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Viewing comments for Chapter 16 "haiku (empty canvas)"
a published book of haiku

31 total reviews 
Comment from Brett Matthew West
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Creation of the Earth is still the most amazing masterpiece ever made.

No man could hope to match what God did.

Well written poem should be a good contest entry.

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2016
    Thank you very much for the excellent review and kind words. I appreciate your feedback.
Comment from rjuselius
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a fine piece of poetry dear anonymous! You have filled all the requirements and the poem is lovely.
Thank you for sharing!
Good luck!
Rebekka x

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2016
    Thank you very much for the excellent review and kind words. I appreciate your feedback.
Comment from dragonpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes at one time the universe was a blank canvas on which the masterpiece of the world was created just as the piece of paper is a blank canvas for a written masterpiece.

Good luck and keep writing


 Comment Written 04-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2016
    Thank you very much for the excellent review and kind words. I appreciate your feedback.
reply by dragonpoet on 04-Jul-2016
    Any time.

Comment from Zue65
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh yes, the beauty and majesty of the earth is a manifestation of God's glory, His magical hands and the wonders of His creations. Your haiku excellently explored that theme.

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2016
    Thank you very much for the excellent review and kind words. I appreciate your feedback.
Comment from Pam (respa)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

-Very nice image.
-Good format.
-Connection is good between lines one and two.
-I like the image of "empty canvas."
-The second line follows nicely from that.
-Good satori.
-Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2016
    Thank you very much for the excellent review and kind words. I appreciate your feedback.
reply by Pam (respa) on 04-Jul-2016
    You are very welcome.
Comment from rspoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent entry for the contest
Very good imagery in the empty canvas
with solid grammatical connection
in present tense
Very good reflective satori line
One of my favorite paintings
I've written several poems with the image in mind
Well done
Good luck in the contest

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2016
    Thank you very much for the excellent review and kind words. I appreciate your feedback.
Comment from Irish Rain
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is just wonderful. What a beautiful tribute to the ultimate Creator!!! Lovely artwork to go with it! Best of luck in this contest, blessings.....

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2016
    Thank you very much for the excellent review and kind words. I appreciate your feedback.
Comment from Caressa_08
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, I depict crickets too in this haiku, singing up a storm. And, yes some of the best places to see God's masterpiece is a place where nature is at its best where there are no buildings around.

Best wishes for your entry...Caressa_08

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 03-Jul-2016
    Thank you very much for the excellent review and kind words. I appreciate your feedback.
Comment from GWHARGIS
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Lovely poem. I liked the way you gave God credit for the creation of this beautiful world we live in. Good syllable count and structure. Good luck in the contest. Gretchen

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 03-Jul-2016
    Thank you very much for the excellent review and kind words. I appreciate your feedback.
Comment from Eternal Muse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very ambitious haiku. Loved your satori in line 3. What a fantastic image you chose to with the poem! Loved the message and the glamour of this work..

Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 03-Jul-2016
    Thank you very much. I am very appreciative of your lovely review and kind words.