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Viewing comments for Chapter 4 "Fixin', Favoritism and Fun!"
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24 total reviews 
Comment from judiverse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent thoughts in this. You cover a wide range of issues very well. You do have a distinctive style, so it is easy to spot your writing. Brooke was a great poet, and she is dearly missed. Yes, I'm glad the judges are anonymous. It would probably be a sad life for them if they weren't. The prompt contests are really subjective, I think. Voters go by their emotions when they make their choice. Sometimes it's the catchy picture that does it. I'm not adept at creating a mind-blowing illustration as some of the writers do, so if I win, I like to think it's on the words alone. My peeve about the contests now is that a writer is getting praised by reviewers for following the contest rules when he created the rules! Excellent, thoughtful presentation and so right about those contests! I can't resist joining too many of them. judi

 Comment Written 18-Aug-2018

Comment from country ranch writer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You out to run for office you make good sense in so many ways. you have the knowledge and know how to do it I can remember when you first came here a shy guy.

 Comment Written 17-Aug-2018

Comment from Gloria ....
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another fine essay from your quarter, Mav. I much enjoy your inviting conversational style, it connects with many people.

I think it would be a fascinating venture to do a genuinely "blind" contest and the results would be very surprising for probably everyone, but it does require a bit of process as the posts do have to go to two places.

The best of anything is really difficult to determine because so many factors go into that judgement and from so many angles. That said, I sure wouldn't want the contest committee job and I am very grateful for those who volunteer their time and effort. Even after reading 10 entries into a contest it's very difficult to remember which qualities stood out and to imagine doing that for hundreds of entries is mind boggling and I trust they are good people trying to make the best decisions always.

one typo:

When one wins a competition, it is customary to graciously congratulation (congratulate) those they bested for their great effort.

Excellent post with some important discussion points being raised. Best of luck to you in the contest and keep your pen on the page.


 Comment Written 17-Aug-2018

Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

In any case, site contests are subjective. There is some truth that the same names do pop up more frequently than others. However, in all truth, some writers are simply exceptional and difficult to best. I seldom can honestly say, "Mine was better" as more than wistful thinking or sour grapes. Here again, there is a tone and a conforming to traditional form and content one usually sees in site contest winners. So, keep that in mind when entering. I know damn well some of my off the wall incomprehensible nonsense doesn't stand a chance. So, no, I'm not going to cry about it. HA! ... FanStory's been around since what year, Michael--2000? Having said that, I feel there is a barometer we can use to tell how popular and well-written a contest post might be.
It's called the "All-Time Best" listing in each category:

All Time Best Categories

When you've written a poem for a site sponsored contest in, let's say the horror genre, for arguments sake, and that poem rises to the top of the All Time Best listing--meaning that is THE MOST popularly received poem in that genre since FanStory came into existence--and the poem is COMPLETELY overlooked in a contest, the system is biased and broken, in my humble opinion.
I have proposed changing out the anonymous members of each Committee and replacing them with new members. This could be done once every five to seven years or so. In this way any bias towards others would be a moot point.
As for the rest of your essay, I concur wholeheartedly.
Best wishes to you in the contest.

 Comment Written 17-Aug-2018

Comment from rspoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Michael,
An excellent essay.
It's all a part of Fanstry, just as it is a part of society.
Trying to change human behavior is like trying to move a volcano
or stop a lava flow.

For me, one of the best parts of Fanstory is the ability to meet and read talented
writers from all around the world and exchange ideas and opinions.

In the end, one must remember this is a commercial site, not an academic one.
It is fun, you can learn a great deal, expand your area of expertise,
and even win some money.

One unfortunate area is plagiarism. It is far greater than just word-for-word copying.
I suspect the site simply doesn't want to get involved in the complexities of it.

Well done
no sixes left
Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 17-Aug-2018

Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well Michael, I can always count on you for candid comments, expressed in seriousness yet with (self-deprecating) wit. I look forward to reading your take on contests, et al because you are unafraid to call it as you see it, and while you address issues with the system--you also suggest practical solutions or at least sane perspective!

I don't know at what stage one stops being a newbie here... I certainly still feel like one after six months or so. I have belonged to a number of poet sites over the past decade (acknowledging this is MORE than a poet site!)--and the same drumbeat of bias, cheating, cut and paste reviewing, fluff reviews--the whole shebang--was persistently addressed at every one of those sites.

When I arrived here (I'd been a member for a year or so back around 2010)--I recognized a few names but by and large most were new to me (taking account my poor memory I still stand by this opinion.)--

I have always LOVED to write poetry...which in no way makes me a qualified or even talented poet (though on rare occasions I delude myself and think I may have an ounce or two of potential)--

Contests are an integral part of this site. No doubt about THAT! It stands to reason that if any one of us takes the step to begin entering contests it is because, well--(duh) we'd like to win--or place--or show. Being endorsed through voting by a jury of our peers is rewarding on many levels. "Funny Money" is not the motivating factor..."Member Dollars" are nice to promote a poem or two (or story, or script)--but let's face it--we LIKE to have some affirmation that the writing we offered for consideration was thought to be somewhat worthy.

That being said my first observation was how few members apparently vote in the contests! You make a valid point that a winner may "win" with tenor eleven votes...and often the sum total of all votes is twenty five or so...spread out between all entries.

I know I was here more than a month and finally took a try at a contest and only then began getting "messaged" that a voting booth was open for such and such a contest. I don't know how this system is set up but it would make sense to me if every member get that message. (If they do, rewind and erase the previous sentence)-- IF every member does get that message that begs the question--why belong to the site if you are not willing to participate? Also, if you don't vote, (as indicated by our current political morass--but I digress)--I'd say you ought not to be grousing that "so and so always wins" or "it's all rigged"--

I understand the commitee(s) must be anonymous for the quite sane reasons you stated. I, like you and like many here would like a better understanding of just HOW the process works in selecting a winner... Your point about how "they" solve a "tie" is a case in point. I can imagine everything from the proverbial flipped coin to a smoke filled room direct from a 1950's movie in which the powers that be say "Hell, that one already won THREE contests...let's give it to THIS one." (I'm joking...sort of...maybe not)

It took less than a week as a member before seasoned, well established poets began messaging me after I reviewed their "anonymous" work on their profile page (??? Anonymous then, ???) saying some version of "Hey welcome! If you really enjoyed that work maybe you could vote for it!" I am not saying there was an onslaught of this...but more than five? Yeah, for sure... AND, when I (the newbie) messaged back saying (because who wants to alienate fellow writers when you're new to the site)---"Hey--I guess I misinterpreted the rules, but I thought asking for votes was not allowed..." I essentially got some version of "Oh? Really? Didn't know..." Yes, it happens. This site is a microcosm of life, right? Some will always search for and find a way around the "rules" and find a way to cheat. A few "really friendly" members asked for my email. Some never used it. Some wrote an occasional hello. Some used it as a "back-channel" to let me know they'd entered a contest and know....

So I changed my email and stopped sharing beyond messaging on the site (and only recently a foray into commenting on a forum topic or two or three.)

While I see this as the normal "abnormal" behavior in any group of more than two people, I DO NOT think that skews or drives the results of the contests with any consistency. It's a pesky reality, but not a huge facor...

Popularity? Well hell yeah! If I like an author's work enough to "fan" him or her and regularly follow and read their work doesn't it stand to reason I will MOST LIKELY also like their contest entries? Popularity isn't something you carry in here and unpack like luggage.... If people begin to follow my work (any writer's work)--it's (I would hope) because they find something in your style, theme, wit, adherence to some level of competency--that leaves them with a good taste in their mouth...someone they want to read again, perhaps...and again...

I know promoting work is important in that it exposes your work to many more people. That being said I have never spent a dime purchasing member dollars. I review until I have enough to promote a piece and go with that. On one or two occasions I was "gifted" member dollars by established members--(MUCH appreciated and by the way I have no idea how to do that!)--

As far as I'm concerned if somebody wants to spend $100 to get however many poems on the "front" page top ten list well, good for them (better, even for Tom --who I'm sure has his eye on the bottom line or why run a site?)

Does that give "them" an unfair advantage in contests? Seems to me if it's allowed it may rub many the wrong way, but it can hardly be classified as unfair...

Judging from the number of 3-5-3 poems that are really 3-4-3 poems that WIN...well, can't blame that on exposure or popularity...that blame goes to the voter.

I am a testament to the flip side of the contest process. I am ASTOUNDED at some of the truly gifted writers here that have never won a contest. I am the FIRST to say that while I have absolutely thrilled at a couple of wins and a couple more second and third place "finishes" I bear no illusion this makes my work "better than" any other's work...

I don't enter a whole lot of contests. I KNOW this will be unpopular with a lot of people but I am befuddled and discouraged at the number of 1-6-1, 3-5-3, and (just currently) "Six WORD" poetry contests. I get it. Regardless of skill level, I'm guessing everyone here can COUNT...and it takes maybe sixty seconds to knock out SOMETHING in six words to maybe win a contest. Six words barely comprises a well written sentence...

The process of establishing your own contest seems to me to be cost prohibitive and in many cases not well received as to number of participants...which is an issue for most of us here (or am I the only one not in the top 1 percent she asked sardonically)

I have ALSO been the recipient of such lovely and encouraging anonymous comments in a fairly recent contests as (not verbatim but....) "I think I know who you are and I sure hope you don't win this because your work is not nearly as good as the toher entries." GOOD GRIEF...are we FIVE?

Don't like me? Don't vote for my poem... THINK you know who I am and therefore open lobby for me to NOT win? Get a life and get the hell off a writing site.

The ironic thing is when I reported it to Tom and (post contest results so it didn't help me any -- not that I expected to win)--I got a message from Tom that he "contacted" the offender and suddenly "he" changed his review from two stars to five and his sarcastic, mean hate speech to a rave review...then I blocked him.

So again, I am so on board with you when you cite some of the ridiculous, demeaning, anonymous "slings and arrows" really cowardly anonymous people write--here's a thought to those morons.... Don't like it? Move on!

In my dreams I wish all who join sites such as this came with a goal to write, commune, share, learn, grow, accept critique, IMPROVE...

Clearly some come to socialize, vent, "journal"-- lecture -- write as they please and get "through" reviews quickly to garner their two cents (another whole topic...two cents? Really?)--and there are writers here that I've come across (not nearly all at this point) who are as young as 12 and as old as "eighties" --some very limited in writing skill (okay you guys, I know you're thinking me so stop that!)---some average---and some exceptional. It's an open (for profit) site--

Nobody has to pass a proficiency test to sign on. By your membership ticket and enjoy the ride...or don't...

Common courtesy goes along way and how does the site legislate that?

Should anyone be bullied or attacked for their political, religious or other views?

Should cut and paste reviewers be allowed to stay members?

Should plaigarism be grounds for removal? (Oh yes it does happen!)

Should a reviewer be blackballed because he or she DARED dole out a "4" rather than a "5"???

When did "5" become the "expected" rating anyway? Doesn't that just make
"5" pointless?

What is the meaning of life?

(I just wanted to see if anyone was paying attention....)

I'm going to shut up soon, promise....

Lastly, about "fluff" reviews...

I have two perpectives on that. First--(and I see you've covered this if not here then on the forum)--the semi-alternative to cut and paste "FLUFF" where basically it's a "fill in the blank" kind of review just irks me. Might as well be a check off box:

Dear (sir or madame)

Your (poem or story)

was most (interesting, moving, confusing)

you demonstrated (insight, illiteracy, a skill for frying onions)

with considerable (insert vague compliment)

(Not 150 characters yet?)

Line four (or 5,6,7,8--and cut andpaste it into the review)

seemed to (center your point, go off point, prove a point, drive me to want to stick a pointy object in my eye)

Sincerely---Fluffernutter 2018



HOWEVER...I know what I don't know about poetry...and so if I comment on a rhyme scheme that appealed to me but NOT on the eleven syllable line rather than ten in a sonnet because I played hooky the day they taught about feminine endings and sonnet counts---well, maybe I WILL say the turn of a given phrase was striking, or the overall content moved me...and to me? That's not's TRYING to convey something of value to the writer of the poem, story, script, whatever.....

As for myself? The reviews I MOST APPRECIATE may well be fives (everything is)---BUT they are reviews that encourage while pointing ount either an obvious error in count or spelling...or suggest a less verbose assault on a theme...or (and I should get a trohy for this) kindly point out my infamous misuse of the dreaded comma....(okay, I have tolaugh at MYSELF--and DO---OFTEN!)---

I've come to "cop out" by giving a five (because I value my life) and "couch" my suggestion along the lines of "You might want to check out the spelling of "beech" in line seven...I think you were referring to sun, sand, castled and may have wanted "beach"---

So--what have I accomplished? I appreciated your write, I understand and largely agree with your insight, you obviously stimulated me to give this all some thought and dare to opine....

I hope fine writers do not leave in spite of issues that aggravate...speaking out and shedding light prevents the growth of bacteria. (Hey, I'm a retired nurse and there is a metaphor in there somewhere...

Thanks for caring about the site...

It means a lot.


 Comment Written 17-Aug-2018

Comment from giraffmang
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

lol, a very good piece Michael, I predict a cabal-worthy win for this piece...

There are lots of issues but I think you hit it here by saying enough people just don't really want to lift a finger themselves.

If you're piece is a bit deep or complex, - your.

I must trust the committees don't have vendettas against particular members though. - I would beg to differ here, as I know who two committee members are for site prose contests. I had words with them on a couple of occasions and I sunk from placements to obscurity pretty quickly in site contests, hence I rarely enter them.

I've also complained (with proof) about plagiarism from people who have then gone on to win the site contests, with the plagiarised work - in one instance a winner who plagiarised my own work...

The membership complained that immediate disqualification for little easily correctable mistakes was a bit harsh - I actually wish they'd go back to this. It is actually fairer in the long run. those who adhere to the rules don't get a second bite at the cherry to polish their work, so to speak, but someone who has flaunted the rules, in essence, is being given additional help.
I have seen radically altered work, and in a few instances completely different stories enter the booth with the same name following a hold-up...

"Why have a contest if only people who can't write enter. This had a nice picture.- you need to close the quote off here.

I understand the site considers ONLY pieces that copy a piece word for word to be plagiarised. - this is very sad for a writing site to not understand the intellectual aspect of plagiarism - the idea and theme which is among the common definition.

Best of luck to you

 Comment Written 17-Aug-2018

Comment from Mustang Patty
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Mikey, addressed all of the nasty issues we've been kicking around for the entire time I've been on the site.

So, you DO have an army of voters - I KNEW IT!!

But, in all honesty, your writing is top-notch. So, why shouldn't you win contests?

Thank you for hosting this contest, and thank you for sharing your insights,


 Comment Written 17-Aug-2018

Comment from dejohnsrld (Debbie)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

and one which sorts through the month(')s offerings to submit entries to Tom for poem, story, and book of the month honours.
(honors) There may by others, there probably is (are).

Mikey, I am so embarrassed to have sent only the corrections--I would never intentionally do that. I have a writing hangover from a week of writing and reviewing, and my thoughts are about as clear as mud this morning.

This brings up so many good points, and I agree with them all. (We tend to think alike.) I rarely enter site contests, not because I care about winning, buts Fans aren't notified of the posting. I refuse to promote my work at an insanely expensive cost even if they are only member dollars. I know I miss some really good writing of others who have had to post anonymously. They aren't fair and every contest I've been in, I can tell you who some of the entrants are by their writing. I do read the prompts and may tryout a new style even though I don't enter the contests.

I've been away for a while due to heath problems and am glad to be back and reading the wonderful works of Fanstorians like you, my friend~Debbie

 Comment Written 17-Aug-2018

Comment from RFL
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you, "Mikey", for sharing your thoughts on FanStory Contests. Very helpful! I was going to write a piece for this contest, but changed my mind. You have really covered the field here. And, of course, I appreciate your 'quirky' humor. I don't know if you have read my "Together We Can Change the World" essay, but humor is one of the premises of my platform. Anyhow, thank you also for being first to comment on one of my third place wins when I first joined FanStory. I am glad you practice what you preach. It meant a lot to me.
Now, if you remember in my Review of Reviews (or something like that), I indicated that a reviewer should always comment on at least one strength and one area for improvement. I believe I have commented on your many writing strengths along the way, and humor is certainly one of them. As a former editor of three academic journals, and a reviewer of academic papers, I will suggest the following:
1. Your = possessive, like in your poem; while you're is a noun/verb contraction, like in, "You're a real pisser."
2. There = a place, like, "I put it over there;" their = possessive, like, "I stole their work." Very, very bad practice.
Call me picky if you like. I won't be offended. But I hope you don't find my sharing these pet grammar peeves of mine with you offensive. I mean them in all supportive sincerity. :)))
I wish you success in this contest. Best to you always, RFL

 Comment Written 17-Aug-2018