Reviews from

HONESTY...My Kinda Religion

Dedicated To My Sisters of The Hood...and the Brothers TOO

52 total reviews 
Comment from Kiki12
This work has reached the exceptional level

52c is fine, my dear, and if this get's you kicked off of FS, then FS should shut down in shame. In trying to stay positive, much of the writing up for review gets skipped, and it is very disheartening to see the same self-promoted work adorn the front pages daily. But there are gems to find, like this one. You write with flair, that's for sure, and honesty is always refreshing. Enjoyed your rhyme very much, and it's always good to vent poetically- :)

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 03-Apr-2013
    Thanks so much Kiki...your sixer review and warm words are a treat and my inspiration to stay true to myself and the cause which is for poetic splendor...not incoherent drivel.
    Much appreciated...have a great day, you sure made mine.
    Cheers P
Comment from nancyjam
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great Rant and much needed. i'm finding it
harder and harder to find anything in the
top 12 worth reviewing.
You speak for many on site, I'm sure.

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 03-Apr-2013
    Indeed, Nancy...I think I do...more here need to grow some brassies.
    Thats ALL I have to say.
    Avoid reviewing like fluff to posts of complete cr*p and it will eventually get sick of itself and go away.
    Cheers and thanks for your support.
Comment from charlyann
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Absolutely brilliant my's time that good people pushed back to the judgmental blatant hypocrisy on this site and in and that kooky english pothead fella are by far the best and miles above any writer in this joint...but as in life...with narrow minds...that and a buck fifty nine will get you a tube of chapstick...I was so thrilled a few months back when I find this site...I paid my dough and started writing...and came across some amazing talent like yourself...but the sub-par work that is mindlessly praised..and rises to the top...void of talent, only needing the words baby jesus in the text, and the air of superiority that I felt here...made me pack up my poems and split...I'll post a poem while I'm in contrast...Keep on writing Miss P Ditty, you da real deal Charly..why don't I have a friggin six to give..I haven't been here for a while..well you're a ten in my book

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 04-Apr-2013
    Hey girl! How's things? Thanks for the beaut review and show of support charly brown. Miss you round here but understand your reasons for not wanting to review shit. I've pretty much said it all in my poem and you covered the rest here. Thanks friend.
    You're a ten in my book too...must catch up on your last few posts...I know I missed them.
    Cheers PDitty
Comment from Spiritual Echo
This work has reached the exceptional level

How's this for an endorsement!

You know how much I enjoy your work and it's a rare poet and even rarer poem that can make me appreciate what the art form is capable of. You make me laugh all the time, but ehile this has so many elements of humour threaded through the lines, more than anything it reflects my attitude towards poetry on this site in general. The technicians who wax supreme about blue birds, love and rose petals make me nauseous.

As I've said before, you have a unique style, that absolutely no one can emulate.

do ME a favour? Look up Page and Spine on Google and submit a couple of can tell Nancy Wagner I sent you, but you don't need my endorsement to shine with your talent. It's a e-zine and actually pays--not much--but still some sense of reaching a bigger audience and passionate writers who have as much respect for the language as you do with the individuality to be able to twist into emotional or alaughable experience.

There is absolutely NOTHING in this post that warrants even a threat of expulsion. ingrid

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 04-Apr-2013
    Wow! WOW! Thanks so much mate, I appreciate your sixer and such wonderful support...NOT to mention the recommendation re Page and Spine...Do you really think so? Wow, thanks for the vote of confidence. I very much appreciate that and I promise I'll look it up. Glad you feel there is nothing too serious here. Its just how a lot of us feel, including YOU. Many thanks for your time dropping by and I do apologise for lack of reviews lately. Time is not my own any more but I'm trying to get back here a bit more when I can. Your sixer rating and most thoughtful encouragement REALLY is appreciated.
    I thank you Ingrid.
    Cheers Phillippa xoxo
Comment from l.raven
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Phillippa,You make me crazy. Shit!!! And I look at that little face of yours so sweet and so innocent. And I LMAO!!! Soooooooooooooooooo love ya. This is a GREAT write. EVERY word oh so true. And he probably doesn't have a clue. Would most likely agree with this poem and not know what the hell it is saying. LOL And by the way. I'm the one with my back to the viewers in the picture.!! LOL No this should not get you booted. This is a great poem. Ya know I love ya. Luff and stuff Linda xxoo

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 04-Apr-2013
    LOL Hey crazy lady! LOL Thanks for the beaut review and don't worry, I had the innocent smirk pasted on the face for that photo! LMAO...glad you liked my post...ahhh, so YOU are the one with your back to me? Hahaha
    Thanks're da bomb!
    Cheers P
Comment from Connie C
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a delicious rant this is, Sweetie, and written in your true Closet style.
I couldn't help but go through and read the reviews just to see how many agree. I love the whole thing but especially those last four lines. It says it all!

There's no fooling most of the folks who've been on here awhile. In the past, I've gotten too caught up in the rankings only to realize that most of the finest poets on this site are not ranked in the top ten but perhaps considerably lower. When they do post, they post something of quality and don't usually offer up a dollar or more for a review.

I doubt you'll get ousted by Tom, as you're just exercising your freedom of speech. And, as you very well know and apply to your own writing, sometimes you gotta shake things up a bit to get some real feedback. And it is has to be something to which others can relate. You just did that here with this little gem. (Well, maybe not so little--it's a long one but one that just rolled right along.)

Looks like you got lots of well-deserved sixers for this. Congratulations, Sweetie. I'm glad you posted this. Sorry FS won't let me award you a six this time.
Connie xoxoxoxoxoxoxo (a few extra for your brilliance!)

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 04-Apr-2013
    Hey Connie darling, thankyou for your show of support here but I KNOW for a fact rankings have pissed you off in the past so I am sure I speak for many with this...the sheer show of sixers was proof enough plus many supportive comments.
    Loved your review darling. Really appreciate your warmth and encouragement to keep on keeping on...but to say it like it needs to be said sometimes...honestly who does this twat think he is? God? LOL
    Cheers and big hugs Phillippa
    PS Hi to your mate for me~
Comment from visionary1234
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I must admit, I found myself snickering at this one big-time cpj! and laughing my pants off finally - I emailed Tom a week or so ago and was told he didn't think it would continue to be a problem. I haven't bothered working to get anything up on Featured page since then. I rather enjoyed your return / revenge review comment - a couple of times I've actually given the same kind of reviews to authors who've reviewed me and been muted. Give it, take it, hmm? I'll enjoy reading the responses to this one! :)Sharyn

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 04-Apr-2013
    LOL I emailed him too a few weeks back when I first saw this ninny assume the top seven positions on the front page.
    I very much enjoyed your review and support on this one.
    Cheers and thanks so much
Comment from Spitfire
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hey! I'm with you on the last stanza. Although some is so bad, I gag and refuse to rate it, no matter the cost. Guess I'm out of the loop with your reference unless it's to the poet who hogs the front page, but not everyone gives him good reviews. That's honesty and surprising! I love it when you let it all hang out, Philippa. Again, dynamite rhyming for a smooth intelligible read. Keep on truckin'!

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 04-Apr-2013
    Hey there mate...thanks so much for the support on this one, seems everyone is lending me some support and plenty of sixer value...I can't NOT let it hang out mate...with the drivel thats clogging the airwaves here...I simply couldn't stand it any longer...
    Many feel the same, I was just one of some that said it...I know you've had plenty of vents about this stupid ranking system too. For cryin out loud...when will Tom EVER listen? Who really knows but we gotta try. This shit is giving fs a bad name...people think its a scam. LMAO
    Cheers and thanks again Shari
    Phillippa xo
reply by Spitfire on 04-Apr-2013
    FS hasn't been listed as one of the 101 top websites for writers for the second year in a row. What saves the site is the contests that pay although I have only won twice. Maybe judges are influenced by the money one is willing to post? I only use what I earn through reviews and have learned to ignore the ranking system.
Comment from ravenblack
This work has reached the exceptional level

no ugly here! with you all the way on this one! don't think you have anything to worry about here as you make your stand w/grace- an excellent write. hope you are showered w/sixes.

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 04-Apr-2013
    Awww RB, thanks mate. I loved your show of support and yes I've had a major precipitation. Sixers reigning from heaven.
    Praise white JOY! teehee
    Not bad for 52-f* really struck a chord.
    Cheers my friend. Your review and sixer are welcomed and duly noted. Loved it.
    Phillippa xo
Comment from Terry H
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Fantastic. You said it with a bang girl. I've only been on F/S for a few weeks, and it's been obvious as hell how to get ranked. As expected, I knew there would be all types on this site, but it has surprised even me sometimes. I like your piece, I'll have to pay closer attention to your writings. I did a similar,(albeit quieter) rant on some of the types here called "Poets and Writers", it went right over the head of my target audience, so I guess, like you did, I'll have to use a bigger hammer next time. Keep up the good work. Terry

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 04-Apr-2013
    Thanks Terry...welcome to FS...I think! LOL
    I suggest you ignore some of the cr*ap on the front page but you sound like a perceptive gentleman...I'll be sure to check out your post..
    Yeah need a size 20 mallet for this nincompoop!
    Cheers and thanks again.