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Viewing comments for Chapter 2 "Unbelievable, Dude"
All non-fiction

21 total reviews 
Comment from Mustang Patty
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Michael,

Your testimony is beautiful. I especially love where you say that people can call themselves whatever they want, but it's their actions and how they treat others that counts.

Thank you and good luck in the contest,


 Comment Written 30-Sep-2018

Comment from nor84
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You know, I wrote a short note complimenting you on this essay, but it was so short I got "the lady with the book", and I wish fans story would retire her. So, to quote your Irish phrase, I am blathering on.

I read the essay, think you did an excellent job, because I could find no SPAG. You made some good points. Best of luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 30-Sep-2018

Comment from Sasha
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great job with this one. I am a non-believer but still a nice and likeable person... according to my standards. Good to see I wasn't the only one that entered this challenge, I think your is a little more eloquent than mine. Don't get big headed, I said A

 Comment Written 30-Sep-2018

Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed reading your writing prompt entry. I saw a bumper sticker once that read, "If you were on trail for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?" That has stuck with me for years. Many proclaim to be Christians, yet, their Monday thorough Saturday life doesn't portray that. My prayer is that I live a life in which people know I am a Christian by the way I lead my life.

 Comment Written 30-Sep-2018

Comment from country ranch writer
This work has reached the exceptional level

You are my hero! this is so great and you explain it to everyone should make them stop and think just what is their belief.

 Comment Written 30-Sep-2018

Comment from damommy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well said, Michael. That's certainly telling 'em. I agree with everything you said. However, I believe it's essential to believe that Jesus IS the Son of God. You've made some good points for the non-believers to consider. Thank you for writing this.

 Comment Written 30-Sep-2018

Comment from tfawcus
This work has reached the exceptional level

I've read one or two of these now. Yours is both articulate and sane. Religions provide a set of principles to live by and that is all that really matters. If dogma didn't get the way, how much happier this world would be. Well reasoned and persuasive. Six stars for that. The fact that I tend to agree with you doesn't really come into it.

 Comment Written 30-Sep-2018

Comment from Sandra du Plessis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very well-written article about the believes we all have. I agree the God of Love is for me more acceptable than the god that tells his followers to kill. God gives us the Holy Spirit [our conscious mind] to see the difference between right and wrong, follow the goodness of your heart and you know

 Comment Written 30-Sep-2018

Comment from WildWithWords
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A nice respectable rant, Michael. Well-explained with just a touch of "who cares" in it where required. I don't have a major problem with anything you said, despite being a practicing Atheist. However, in light of your comment....

"I also don't believe it is possible to disprove any of the above either. That leads me to the conclusion, I can't prove it's true, you can't prove it's false."

.... I would just like to have a slight rant of my own in reply. I do believe it's possible to prove it to people actually willing to listen, but in my experience the rusted on believers simply refuse to listen. The equivalent of closing their eyes, sticking their fingers in their ears and chanting "La la la la la la" in case I make a good case against their beliefs. What then? What if they listened and I actually made sense?

On this very site.... if I was to come out and espouse my own Atheist views, I would be shouted down.... some would tell me I will "burn in the fires of hell" (nice coming from so-called Christians).... I would be denied some votes in contests on the basis of those voters knowing I was Atheist and refusing to vote for me.... and I would be either marked down or not reviewed at all for being an "outspoken heathen". When I vote on spiritual subjects I ignore my views and vote on what I see. Some here do not.

Contrast this with the large number of spiritual postings which dominate this place - some are masterpieces (and I say so happily) but many are "ho-hum". Can I say so without being talked about? Doubtful. So I'm polite. Some would say that's very "Christian" of me. Maybe so.

I enjoyed your rant, Michael. You were very fair in your statements. I'm sorry for my response but I get tired of being a good little Atheist and nodding lest the bullies unite against me.

One possible small error in your text.... "He just did is (??) for someone in a rocking chair falling asleep." Have a quick look.

Enjoyed out little chat.

Bill (WildWithWords)

 Comment Written 30-Sep-2018

Comment from humpwhistle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yep, I believe you could go on, Mikey.
Frankly, I'm more interested in the first paragraph than the rest. The
God issue is pretty much black and white--you do, or you don't.
How and why one believes is personal. My unrelenting cynicism makes all such discussion suspect.

On Avatar, I agree. On You light Up My Life, I'm not a believer.
Frank Capra and the Coen Brothers are my gods.

Best of luck.

Peace, Lee

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 Comment Written 30-Sep-2018