Reviews from

Echoes of Artistry

Viewing comments for Chapter 20 "Grant to Me"
NaPoWriMo 2017

22 total reviews 
Comment from CD Richards
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very nice, work, Kim. The influence of Shelley comes through clearly. It's quite a feather in your cap to be lauded as "the future poet of Alaska"! We have a mutual friend that would castigate you on your use of "whilst", but I don't have a problem with it. Nicely done, and thanks for sharing. Craig

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 Comment Written 19-Apr-2017

reply by the author on 20-Apr-2017
    Hi Craig,

    I'm trying to think of who wouldn't appreciate the use of whilst, I think I know lol I started with while, but I had the S consonance going on, so I thought I'd throw in just one more. No complaints so far lol Thank you for the compliment on Shelley's influence. His rhyme scheme almost got me lol a worthwhile challenge, I'd say. I now feel like I was right there in competition with him and his buddy, although I didn't use Ozymandias as my topic. That is cool to think that they were doing the equivalent of poetry contests all the way back then. Thanks for the great review.

Comment from Kerry Foley Robinson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very lovely write inspired by your home land. the group you joined sounds wonderful, I enjoyed also the stories in your author notes as well. great job.

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 Comment Written 19-Apr-2017

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2017
    Hi Kerry,

    Thanks for taking the time to read and review. I'm glad you enjoyed this one. Shelley is one that I had planned to include in this book since I wrote my prologue piece. He's a poet I'd not taken the opportunity to previously explore and he was quite prolific as one of the Romantic era poets. If you get the chance, I'd recommend reading him. I appreciate your comments.

reply by Kerry Foley Robinson on 20-Apr-2017
    Your welcome, I am going to check that out , thanks