Reviews from

The Betrayal of a Country

from within

27 total reviews 
Comment from GWHARGIS
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I join you in praying for the United States. What once was an incredible nation, not flawless or perfect, but a good strong nation is a shadow of its former self. I'm incredibly frightened of our future. Frightened for my children's future. We need change for sure. Gretchen

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 01-Oct-2024
    thanks, Gretchen! I am frightened, too. It could be a disaster.
Comment from Debi Pick Marquette
This work has reached the exceptional level

You did such a great job of naming great facts. I told my hubby a year ago that the dems will never allow Trump back in. He will be assassinated first and look what's happening now! The whole time Trump was president they tried to impeach, keeping him from doing his job, wasting tax dollars. Now she's busy promising to help lazy people with my money, plus she lies in her ads and says that Trump would try to control birth control. Is America really this stupid to believe all these lies? The answer is it appears they'll do anything for a handout. And there should be a penalty for all the news stations who report about the money offered to kill Trump. Shame shame shame on them! Thank you my brave friend. I was going to try to hold onto my last six a little longer but I just can't. You deserve it and many more!!
Great job!

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 01-Oct-2024
    Well I'm glad you thought so, the 6 is much appreciated. I worked on that post for weeks. We'll see whether I get more good results or bad. So far, more good. One guy kept saying how misinformed I was, and went on and on with the Left's propaganda. ugh!!!
    Thanks, Debi for sticking up for me! let's pray for good to win over evil on election day!
reply by Debi Pick Marquette on 01-Oct-2024
    Yeah, I see you got a three star too. I read your reviews and that was nomi, a very good friend of mine. He gave you a five and is a good man too and truthfully the blacks treatment is a valid case. However that doesn't mean we have to accept hitlership and other left ways until they screw us completely. The problem is she will probably win because she is promising lone lie after another. WAKE UP AMERICA! Our Governor Walz is a loser!
    They do make a perfect pair!
    Idiot and numbskull!
reply by the author on 01-Oct-2024
    It will be interesting to see, tonight, how Walz defends his letting Minneapolis burn and not doing anything to stop it; also his position on letting children have sex changes without parental consent, his lying about serving in action when he left his troops to fend for themselves and came home to campaign, etc etc etc.
    of course a lot depends on the monitors or whatever you call them, as to what questions they ask, etc.
reply by Debi Pick Marquette on 01-Oct-2024
    And between him and harris loving that they are killing babies but lying that Trump is going to try to take away their rights to have birth control. Are Americans really stupid enough to believe that? I get so mad every time I see that ad...
    There is only one thing worse than having him as governor. That is having him as vp. I try not to capitalize any of their names.
reply by the author on 01-Oct-2024
    chuckling. You show 'em, Deb! don't capitalize their names! that is too funny!
reply by Debi Pick Marquette on 01-Oct-2024
    Yeah, I guess I showed them didn't I? However, I don't cap satan because he is not a proper anything in my book and that is how I feel about biden, harris and waltz.
reply by the author on 01-Oct-2024
    well, first, I thought Vance did a great job, but I was surprised that the fact that Walz let Minneapolis burn and didn't try to stop it, his promoting the right of kids to have sex changes without parental consent, his putting tampons in boys' bathrooms because of the stupid gender ridiculousness, etc., none of that was brought up. Also I really disliked that woman on the right who definitely favored Walz and kept cutting Vance off.
reply by Debi Pick Marquette on 01-Oct-2024
    I refused to watch it. I get too angry just seeing their faces and hearing their voices. I am only talking about the left. But we will see a revolution if there is another attempt on Trump's life. People on the right will not put up with this much longer.
reply by the author on 01-Oct-2024
    well, I wanted to see hao Vance did, and he did great!
Comment from Ang Tang
Needs Improvement
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

lol this is a political rant poorly disguised as a poem... I gotta give it to you for your creativity. The first part was semi-decent, but it seems like you gave up on the rhyming, etc. pretty quick. Anyways, I hope you're doing well! Whenever I get something off my chest I feel 100% better, so I hope you do too

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 Comment Written 01-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 01-Oct-2024
    it is free verse. Not supposed to rhyme. It is a political post of facts, which is the point.
Comment from nomi338
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am so sorry for you as you have been terribly misled. The only real threat to America, in fact the world is the influence of Satan the Devil. The true master of hate and misinformation. Why do so many people have the foolish nation that there has ever been a time in America where the nonwhite population has been under the feet of the majority of the rulers of this country. If you think that we, black Americans have had it good, you are sadly mistaken. You think Obama had it so good. White politicians publicly stated that their mission was to oppose anything and everything he tried to do. To make his presidency a failed one. If a white president had been treated with the disrespect that he was subjected to, there would have been hell to pay. I am sorry that you feel the way you do, but you are clearly misinformed on many matters.

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 01-Oct-2024
    I beg your pardon, but are you kidding? He was cheered and revered.
    And what I have said is the truth. I am not the one misinformed.
    Trump is a fair minded person and you are the perfect example of socialist indoctrination.
    And if you don't think Trump has been treated with not only disrespect but two assassination attempts, and then liberals saying on TV, too bad they missed!!!! Good grief, what do you call that?
reply by nomi338 on 01-Oct-2024
    I will not bother to argue the matter, I know what I see and hear very well. It is obvious that we see the world from very different sets of eyes. At 81 years of living here, I am very well aware of how things truly are.
reply by the author on 01-Oct-2024
    and I, also in my 80s, am, also.
Comment from Y. M. Roger
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

And there is that fiery pen I have not read in some time (my fault, not yours, my lady!)... I see that you, too, feel what has been humming in the air for some time now, although many choose to ignore. Well said, my lady, and long may Lady Liberty persist... from sea to shining sea! ;) Yvette

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 01-Oct-2024
    Glad to hear from you, Yvette!
    Thanks for reading and commenting. Kamala needs to have her mouth washed out with soap, to put it nicely. Or better still .... :)
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dear Katharine,
Virtual six, my friend. You are 100 percent right in your assessment. Sad thing is, so many are deluded into thinking Harris and Walz are somehow the salvation to our democracy. Neither one has a lick of democracy in them because they do not uphold the Construction, Human Rights for us or those coming into our country illegally, and especially the rights of our children.

Walz wants to override parental rights and take kids to have transgender surgery without parental approval. That's kidnapping, first of all, and genital multilation is a heinous crime according to our laws AND international law. See: National Library of Medicine: Addressing female genital mutilation in Europe.
In the United States:

It is against U.S. law to perform, attempt to perform, or conspire to perform FGM/C on a girl [under the age of 18], or to send her outside the United States for the purpose of FGM/C (18 USC ยง 116). Do these idiots not read? Comprehend?

There you have it. We have two candidates and a president that are sprouting this shit as if they could actually do it legally and get away with it. They will try, no doubt because that is WHO THEY ARE!! Just look at what they've done thus far I wouldn't elect them to pick up my garbage. The garbage collectors are really nice and are true public servants. I pray that Harris/Walz does not win.
Thank you, again.
Sending you and yours my very best.
Sal XOs

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 01-Oct-2024
    Bless you, Sally, and thanks for your support! I get so angry I have to go walk around outside and try to cool down, which is hysterical as it's 91 degrees and humid. But you get my point.
    Do the idiots not consider the past three and a half years Kamalahaha did nothing for this country. Made no effort to close the border; in fact said she had not been appointed Border Czar.
    In her debate with Trump, I wanted to strangle her. I hope he doesn't put himself in that position again. Looking forward to seeing Vance squash Tampon Tim - hopefully. Who knows what the moderator will do.
    I have heard people say that God spared Trump for a reason, let's hope it's to save this country.
    Thanks, again, dear friend!
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am shocked by your post. I had no idea that such things were going on in America and people seem to have lost respect for humanity over there. Anyone talking about killing another person should be arrested and punished. Such hatred seems to be like an epidemic. I am not a fan of Socialism as it stifles peoples freedom and controls our progression and crushes creativity. This poem is an eye opener, well said, love Dolly x

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 Comment Written 01-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 01-Oct-2024
    thank you, Dolly. I posted it 1. because it is true 2. because the news channels in America, except for 2, Newsmax and OAN, are all Liberal and they don't report anything that makes the Left look bad, therefore most of the country, or I should say, the Democrats, watch the gov't propaganda channels and many of them do not know what is really going on. They've voted Democrat all their lives and just continue without the foggiest notion what the Far Left is doing to this country. So far , you are the only one who reviewed my post. Thank you. And I promise you what I posted is the truth.
reply by Dolly'sPoems on 01-Oct-2024
    Of course I am with you all the way about the Democrats, they will destroy America, democracy is all about giving the people choice and the Democrats was to destroy freedom, love Dolly x x x
reply by the author on 01-Oct-2024
    and they keep calling it the Democratic party. Nothing democratic about them.
    Unfortunately, they have Soros and the World Economic Forum behind them and tons of money. They want to make Washington DC a state, which, of course, would vote Democrat, and they want to pack the court with Liberal judges. There is no end to their evil!
    Thank you, Dolly!