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Viewing comments for Chapter 15 "Plan B - Rachelle's Version"
Two very real women in not so real situation.

27 total reviews 
Comment from GWHARGIS
This work has reached the exceptional level

The snake talk got me. I spit out my first sip of coffee on that one. I love the way Hannah just blurted out a ton of information that no one really asked about or cared about. She just inserted her little personality right in there. This was great. We now have a plan B. Fabuloussssssss! Gretchen

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2024
    It's always the quiet ones who surprise us. She's that perfect example of little pitchers having big ears. She doesn't miss a THING!! And surrounded by "her people," she's a comfortable little chatterbox! Very cute, though.

    Thanks for the great review. Enjoy the art show today!! xoxox
Comment from Tom Horonzy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Marilyn - how did she become a cousin to the Munsters?
What a tease with that "Amish girl comment." I had a pitter-patter moment
with a Mennonite dish in Virginia Beach, but only from a distance. I love the lace-white mesh they wear, and she her skin made her look porcelain.

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2024
    Yeah, that's always been the biggest mystery. Well, I guess every family has members that look like they don't belong.

    Sounds like you're STILL having a pitter-patter moment there, Tom!
reply by Tom Horonzy on 11-Aug-2024
    No longer. I went from an IMWTK to where am I and did I turn of the stove.
reply by the author on 11-Aug-2024
    Okay; I'll bite. What does IMWTK stand for?
reply by Tom Horonzy on 11-Aug-2024
    Inquiring Minds Want to Know.
    I advise my FS and FB friends regularly because mine (mind) is over actively curious and ask its host such questions.
    Thanks for your time.
reply by the author on 11-Aug-2024
    Ah. Thanks for the decoding.
Comment from Lori Mulligan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another great chapter-thoroughly enjoyed it. Didn't realize Gretchen was also writing her version of same story. I will have to check hers out too! What a creative way to collaborate!

Well, I will await the next chapter in this joy ride!

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2024
    Love having you on board!! xoxo Thanks for the very nice review.
reply by Lori Mulligan on 11-Aug-2024
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This chapter is hilarious. I especially like Hannah narration of what has been happening to the Yoders. I remember the Munsters although I never watched it, but I know what all those characters looked like. I still run into them on crossword puzzles. i thought about Gretchen in her shorts and remembered the sign on the little Amish store where we bought produce. There was a NO Shorts Allowed sign on the door. The sign might have been put there by the wives so there husband who ran the store wouldn't have impure thoughts.

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2024
    You know how kids are - Blab Central!! Thanks for the really nice review. xoxo
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank goodness for errant cell phone signal anomalies, allowing for transmissions that ought not be.
My family once picked blueberries. The bottom of my pail barely covered but my belly resembling a full-term pregnancy, the owner/manager's scowl was memorable enough to survive 65 years. (smiley face here)

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2024
    Haha. They're just infrequent enough, those anomalies, to help out in a pinch, right?

    I can absolutely picture little pregnant you and your empty pail of blueberries!!! I love it! xoxo
reply by Wayne Fowler on 11-Aug-2024
    I'd get a hold of cherry-sized berries, "Those'll never see the inside of a bucket!" (laughy face here)
reply by Anonymous Member on 11-Aug-2024
    I'd get a hold of cherry-sized berries, "Those'll never see the inside of a bucket!" (laughy face here)
reply by the author on 11-Aug-2024
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I've been reading the series that Gretchen has been writing, I think most of us can't really relate to the Amish, we certainly don't live in the same spirit of co operation that they do, I think in reality God meant for us to live that, but I do love the glass bowl fiction of it it all, well done, blessings Roy

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 Comment Written 11-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2024
    It's true; being cooperative is a social skill that escapes many many among us.
Comment from Pamusart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Rachelle

I think I read two chapters of Gretchen's fan storian
adventure, but I haven't read any of yours until now

I see a lot of humor. A lot a lot a lot of humor. I can tell you're a very good writer. I'm not sure I reviewed anything of yours before now but it's just the luck of the draw. I use the read button and it presents whatever it presents and then I decide to review it or not.

Both of you keep it at just the right length and it's not too long and not too short

I enjoy the way both of you write

You always encourage me with my writing so now I'm going to encourage you

I'm giving you six stars for this

It turns out that I am out of sixes so please take this as a virtual six

Thank you for sharing

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 Comment Written 11-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2024
    Wow! Sunday morning 7 a.m., and you're out of sixes already! I better get reading; there's obviously a ton of good writing waiting for me!!! I'll certainly take a virtual six and such a warm review. thanks, Pam.
reply by Pamusart on 11-Aug-2024
    When do we get them again?

    Can you send me a private message so I'll remember to go back and change that when I get some more. Because otherwise I'll forget I do want to give you six stars.
reply by the author on 11-Aug-2024
    We get them every Sunday. You don't have to change it, though. I'm fine with the virtual! I wasn't being facetious about that; it was genuine.
reply by Pamusart on 11-Aug-2024
    Please send me a private message. This deserves a six stars. I'm gonna check with Tom about why I don't have any. Maybe I gave them all away. I will forget if you don't send me a private message your post deserves six stars.