Reviews from


Viewing comments for Chapter 29 "3/7/3 haiku ( spirit soars )"
a published book of haiku

33 total reviews 
Comment from BeasPeas
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your art and writing go together so well. I'm happy that both have worked as therapy for self expression and therapy. I guess our work is therapy for all of us. Nicely worded haiku. Marilyn

 Comment Written 07-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 07-Sep-2016
    Thank you, Marilyn, you are very kind.
Comment from Joan E.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for sharing your personal story and the backstory for this quite artful haiku. Your artwork selection is mesmerizing, and I enjoyed your description of the scene and focus on the cremation. Your alliteration of "s's" added to the intensity of the message. Here's to the continued use of art as the language of your soul! Big hugs- Joan

 Comment Written 07-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 07-Sep-2016
    Thank you, Joan, you are very kind.
Comment from l.raven
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

HI Gypsy, I was raised around mother...we had her artwork in every was beautiful...I can just picture myself sitting by that fire...and I can see why you feel the way you do about the picture...I love your poem sweet girl...and love the ya you...Linda xxoo

 Comment Written 06-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 07-Sep-2016
    Thank you, Linda, you are very kind. I love you.
reply by l.raven on 07-Sep-2016
    your do welcome are a to ya you...Linda xxoo
Comment from Spitfire
This work has reached the exceptional level

I almost got the interpretation. I thought the wolf had killed an Indian. Brave is a clue that it's a soldier however. The repetition of the s sound gives a haunting feel. Even if I did misinterpret a little, blame fairy tales that give wolves a bad rap. :-)

 Comment Written 06-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 06-Sep-2016
    Hahaha, thank you sweetie pie.
Comment from Sis Cat
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A fine haiku accompanied by Native American flute, rushing waters, and the sound of distant thunder. You paint a mood and a picture. Your haiku causes ones spirit to soar. Thank you for sharing. I wish you success in the contest.

 Comment Written 06-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 06-Sep-2016
    Thank you very much for the review and kind words, My friend.
Comment from Alex Rosel
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A lovely Haiku. The one thing that detracted from it was the accompanying acoustics - personally, I prefer not to be distracted by tunes, songs and sound effects, but that's just a personal pet peeve of mine that I realise many disagree with. I particularly like the brave ashes line. Good luck with the competition.

 Comment Written 05-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 05-Sep-2016
    thank you, Alex, you are very kind.
Comment from Dean Kuch
This work has reached the exceptional level

Of course I agree with everything you've stated here from the personal viewpoint of using art and haiku.
There is a National haiku competition going on in Japan, the very place where haiku poetry got its origins, as you well know, and artwork is being used in that competition.
Only those who are ignorant of the complete history behind haiku would dare make such a claim.

Now, as for your haiku, it is perfect, and it has a definite American Indian allure about it which I found extremely unique.

Best wishes to you in the contest, Gypsy.

 Comment Written 05-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 05-Sep-2016
    Thanks Dean

    I know you understand this better than anyone else and your review means a lot to me.

    I love you, my friend. Have a good day, sweetie pie.

    Thank you for the six 😁st🔛🔙🔙stars

reply by Dean Kuch on 05-Sep-2016
    You know you're always welcome, dear Gypsy.
    Hope you had a wonderful birthday yesterday.
    Good luck in the contest...
    ~Dean ;)
reply by the author on 05-Sep-2016
    Thank you, Darlin', yes, my children made my birthday very especial. Thank you, Dean :)

    I just read your haiku. I doubt I will win first place but I would be happy if I won second to yours.
reply by Dean Kuch on 05-Sep-2016
    I'm really happy to hear that you had an awesome day, Gypsy.
    As for our respective haiku go, not to mention all of the other fine entries, we'll just have to wait and see.😊
Comment from TAB_that's me
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good alliteration in spirit soars and cypress/cry. The music was great with this. Nice satori. Overall great presentation.


 Comment Written 05-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 05-Sep-2016
    Thanks teresa😂
Comment from robyn corum
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That's funny. When I read this poem, that was the exact scene I pictured! YAY, me! *smile*

I have no idea why you are saying the things you are, but obviously something or someone prompted it. Don't let strangers steal your joy. Build a bridge -- and kick them off -- and then get over it. *smile*

I enjoyed!

 Comment Written 05-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 05-Sep-2016
    😃You know me well. You are right sweetie pie. I love you. I hope you are having an awesome day. Thank you for the awesome review
reply by robyn corum on 05-Sep-2016
    Thanks, Gypsy! You, too!
Comment from Pam (respa)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

-I like the image.
-I appreciate your author notes,
and your dedication to art.
-I like the subject and theme of your haiku,
as well as the imagery.
-It reminds me of our Native Americans,
and their belief in the spirit as it 'soars' beyond.
-You have met all the requirements of a haiku.
-Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 05-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 05-Sep-2016
    Thank you for the review and kind words.
reply by Pam (respa) on 05-Sep-2016
    You are welcome.