute and entertaining BWSW, aka modest Bunns haha

-DEE xx

 Comment Written 25-Mar-2013

reply by the author on 29-Mar-2013
    LOL Can't you count?
    Obviously not roite?
    Yep a loony tune hippety hop pippety pop skippety skip trippety trip smikity smirk Bippety Bunns Wibbety Wabbs...
    You don't SAY?!!!

    Thanks honey, vewwy cutesy weeeeeeview DEEEEEEzer
    Lub cpjfBww
reply by despiser on 29-Mar-2013
    Now you behave widdo Bunny Wabby and don't put woids in my mouf
reply by the author on 29-Mar-2013
    Yeah Roite Moite.
    Bunny Wabbs NEVVA do dat.