Reviews from

... anxiety tries to rule

Warning a lengthy poem: a look into an ADHD brain w/anxiety

15 total reviews 
Comment from Melanie White
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Melodie Michelle,
Love that name!

All three of my children struggle with anxiety, so it was good to get some insight into the kinds of things they may be thinking or feeling.

My favorite part of the poem was: "ADHD won't allow me to listen to even one damn song."

One line I didn't understand was "no need to confess." I wasn't sure what you were referring to with that statement.

I have a few technical comments:

In "minutes tick by ever so slow" (The correct word should be "slowly" as it should be an adverb describing the action instead of an adjective describing the noun.)

In "Thats when I don't know," you need an apostrophe in "That's."

In "I try not to overthink about things." You don't need the word "about" as the expression is "overthink things," without the preposition.

Hope this helps!

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2020

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2020
    You asked me:
    ("One line I didn't understand was "no need to confess." I wasn't sure what you were referring to with that statement.") I'm not sure I can explain it to where y'all would understand and if I can't and it's not making sense, I took it out all together!

    I sooo appreciate the critique it's hard at times to find every one of the typos, so thank you from my heart! I fixed them all I hope!

    With your kids I would definitely get them tested if they have anxiety because it may just be anxiety but it could be ADHD or one of many other mental disorders. You just want to rule ADHD and the rest of them out. It's so hard to live with so please teach them tools that they already have inside them.

    A FanStory reader left me this six star review: ("Your poem moved me , I have lived most of my life trying my best to cope with acute anxiety. Your poem will be an inspiration to the ones that are still trapped, and that have yet to realize that they hold the key to their freedom deep inside themselves.")

    That's what you want to share with your children so they can manage it early on. It's anxiety regardless if it's ADHD or whatever, so you can handle that;-)

    God bless you and your sweet family;-)
Comment from strandregs
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

As my favourite psychologist says:
our actions are ways of soothing, and if you want to learn something new.
Even I learned something new. try this super online free mental conference with 90 top world experts.
Mazel tov.
now to your poem...
I hear you . I'm with you on the jurney.
I have come to the conclusion ( possible conclusion)
that Complex ptsd or cptsd is the source and cause of most if not all
these psychological mysteries.
listen to Sam Vaknin's last utube video and a whole new world will
come into view.
all his covid videos are brilliant.
you are like talking to my niece, blessings. :-))Z.

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2020

reply by the author on 03-Jul-2020
    It's not PTSD, it's definitely ADHD and I've suffered with it my entire life. I'm a text book case.

    I appreciate the EXCELLENT review and my five star rating as well;-)

    Many blessings to you;-)
reply by strandregs on 03-Jul-2020
    Are you familiar with Dr. Amen
    The ADHD Add researcher?
    He has some enlightening utube videos.
    I am classic ADD.
    Therefore my interest. :-))Z.
reply by the author on 03-Jul-2020
    No I'm not familiar, I may have to check those out! I'm not much of a YouTuber!
    Are you medicated for ADD? Let's move to a PM okay with your answer, okay?
Comment from Mary Kay Bonfante
This work has reached the exceptional level

A very brave, bold poem! Thank you for sharing this insight into your world. My husband has ADHD, but doesn't seem to have it with anxiety, as you do; I, on the other hand, have both anxiety and depression. We make quite a pair! Yet we love each other tremendously, which goes a LONG way.

My husband is a very positive guy, also -- except, when he's not. So he has occasional bouts of depression and low self esteem. He doesn't accept his ADHD as well as you accept yours, but would rather hide from it, possibly because it caused him to be placed in special classes as a child, also because he additionally had learning disabilities. He has NEVER taken medication for it (possibly because the doctors never identified the problem), so they're reluctant to begin now, since he's close to 60. He doesn't want it, anyway.

We had some extra donated frozen dinners that went bad, because he put them in his mother's refrigerator, instead of the freezer (she died last November, but our family still has possession of her apartment). I was so distressed at the waste of this food, but you are reminding me of his ADHD -- he just wasn't thinking about it, while he was doing it.

We both have a lot of flaws, but we are Christian believers who practice forgiveness and overlook a lot! So it works out, very well. And love overcomes many things! We have been married for almost 16 years now.

Here are a few errors I found, with suggested revisions:

mental disorders
take a lot
of mental work ...
mental disorders
takes a lot
of mental work ...

some say they
want the mind power I posses
some say they
want the mind power I possess

and rid
the anxiety
no need to confess!
and rid them of
the anxiety
no need to confess!

whose lying
beside me ...
who's lying
beside me ...

I never knew that a person with ADHD could also suffer from a lot of anxiety. Thank you for enlightening me so much about this, and about what goes on in your mind. May God bless you and be with you, and that good man of yours.

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2020

reply by the author on 03-Jul-2020
    I have another poem here on FanStory titled "Perpetual madness of the mind" and it is showing you the brain of ADHD thrown into depression DURING the episode so my readers could feel my words. You may want to check it out!

    I appreciate the critique and I'm going to fix those right now;-)

    Thanxxx for the excellent review and my five star rating as well;-)
    Many blessings;-)
reply by the author on 03-Jul-2020
    I'm sorry I just now focused on on the SIX STAR REVIEW!
    Thank you from my heart ... You made my entire day;-)

    God bless you and your awesome man!
reply by Mary Kay Bonfante on 04-Jul-2020
    You're very welcome, Melodie, and I will take a look at "Perpetual Madness of the Mind." Thanks for the blessings :-) - Mary Kay xoxo
reply by Mary Kay Bonfante on 07-Jul-2020
    Thank you, Melodie, and you're very welcome. I'm so glad you noticed the six stars, lol, I have done the same thing in the past -- focused on the text of the review, and overlooked the rating :-) so I'm glad it gave you a lift, my friend!
    Thank you for the blessings! Stay safe, well and blessed. Love, Mary Kay xoxo
reply by the author on 07-Jul-2020
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well you've got some sympathy from me, I have a nephew who is ADHD, and he's incredibly talented. He's a champion pole dancer. (I've also got a niece who is likewise a poledancer, not the nightclub variety, but the competitive type. But God can sort all sorts of things out, but let me tell you this, you have a value far more than anything you can imagine dear friend, beautifully written free verse, blessings, Roy

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 Comment Written 03-Jul-2020

reply by the author on 03-Jul-2020
    Roy, you are the sweetest angel to day that and somehow I truly do believe!
    The irony is once I knew what it was and that I've had it my entire life ... I just now am able to manage it successfully although it's still hard as hell at times, it's doable because I have a very strong mind!
    I couldn't and didn't know to learn how to manage it all those years as a younger guy, I just thought I was wired wrong and I was destined to f**k things up in life. If I'd only known them I could've been aware of my condition and stopped myself from doing a lot of stupid things, like drug addiction for one.
    But I don't do the "what if" thing bc it's not positive, I just strive daily to be better than I was the day before, and to help as many as I can with this illness and other things as well than I became involved in throughout my life. Domestic Violence, Narcissistic emotional abuse, drug addiction, andpeople pleasing just to mention a few, LoL! I truly believe in my heart we go through things and situations in our lives for others not for ourselves. That's the only way we can help someone for the most part is if we've lived it!

    I am grateful for my EXCELLENT review and my five star rating;-)
    God bless you Roy;-)
reply by royowen on 03-Jul-2020
    Yes, you?re right, we weren?t born for ourselves, we were born to be fulfilled in service, you?ve found the secret dear girl, you?ll always be much happier and complete in that, God told me about 7 years ago to ?find a hole and fill it.? He meant serving, I started cleaning the church, and my life is trying to do that. Then I found my true mission, was writing and helping, but I do lots of other things as well. So good girl, you?ve opened God?s box of cookies.
reply by the author on 03-Jul-2020
    I'm afraid it's way overdue but at least I tell myself I actually did open that box of cookies but I should've opened it way sooner in life than now!
    I feel so wise now after my stuff attendees journey last year! It was horrible but that went away quickly and it was amazing, if that makes sense?

    I'm humbled that I was showed to try to open that box! Thank you for setting that. You have the spirit of discernment I can tell among others!

reply by royowen on 03-Jul-2020
    Life?s tough, I?m still being knocked over and recovering, but each time it gets a little easier, bless you girl.
reply by the author on 03-Jul-2020
    Yes it's comforting isn't it to know that in your soul;-)
    Have a blessed night my friend;-)

reply by royowen on 03-Jul-2020
    You too.
Comment from Beverly A McBride
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hats off to you for coping with your condition. I see you've done some very healthy things to deal with the downside of it. Your poem speaks of raw and poignant emotions of a thinker and feeler, expresses some of the very real pain you live with every day. Formal diagnosis rather than former diagnosis, perhaps? Many ADHD folks are of exceptional intellect and do very well thinking through their choices. Best of luck to you. I hope to be able to "get this out" helps, too.

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 Comment Written 03-Jul-2020

reply by the author on 03-Jul-2020
    Thank you for the top on the typo I missed after taking it several thousands of times;-) LoL!

    It helps me when I can help someone else gain control of their ANXIETY, anger, great or whatever else that paralyzes them in some way!

    Why a "good" rating if I may ask?

    Appreciate your review and may God bless you;-)
reply by Beverly A McBride on 04-Jul-2020
    I completely understand overlooking any typo, after a while I don't even see them anymore! Don't mean to be critical, but I find that after a while when I go back to edit profoundly and reorganize like thoughts I turn out a better finished product. What you have to say is so important and like I said before, it's raw and real. I'd love to see it again after you refine it a bit. That's just me, don't become discouraged what ever you do. Best to you in your future endeavors.
reply by the author on 04-Jul-2020