Reviews from

I Am a Writer

a little understanding

33 total reviews 
Comment from livelylinda
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Spiritual Echo: I chuckled through this write. It hit home as I'm certain it will for other writers, too. I don't write every day, but, when the urge hits me between the eyes, there is no prying me away from pen and paper and the computer. And, you are again correct when you say that no one cares that we write. . .it is only important to us. My adult daughters and grandchildren know that I write but never ask to see any of it. My partner thinks it is just a little hobby that doesn't deserve much time. Again, I chuckle. Those people just don't understand the depth of our souls and the physical and mental need to put those words in print. Nice write. And, when you lost me for a minute, I went back to reread and clarify. livelylinda

 Comment Written 02-May-2014

reply by the author on 02-May-2014
    Next time point out where I lost you and I'll rewrite the paragraph...or were you being funny?

    Most people who are in relationships get flack about their writing at some point. Some get treated badly and their passion is scorned as being unproductive. It is those people that I hope to comfort and let them realize there are others on this site with the same issues.
Comment from DALLAS01
This work has reached the exceptional level

Congratulations on the novel. How did you ever find time to compose a novel and continue to produce here? I live alone also, and when I weigh the amount of time I spend writing, the scale is tipped in my favor. My first husband was even jealous of his own children. Was never involved with anyone healthy enough to understand that kind of passion. So glad to see the following line in your remarks:

The roses? They are compliments to myself, for myself, acknowledging my efforts.

 Comment Written 02-May-2014

reply by the author on 02-May-2014
    I wrote the book 18 months ago and Nancy invited me to post it on P&S. Now, I wrote the whole thing in a demented fever, knocking it off in six weeks, BUT, I didn't edit it and now that it's being posted... Editing is a lot harder than writing.

    Thanks for the many stars, they match my roses perfectly.
Comment from closetpoetjester
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

God I wish I had a six Ingrid. I could have just about written this. Nowhere as well of course...but the concept is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo relevant. You've permeated my every thought about being a struggles, my frustrations, my inspirations and my non-appreciators and I do SO relate to this on a ground level.
I've come to realise (he has too...and the kids) that the writing just WON'T fucking go away. Not now, not ever. We can't expect the non writers to understand...but you HAVE gone a way to explaining their pov. They simply DON'T give a toss about the writing...or in fact any other profession we might take on. Just show up as mother, lover and friend and it will keep the peace. Well, barely. And yet, we press on, don't we.
I've had every ultimatum in the book over the past 4 years and yet...I'm still showing up here. I agree, you KNOW when you're a writer.
I feel an uneasiness sometimes with the weight of the writers flood devouring me, then I realise I've been given a gift to share and I'm hell bent on removing the stigma from poetry and giving some old forms a new twist. So, I won't rest until that day comes.
Then of course I will have discovered some other way to re-invent poetry and I'll be off again. LOVED this, especially the "dog" comments...funny how the dog morphs into every conceivable object etc. I very much enjoyed your observations...good luck with the P&S...I'll be sure to check it out. I feel like I'm a small part of a big writing family and YOU are a relation so you have my support mate. Excellent write, sorry not a damn sixer left.
This is a sevener anyways. LOL
Cheers P
PS Nice flowers...anyone I know? LMAO hahaha Loved your notes...Qudos to you. I'm a horn tooter too, have no fear. Nothin' wrong with a bit of confidence in your ability. It's what led us to a writing formum like FS in the first place.

 Comment Written 02-May-2014

reply by the author on 02-May-2014
    Bought my own roses. I always sense you are in a tug-of-war, but it really is true that if you've got the writing disease, it's chronic, stays with you forever.

    Your poetry is so unique I have no idea why you're not FAMOUS.
reply by closetpoetjester on 02-May-2014
    Thats a HOOGE compliment coming from a writer of YOUR calibre, my friend.
    Thank you.
Comment from forestport12
This work has reached the exceptional level

Okay you got my attention. You know exactly what Ive been going through. The least responsive ones to my writing have been my children. My adopted daughter who loves to read and has read numerous books spread all over house has refused to read the first sentence of my book. My wife only read it because she got jealous of the attention I got from others and then genuinely loved it. That I can live with. They care about me, but as you so nicely put it in your writing, me the person, the father etc... Before my mother passed away a few months ago, she became my biggest fan and told everyone she ran into in Phoenix AZ that they needed read my novel. I do have precious memories of those who I felt made me feel I achieved something special. Honestly the most reward you will feel is when a rank stranger stops you at a check out stand or someone you just met in passing and forgot about who will look at you as a writer and tell you how much the story moved them. Then you will walk away and cry in the parking lot where no one sees you, but its okay because those tears of joy were meant to be...

 Comment Written 02-May-2014

reply by the author on 02-May-2014

    I was specifically thinking about you when I wrote this, but there are a few others on this site that suffer the tug-of-war.

    Being able to cry is a gift in itself--crying in a parking lo is magical.

    I'm sorry about your mother's passing and yet I'm very happy that you have that memory.

    My 39 year old son can't handle it if I make a joke about sex--knowing full well that I'm a born again virgin. Maybe they just want us to stay in the assigned role, but I'd prefer to be thought of as a whole person.

    Thanks for the stars. They match the roses perfectly.
Comment from Dawn Munro
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh yeah, you NAIL this topic! I am completely accustomed to wonderful writing from you, and usually captivated by the subject, if for no other reason than your approach to it, but this - this is simply brilliant! A huge, heartfelt thank you, from one who has heard, "Get off the damn computer!" one too many times...I confess, I have a hard time keeping my cool anymore...LOL.

MARVELOUS!!! I should have a damn SIX for this!

 Comment Written 01-May-2014

reply by the author on 01-May-2014
    Before you call it quits, see a counsellor. We all need help!
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"Sometimes the 'dog' is a computer. Writers often experience the same negative backlash."---->Boy, can I relate to that statement, Spiritual Echo!

I read the novel (if you want to call it that), 'Fifty Shades of Grey', and found it to be almost juvenile in nature and content. I was extremely disappointed. Stephen King never fails to deliver, however. His latest novels, Dr. Sleep, which picks up with Danny Torrence where 'The Shining' left off, and his noir-style crime novel, 'Joyland', are both superb.

I agree with everything you said here in your excellent narrative. My family operates in much the same way. They care about "Daddy", or "Dean", but don't care much for reading--anything, by me, or anyone else...

 Comment Written 01-May-2014

reply by the author on 01-May-2014
    What about Harry? Are they the least bit interested in that alter personality?

    We're just ordinary folks, but you scare the living (ha-ha)shit out of me. Move over King, the prince has arrived...and he's hungry.
reply by Dean Kuch on 02-May-2014
    Hah, nope, they could care less about 'Harry'. He's not even allowed to rear his bulbous, disfigured head in this household, lol.

    Great work, SE.
Comment from Narvik
This work has reached the exceptional level

Good, well-thought-out essay well-deserving of a six, Ingrid. I can almost see you pounding away at your keyboard as you get into the nitty gritty of this subject.

I can relate to a lot of this, particularly the part of a lack of admiration for our writing outside of Fanstory. My wife reads all of my stuff, but only one of my three kids has bothered to read anything.

One thing I experience differently is that I never write at home. I stay two or three hours after work and write in my office, so writing doesn't interfere with my home life (other than being occasionally late for dinner).

I think it can be hard on people when someone they love gets preoccupied with something like writing. But just like everything in life, people have to adjust.

As for the writing itself, I only tripped up at: "...a writer must shed layers and layer upon layer..." I would have either written "layers" or "layer upon layer"

Anyway, keep up the good work, Ingrid. Your writing is bare-knuckled and vigorous which is refreshing in a world where so many writers pull their punches for fear of offending someone.

~ Erik

 Comment Written 01-May-2014

reply by the author on 01-May-2014
    I have no idea why I need you, but I do. The breath I take between commas is deeper when I feel you standing nearby.

    I could care less whether you agree with me or not, and I'll never waver from my convictions, but Id rather debate with you than suffer a fool.

    Thank you.
Comment from Sasha
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is absolutely brilliant! You hit the proverbial nail on the head with this one. And you did it so eloquently too. Good heavens, do you know how good you are? Yes, my dear, you ARE a writer, and a damn good one too. I won't bore you with my lack of 6's already know it by heart.

 Comment Written 01-May-2014

Comment from GWHARGIS
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am always being ousted from the chair in front of the computer. Once a week I have a temper tantrum and take command for about an hour. Then it is on o the next adventure of cleaning, laundry or driving one of my children to where ever it is they need t be. Love it that I don't feel quite so alone.

 Comment Written 01-May-2014

reply by the author on 01-May-2014
    You are a great writer. You wall always be alone. Sigh pause and continue.
Comment from bob cullen
This work has reached the exceptional level

You have summed it up superbly. I once heard a successfuk writer, I think it was Colleen McCullough suggest a writer needed to be part schizophrenic. This enabled the writer to become each one of her characters. I think the schizophrenia is also advantageous when it comes to dealing with our own families. Sometimes it's difficult to switch from flowing writer to husband, I know.
Fortunately, my wife now accepts her 'schizo' husband.

I enjoyed reading this as it is a problem I so well relate to.

 Comment Written 01-May-2014

reply by the author on 01-May-2014
    When sparring with my editor--joking--really--about POV, she encouraged me to be a great actress if I chose to tell my story from first person, she asked me to ne a great actress if I chose to continue. It's easier to blame the dog.