Reviews from

Echoes of Artistry

Viewing comments for Prologue "Prologue: Echoes of Artistry"
NaPoWriMo 2017

25 total reviews 
Comment from Pearl Edwards
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A lovely prologue Kim to your month of April writes, and as I was reading I was thinking of all the different styles we poets will display, we all write quite differently and that is the enjoyment of the read and the challenge.

 Comment Written 31-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 01-Apr-2017
    Hi Valda,

    I totally agree with you. That's what keeps all of the reviewing we'll be doing to post our pieces interesting. Then again, I'm always amazed at how different our perspectives are on Potlatch pieces, even when we are all writing in the same style. Thanks for the fantastic review!

Comment from Irish Rain
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow Miss Kim, an acrostic no less. You all are so brave. I was SO tempted to join, but...I barely write one a week! Maybe next year!! Good luck to all of you! Blessings...

 Comment Written 31-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 01-Apr-2017
    Hi Irish,

    I hope you'll follow along with us this month and enjoy what I hope will be 30 more selections as worthy as this one to keep you entertained. I appreciate you taking the time to read and review. We'd love to have you join us. You know, many of us do Poetry Potlatch, too. You can check us out in the challenges section of the Forum. We explore a different style each week and have a new topic every Saturday. Thanks for the great comments.

reply by Irish Rain on 01-Apr-2017
    You're most welcome! I will certainly follow along!! Have a great weekend!!
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Acrostics are not easy to write and you managed to score with your poem which is well rhymed and interesting, a joy to read, best wishes Dolly x

 Comment Written 31-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 31-Mar-2017
    Hi Dolly,

    Thank you for taking the time to read and review. The goal for NaPoWriMo is to write 30 poems in the next 30 days. I hope you'll follow along and enjoy the selections. I appreciate your comments.

reply by Dolly'sPoems on 01-Apr-2017
    I will x
Comment from estory
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This really reminds me of Yeats, especially in his Last Poems, and most specifically, Under Ben Bulben, his epitaph. I loved that last stanza, your music really got going there, "As we aspire to learn this craft, Revise, rewrite, trade draft for draft, There in the thumb worn dusty tomes, inscribed in ink from dusty homes" that was my favorite part of this poem. estory

 Comment Written 31-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 31-Mar-2017
    Hi estory,

    Thank you for taking the time to read and review. I appreciate you citing your favorite part, that was my favorite part, too. I hope you'll follow along and enjoy the selections as I take this NaPoWriMo challenge and strive to write 30 poems in the 30 days of April. All the chapters will be listed in this book.



Comment from Kerry Foley Robinson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Kim that was a wonderful Acrostic poem. You picked an interesting subject for the April book. It was Fabulously written. I've yet to start mine. Good luck.

 Comment Written 31-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 31-Mar-2017
    Hi Kerry,

    Let me know if you need any help creating the book. I put instructions on the contest message board. If you need some inspiration check out They post a daily prompt to get the creative juices flowing in the month of April. Thanks for the lovely comments.

reply by Kerry Foley Robinson on 31-Mar-2017
    Thank you Kim, I appreciate it. My muse turned on lights today, it just came to me, whew, Thank goodness, I was getting worried, time was ticking. lol I did my Prologue, I can't post till tomorrow, So I'll post then and my 1st chapter, which I have not done yet.
Comment from damommy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A fantastic acrostic, and such a fitting beginning for your book.

I think participating in the 30 poems in 30 days is quite an undertaking.

Good luck with the rest. 8-)

 Comment Written 31-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 31-Mar-2017
    Hi Yvonne,

    We had so much fun last year, I'm looking forward to it again! Thanks for taking the time to read and review. I'm hoping to give you some special selections to read this month!

Comment from BeasPeas
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Kim. Your prologue acrostic is well illustrated and penned. Well thought out, rhymed, and with great word choices. I particularly enjoyed your last stanza as to what we aspire to. Your author's note is informative and I love the illustration of the 10 most influential poets in history. Sad that not one woman is on there. Perhaps in time that will change. Marilyn

 Comment Written 31-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 31-Mar-2017
    Hi Marilyn:

    There actually were just a couple women on there, let me see if I post it here, it might be a bit bigger, I'm not sure...

    The 10 most Influential Poets in History

    Here is the website:

    I realize that is just their list, but I liked the graphic, too. I'm hoping to give us all hope by the end of the month that our voices can and will be preserved and heard through our poetry by documenting the affect the Poets of old had on their societies. Thanks for the great review!

reply by BeasPeas on 31-Mar-2017
    Hi Kim. I do see some women. Yay! Great job enlarging the poster a bit.

    I have a question about posting subsequent poems for the 30 days. Do we always go in to post through the "my contest" tab? Thank you.
reply by the author on 31-Mar-2017
    Hi Marilyn,

    No, you just go to your book and choose Add a chapter. Or, you can post them as normal and then go to your portfolio and use the buttons on the bottom of your selection to "Add to Book." It will prompt you to choose the title of the book you want to add to. I did this a couple of times when I've participated before when I'd entered a blind contest with one of my entries and I didn't want to reveal that in my book. So I waited until the voting was done and then added the chapters to my book a week later.
reply by BeasPeas on 31-Mar-2017
    Hi Kim. I was just concerned about whether or not we had to somehow go through our "my contests" each time we posted a new poem for NaPoWriMo to have it count toward the contest.
    So, from what you said here, I conclude that once we have entered the contest with the prologue then we can add subsequent chapters without worrying whether they will be included in the contest because we can add them later.
reply by the author on 01-Apr-2017
    That's correct Marilyn:

    As long as your book has the 30 poems at the end of April it meets the requirement for the contest. The prologue was optional, which is why I stated either the prologue or chapter 1 could be the contest piece. In the voter instructions I asked that they consider the books as a whole, but the site will only let us have one entry.

    The good thing about that is that if you want to enter another contest along the way, just enter that contest as you normally would, and then you can go through your portfolio to move that piece to your book, if you'd like, to count it toward the 30 for the month.

reply by BeasPeas on 01-Apr-2017
    Thank you, Kim. That's a good idea.
Comment from bichonfrisegirl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love your prologue poem for NaPoWriMo, Kim! I wish I had a sixth star left to give you for this awesome poem. I especially love your second stanza ... all of it. Sounds like we're in for such a treat! I like how your closing line "you'll be immersed in artistry" jives so well with your book's title "Echoes of Artistry". Great choice of picture too!


 Comment Written 31-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 31-Mar-2017
    Hi Connie,

    I hope to be pairing more art with the poetry as I explore the different poets who have influenced our craft and our societies. I haven't any set poets yet, so I'll have to see what is available when I post lol It will just be the whim of the day :) Thank you for a wonderful review. A virtual six is appreciated any day of the week! I'm happy that your book situation worked out!

reply by bichonfrisegirl on 31-Mar-2017
    Just finding complementary artwork can be a challenge in itself. Sometimes that takes longer than the actual write. lol

    Yes, I too am happy that my book situation worked out ... thanks to you. I was beginning to fret.
reply by the author on 31-Mar-2017
    I totally hooked myself on the artwork pairings doing the Pleiades project lol and yes, I agree, there are many times I've spent more time, especially in Potlatch, searching for the artwork than I did writing the poem lol

    This is going to be fun!

Comment from Apostle Janos
This work has reached the exceptional level

Thoroughly enjoyed your verses. Great idea displayed in the wording of the poem and the acrostic arrangement is a nice touch, showing the title! I hope I get to learn things about writers and writing from your poems. I'm a fan already!

 Comment Written 31-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 31-Mar-2017
    Hi Apostle Yannaras,

    It is my pleasure to meet you. Thanks for adding me to your fan list. I live to give history or background information on style when I post. Feel free to check out last year's selections in my portfolio, the book is titled, "Of Poets and Poetry." I went with a different style of poem each day of the month, as well as highlighting many poets. I'm happy that you'll be joining us on this journey in April. I look forward to reading your selections, too. I appreciate the wonderful review and especially the exceptional rating.

Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


You did a great job on your prologue for your April poetry book. Your acrostic reads smoothly with great rhyme. Your references to the many historical poets is awesome. I love history & this was a good way to remind all about the writers who have influenced all.

Good job & thanks for sharing. Jan

 Comment Written 31-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 31-Mar-2017
    Hi Jan,

    I hope you will enjoy the selections to come. I'm planning to explore different poets and their effects on society. I think we could all use the affirmation that our voices are important and our legacy will live on through our poetry. I appreciate your wonderful review and look forward to reading your selections, too.
