Reviews from

Natural Harmony

Finding serenity at day's end...

15 total reviews 
Comment from kahpot
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a very peaceful read, a very clever short poem of the changing of days into the restful nights, very well written with great artwork to enhance, best wishes for your contest****kahpot

 Comment Written 26-Sep-2019

reply by the author on 26-Sep-2019
    Thank you!
Comment from Susan X Smith
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am no expert on Naani poetry - it is a new form to me so I can't speak as to whether you fulfill the technicalities, but it is a lovely poem. The words are well chosen and flow nicely. The scene you describe is serene and it is emphasized by the picture.

 Comment Written 26-Sep-2019

reply by the author on 26-Sep-2019
    Thank you, Susan!
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a beautiful presentation, Mystery Author. I enjoyed reading it. Great job with the imagery your well-chosen words create. The image is perfect. Thanks for sharing and best wishes. Respectfully with Admiration. Jan

 Comment Written 26-Sep-2019

reply by the author on 26-Sep-2019
    Thank you, Jan.
Comment from Raul1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well written. I think that this poem has a chance of winning the contest. Excellent work! No grammatical errors. Good luck in the contest! Nice work! Well done.

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 Comment Written 26-Sep-2019

reply by the author on 26-Sep-2019
    Thank you.
reply by Raul1 on 26-Sep-2019
    You're welcome.
Comment from Janice Canerdy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your well-written naani vividly describes those moments when daylight is departing and nighttime is arriving. Your poem is very appealing, emphasizing the calmness and peace of night.

This rating does not count towards story rating or author rank.
The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.

 Comment Written 26-Sep-2019

reply by the author on 26-Sep-2019
    Thank you, Janice.