Geoff's Ramblings
Viewing comments for Chapter 6 "Coping With Change"A Cure For Writer's Block.
15 total reviews
Comment from aryr
This was very well done. It was a great story of what a large percentage of seniors have to face in their future. It is encouraging to learn of the many options and even capable friends. It provides a positive note in an otherwise gloomy situation. Very much enjoyed, thanks for sharing.
reply by the author on 15-Jul-2018
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This was very well done. It was a great story of what a large percentage of seniors have to face in their future. It is encouraging to learn of the many options and even capable friends. It provides a positive note in an otherwise gloomy situation. Very much enjoyed, thanks for sharing.
Comment Written 15-Jul-2018
reply by the author on 15-Jul-2018
Thanks, friend. Not sure we have met before I promise I will look for your stuff. I believe in reciprocating reviewing.
You are most welcome, It is not necessary for you to reciprocate, but I would be honored to be able to follow your work.
Thanks for that. I like reading and reviewing as much as being reviewed and writing as the Muse raises it's head hehe. As time allows.
It is interesting how we, meaning all of us, tend to do things as time allows, makes one wonder if time has not always managed our lives. Good grief I am thinking way to early lol.
Hi we are ruled by the clock. Especially me with my Type 2 Diabetes and now of late Coeliac or in America they spell it Celiac I think. Will check your stuff out more as I time allows.
Ahaaa, I know a fair bit about both conditions, I have type 2 as you do and my husband and stepdaughter are celiac, a small world.
Comment from Lady Jane
A minor edit in this paragraph just so the sentences don't run on...
I have posted about the sale of our car and the loss of my license on medical grounds. I have decided not to attempt getting my driver's license again. Due to my age and medical problems, I know I'd have to take driving test after driving test. Even if I passed the next one, there'd be another. Fact is, I just can't be bothered.
I have (grown accustom) to getting around ...
You are surviving and doing it with grace. Just that a few minor edits that I could see. Thanks for sharing a bit of life with us in the form of prose.
reply by the author on 15-Jul-2018
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A minor edit in this paragraph just so the sentences don't run on...
I have posted about the sale of our car and the loss of my license on medical grounds. I have decided not to attempt getting my driver's license again. Due to my age and medical problems, I know I'd have to take driving test after driving test. Even if I passed the next one, there'd be another. Fact is, I just can't be bothered.
I have (grown accustom) to getting around ...
You are surviving and doing it with grace. Just that a few minor edits that I could see. Thanks for sharing a bit of life with us in the form of prose.
Comment Written 15-Jul-2018
reply by the author on 15-Jul-2018
Thanks, Janelle not sure we have met before. Appreciate the suggestions, will look into them. I am in Australia so depending on where you are it may be a bit different in expression here. Will also look for your stuff as I believe in reviewing reciprocation.
I am from the United States and am returning to FanStory after almost a decade long hiatus. Feel free to review, or not. I'm here to help others and enjoyed your write. Good luck with all your writing endeavors. I will watch out for yours as well.
I am from the United States and am returning to FanStory after almost a decade long hiatus. Feel free to review, or not. I'm here to help others and enjoyed your write. Good luck with all your writing endeavors. I will watch out for yours as well.
Wow! A decade away!I been here for over four yrs now. Getting ready to pull the plug myself, but maybe meeting new folks will keep me around longer hehe. Check my Portfolio sorry not much reward around these days. Close to getting my biography published. By way, in the good old Oxford Pocket dictionary I got from Middle School Graduation in 1963 accustom is the verb and accustomed is past tense. I avoided that awful Americanism of "gotten" by replacing it with "grown" hehe. Good chatting Cheers and thanks again.
Well, maybe you'll stick around for awhile. Thanks :)
Comment from meeshu
Mal sounds like he could be a friend of mine. just remind him to put oil in it Every time it Runs out. keep me posted on this continuing saga, I love it, Sankey...........meeshu
reply by the author on 15-Jul-2018
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Mal sounds like he could be a friend of mine. just remind him to put oil in it Every time it Runs out. keep me posted on this continuing saga, I love it, Sankey...........meeshu
Comment Written 15-Jul-2018
reply by the author on 15-Jul-2018
Thanks Meeshu...the taxi driver had trouble with oil pressure in his bus the other day when we were waiting for him to pick us up. The owner of his taxi must have a slack maintenance service. In the old days I used to think you only checked the oil when the red light came on! Sigh! No wonder I had to get the motor repaired later. I never smoked Pot either hehe.
I used the "every time it runs out" oil joke with a guy I sold a Saturn to once. he didn't know it was a joke and burned it up in a month...
Comment from Alexander Vasa
Hello Sankey, I like the expression 'cabin fever' which I am assuming means going stir crazy from being indoors. I think you have done a great job of penning your thoughts and it couldn't be easy having any no transport. Once you've had a car it is hard to be without one. I didn't notice any errors as I read through, and nothing jarred. I wish you success with your writing and thanks for sharing it, cheers Ana.
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reply by the author on 15-Jul-2018
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Hello Sankey, I like the expression 'cabin fever' which I am assuming means going stir crazy from being indoors. I think you have done a great job of penning your thoughts and it couldn't be easy having any no transport. Once you've had a car it is hard to be without one. I didn't notice any errors as I read through, and nothing jarred. I wish you success with your writing and thanks for sharing it, cheers Ana.
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Comment Written 15-Jul-2018
reply by the author on 15-Jul-2018
Thanks Ana, your lovely review is much appreciated. I am not sure we have met before. I am from the old school of believing in reciprocating reviewing. Or "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. So don't be surprised if I come over and check your stuff out soon. KInd Regards.
You are very welcome and thank you.
Comment from Sasha
It is too bad that Louise had to give up bingo, something she obviously enjoyed. Change is difficult at our age and yet something we have no choice but to deal with. I don't drive anymore and find walking difficult. Hopefully, the medication will get rid of the swelling in my feet and I can get out and about more easily. I am so pleased you sold your car. I am sure, if you are like me, you could use the money.
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reply by the author on 15-Jul-2018
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It is too bad that Louise had to give up bingo, something she obviously enjoyed. Change is difficult at our age and yet something we have no choice but to deal with. I don't drive anymore and find walking difficult. Hopefully, the medication will get rid of the swelling in my feet and I can get out and about more easily. I am so pleased you sold your car. I am sure, if you are like me, you could use the money.
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Comment Written 15-Jul-2018
reply by the author on 15-Jul-2018
Bingo was a try out only, mate. She was not all that keen as it is not our style but she thought she would try it. She is not sorry it has not worked out. Seasoned players would always win anyway...a bit like Fanstory get my drift hehe. Hope the old Hippy comes back with the rest of the money. When he finishes paying it will go to half of the cost of my new computer.