Reviews from

Along the Jericho Road

Viewing comments for Chapter 59 "Wayaka Moon"
Murder Mystery

34 total reviews 
Comment from Showboat
This work has reached the exceptional level

Outstanding chapter, Bev, so tight and creepy. You maintained that feeling throughout the chapter, and the closing dialogue is just excellent.

Wooo, you go, girl!


 Comment Written 29-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2014
    Gayle, thank you so very much. I appreciate that you felt the writing was both tight and creepy. I'm taking the time to clear up some loose ends... the finale is in sight, I promise. Hugs, Bev
Comment from Dean Kuch
This work has reached the exceptional level

Geesh, this Cassie wants to be argumentative at a time where Maggie and the assistant are dealing with a patient, Agnes Longacre, having a psychotic episode of some sort. Not the time to be arguing semantics, I'd think! If I were Maggie, after I got a hold of Agnes's surgeon and got her calmed down, I'd punch that girl right in the head, lol!

Cliff, an orderly at the hospital, comes quickly to Maggie's aid, however, before Agnes can do any real damage to herself, or anyone else for that matter.

Maggie has a premonition of sorts, that this Tony that Agnes keeps calling out to is in some kind of real danger, but she keeps that information wisely to herself. Still, she can't seem to shake the odd feelings of dread. Of course we, as readers and privy to all aspects of the story, know that Agnes is clearly sensing the immense danger her brother Tony is in at the moment.

And, we are not left out in the cold, either, for you tell us precisely where Tony is, and the inhuman monster he's facing. Arms and legs shackled, Tony is at the mercy of this despicable beast.

Brilliant terror tale, Bev...simply awesome story telling!

 photo wendigo_web-001_zpscba64d60.jpg

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2014
    Dean, I am so very honored by this encouraging and generous review. Coming from the master of horror, it means more than I can say. Loved the accompanying graphics, too. I have to learn how to do that!

    Warmest regards, Bev
reply by Dean Kuch on 29-Apr-2014
    Hey, I give credit where credit is due, my friend. And if you ever want me to teach you how to add the graphics, just let me know. I can send you a quick tutorial, and you'll be doing it like a pro in no time. I believe in sharing acquired knowledge, and I've already taught several here how to do so. Just let me know in a PM...

    Blessings, Bev!
reply by the author on 29-Apr-2014
    I will definitely take you up on the offer at some point, Dean. I'm trying to get used to my new 8.1 version of Microsoft and using Word. That's been a trip of its own.

    Thanks again, Dean.

    :0) Bev
reply by Dean Kuch on 29-Apr-2014
    Yeah, ain't that the truth, lol?

    Just let me know...
reply by the author on 29-Apr-2014
Comment from Aussie
This work has reached the exceptional level

Morphine is a great pain-blocker and it can (taken in huge amounts) leave you with pink elephants - I know cause I take it for chronic pain. And yes, elderly patients have surprising strength - when nursing, I copped a black eye! You really picked up the pace with the cold draft and pooling blood - cold air always representing bad spirits. I could relate to your story well - I am a spiritual healer and have experienced devil magic. One of your best chapters my friend.

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2014
    Thank you so much, Kay. I really appreciate your confirming the part about the morphine. I based that on my Dad's own experience with the stuff. Its cheap, so they use it a lot. But man it can mess with the patient's mind. Thanks, too, for the compliment on the chapter and your wonderful support and generosity.

    Love, Bev
reply by Aussie on 30-Apr-2014
    It is the lower end of heroin - taken the way I do (two tabs of 5mg) I'm not hooked. If my nursing experience can help you - I'm pleased. Love, Kay.
reply by the author on 30-Apr-2014
    Thanks for the offer - I may take you up on it sometimes. Hugs, Bev
Comment from misscookie
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh my goodness I'm glad I'm reading this early in the morning and I can't go back to sleep.
This was a hair raising chapter.
Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2014
    Thanks for reading, Cookie. I know how sensitive you are and do appreciate that you went ahead anyway. That's very kind of you -- as if the wonderfully generous review. Hugs, Bev
reply by misscookie on 01-May-2014
    Happy May first.
    You're very welcome.
    Until next time.
reply by the author on 01-May-2014
    Same to you, Cookie. Thank you! xx Bev
reply by misscookie on 02-May-2014
    Until next time.
Comment from sweetwoodjax
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

this is very well written, writingfundimension, you did an excellent job writing this chapter where the spirit infiltrates the minds of agnes, the registered nurse and tony. i enjoyed reading it

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2014
    Thank you, Sweet. Demonic spirits are most crafty. I hope to continue to reveal 'their' methods. I appreciate the review very much. Bev
Comment from CR Delport
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is another great chapter to this interesting story. Good flow to the story and great dialogue from the interesting characters. Seems like Tony is in deep trouble, but hopefully he is resourceful enough to get through it. Great work.

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2014
    Thank you so very much, CR. Tony will not be alone in his battle against this crafty demon.

    I much appreciate the support and encouragement.

Comment from Connie C
This work has reached the exceptional level

Your chapter leaves me wanting for more, Bev, and that's been the case throughout all your chapters. You have such a knack for writing about the supernatural, such as you've done here once again. There's some pretty scary stuff going on, like with the pool of blood on Maggie's shoes that suddenly disappears. As always, your command of writing dialogue is excellent, Bev. I like how you always explain who the characters are and what certain words mean in your author's notes. I'm always happy to award you a six for your very fine writing.

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2014
    Connie, thank you so very much for this gracious review. I am honored that you took time out of your busy schedule to read and review with such kindness and generosity. I worked extra hard on this chapter, so I am pleased that it came across well. It's hard these days to write about the supernatural without using musty cliché's or going over the top. I plan to continue to reveal how crafty demonic energies can be with the seductions.

    Much appreciated!

    Hugs, Bev

Comment from Roxanna Andrews
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

On no, poor Tony! I hope someone comes to the rescue. Wonderfully written as always, Glad to see another chapter and looking forward to more. Rox

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2014
    Rox, thank you so very much for this great review! I'm so glad you enjoyed the chapter. Yes, more supernatural to come!

    Hugs, Bev
Comment from Joy Graham
This work has reached the exceptional level

Another awesome instalment to your story. Things are getting exciting. I love the sounds of "her soul is mine". I'm expecting the supernatural part of this story to grab us from here on in. I'm a big baby when it comes to the scary stuff so I'm a little worried I will get nightmares. I'm going to try to be brave. You have written this story so well that you have me wrapped around your inky pen lol! Looking forward to the next chapter.

Just a few little things I noticed and wondered about:

"she looked into (the) Cassie's eyes..." - no need for "the".

"a brief hope was dashed (end of the line)
By a weird metallic voice that boomed in his brain" - not sure why this sentence was split up with a huge gap between it.

 Comment Written 28-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 28-Apr-2014
    Hi, Joy. Thank you so much for this totally wonderful review. I, especially appreciate your suggested edits. I really hate it when my graphics are goofed up, so that was a good catch. Yes, the supernatural elements are heating up!

    Hugs, Bev
Comment from Green Lake Girl
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is a wicked-good chapter, Bev. I love the medical personnel and the no nonsense Maggie. A great scene.

I worry for Tony! The demon has him in his clutches and I don't see a way out. (Curious; what does corpo di stampa mean?)

Excellent descriptive details:
"Tony heard the snapping of toenails against the floor and felt a hot breath in his face."

You are very adept at writing suspense, Bev. I hope you're already writing the next chapter! :D

 Comment Written 28-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 28-Apr-2014
    Thank you so very much, Marietta. I sure appreciate your insights and support. It means so much to me! Thanks, also, for highlighting areas you enjoyed as that is always enouraging. :0) Bev