Reviews from

You Only Think You Know Them

People are like icebergs: so much below the surface!

39 total reviews 
Comment from Douglas Goff
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is absolutely true. The surface most people choose to reveal is blue th tip of the iceberg. 'Choose' being the key word, especially when dealing with online operatives.

Interesting thought-provoking by piece.

 Comment Written 02-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 02-Jan-2024
    I agree. My father's favorite mantra was: "You never really know anyone. You only know what they want you to know." Chilling...but also true.

    Thanks for this very understanding review. I always love hearing from you. xo
reply by Douglas Goff on 02-Jan-2024
    Sorry about the typos. Big fingers.

    *the tip of the iceberg*
reply by the author on 02-Jan-2024
    I understand. I am, after all, a piano teacher!! xo
Comment from Yusita
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem is awesome in its message as well as its delivery. Within its lines is found one of the most important lessons we must learn: never judge a book by its cover. This lesson is reinforced by the splendid examples given. Great job!

 Comment Written 02-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 02-Jan-2024
    This is such a nice, "you totally get it" review. Thank you very much for the positive reinforcement. xo
Comment from Debbie Pope
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh, I hope this one wins poem of the month. You say so much with your contrasting images. Your examples are powerful and whimsical. They build so nicely, taking us to the wisdom of your last lines. I particularly like the doctor clipping sage.
There is nothing more rewarding than connecting with people. I love to drive through little towns at dawn and watch the light going on in sleeping houses. I always wonder what the people are doing, what they will make of their day. We all just want to build our lives the best way that we can. I love learning how people go about doing this. That is what this poem is about to me. It's about getting to know people working from the notion that there is always something worth knowing there.
Happy New Years Rachelle.

 Comment Written 02-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 02-Jan-2024
    This review embodies everything I absolutely adore about you, Debbie. You are the consummate "people person." I think that's our biggest common bond. Well, that and our sick little sense of humor.

    Thank you for such a comprehensive, illuminating review. xoxo
Comment from mermaids
This work has reached the exceptional level

Amen, sister! You said it all here. We are so quick to judge the surface. Since I am a nurse in a nursing home I especially liked your lines "Outside in flip-flops, she gently clips sage, but in scrubs with her patients she commands center stage." I also like the line about the lady in the nursing home. Your poetic form is smooth and I like the different colors, it adds to the strength of your words.

 Comment Written 02-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 02-Jan-2024
    Wow, but this review made me feel good! Thank you, Mermaids, for all your kind words and the examples you provided as to what "worked" for you. So very appreciated. xox0
Comment from Jim Wile
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was really good, Rachelle, with excellent examples of people who don't always match their outward appearance. Such an important lesson about judging a book by its cover.

I have a funny story along those same lines. When I started work at the company where I spent the majority of my career, on my first day a meeting was called of the entire department (there were about 12 of us.) I looked around at all the faces and wondered who I might be smarter than. I didn't want to be the dumbest one there, so if I could find one person who looked dumber than me, I would be happy. I zeroed in on one rather dumpy-looking woman and thought, she's the one. Much to my great surprise and discomfiture, it was she who presented at the meeting, discussing a very abstract, totally confusing concept, and I had no idea what she was talking about. Oh, God. I'm in trouble!

 Comment Written 02-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 02-Jan-2024
    HAHAHAHA. Great story, Jim, and a perfect complement to this poem. You always have such great reviews. Thank you for yet another gem. xo
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"Don't judge a book by its cover." It took me a lot of years and experience in getting to know - really know - different people. There's almost always a different side; I believe that's what we refer to as "balance".

I think this is a great poem for the new year. For anyone who has not learned the lesson of the book and its cover, this may be a good time to try.

Love the message and the presentation here, Rachelle. More poetry from you in 2024!


 Comment Written 02-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 02-Jan-2024
    Thanks very much for this validating, comprehensive review!
Comment from Lisasview
This work has reached the exceptional level

Good morning dearest Rachelle,
This is so amazing...~ so very clever. From the image you used to the font style in different colours to the incredible message...
It is so realy never know and many never take the time to find out.
For some reason this reminds me of when I was in 4th grade. A new girl came into our class. She was plump, had red curly hair and a glass eye. No one wanted to be her friend. I did not understand why not. So I approached her and we became friends... and we still are. People are so quick to judge a book by its cover.
She is such a wonderful person...full of joy ...and, became a nurse.
I just reread what you wrote again...I love it!!

 Comment Written 02-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 02-Jan-2024
    This is such a nice review. Thank you, Lisa, and good luck again, throughout your hospital stay. xo
reply by Lisasview on 09-Jan-2024
    Hi Rachelle,
    Finally home from the hospital... 6 days!!
    They could not manage my pain...which was out of control
    A 10 much of the time
    now it is a 3 to 5..
    I did not expect this as I have a high tolerance to pain...So weird.
reply by the author on 09-Jan-2024
    Oh no! I wonder what gives.
reply by Lisasview on 09-Jan-2024
    Oh so sorry I thought I emailed you a week or so ago to say that I was getting a new knee replacement last Wednesday?? The mild meds they gave me did not work at all and I was at a level 10... Long story sort I ave never had such pain and for so long. They kept me for 6 days so they could find something that worked.
    So now I am a a 3 -5
    What a relief...
    I have never sworn so much...
    Bob takes great care of me and I have luxury of no stairs, a recliner and a beautiful house.
    I am lucky..
    They started PT on the same day
    and today we will go to the hospital for more PT..
    I love you photo...
reply by the author on 09-Jan-2024
    You told me that you were going into the hospital, you just didn't say for what. And I didn't think it would be polite to ask.

    I'm so sorry you were suffering like that. And for so long, too! Oy. I'm glad you're home again and with at least a tolerable level of pain. I hope the PT gets you where you want asap. Sending you so much good karma!! xoxo
Comment from Mrs. KT
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Out of sixes already this week, Rachelle, but your creative poetic offering is so very deserving not only for its unique form, but more importantly, its message:

All those who we see but don't at all know
have so much more to them, layers below.

Such a disservice to make a conclusion
based on just looks, it's outright delusion.

~~~~The above two stanzas truly resonate with me. I recall seeing a young woman walking through the campus of my small, liberal arts college - a lifetime ago. Her hair and clothing were so disheveled, and in truth, by society's standards, she was plain and downright homely. She always walked with her head downcast, and I never saw her walking and laughing with friends.
None of that mattered one Sunday when I agreed to attend a vocal concert of graduating seniors.
This young lady sang a solo.
I listened intently.
And I wept... for what I was hearing and what I thought I knew of her...

Thank you for sharing!
Profound and moving.

Happy New Year!

 Comment Written 01-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 01-Jan-2024
    Whoa. Absolutely gorgeous story! And it perfectly illuminates my point. Thank you for this contribution. Six schmix; I'll take a review like this ANY day in lieu of that! xoxox
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is such a clever way of presenting the dichotomy in people between what we see and what they are beneath the surface. No matter how much we think we know them, there is always so much more to learn. I love the theme of this wonderful verse with its rhyming couplets and attractive presentation. It's original and deserving of the highest rating. Well done, Rachelle! Deb xos

 Comment Written 01-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 01-Jan-2024
    You know I always appreciate your loving reviews and consistent support. Thank you for the words I hoped to hear from reviewers. You never but never disappoint. xoxox
Comment from Sugarray77
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is wonderful Rachelle. I love how you paint such contrasting pictures of the same person and it really does awaken your reader to all of the assumptions we use when just glance at a person. Thanks for waking us up. The construction and choices were excellent. I love the meter and recognize it. Very well done!


 Comment Written 01-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 01-Jan-2024
    You know how much I admire your poetic talent, so a review like this from you means the world. Thanks very much, Melissa, for always being so generous to me. xoxox