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Viewing comments for Chapter 4 "Fixin', Favoritism and Fun!"
All non-fiction

24 total reviews 
Comment from Susanjohn
This work has reached the exceptional level

Aunt Pollyanna huh?? hhehe I LOVE that story!! So much going on here. I enjoy the contest. Some I win, some I don't. I have to leave it at that. I agree with you thoughts in regards to the committess. I also Like the CEC 24hr fix it or remove it policy. As a newie i wrote a ''sonnet'' hahaha...the committie came back with words like... meter, iambics, verse, flow. I was completely unaware LOL I had to remove my poem from the contest. BUT, It was ok. I learned what those words meant ( I hope) ;-p I am disscourage at just how much griping goes on around here and how people speak to one another. I suppose it's easy to say things to people hiding behind a screen. idk
I see more postive here then the negative.But, I do believe newbies need to keep an open mind. Keep trying and learning and staying positive. There are some wonderfully helpful and talented people here! I am happy when my friends win because I have some of the most talented friends around. They deserve it! We just need to keep building each other up...we are FS friends...but we don't all know what difficulities or trials we all may be facing. Just be kind, follow the rules, encouage and support each other. A hug would hug would help too.. :-)
Hugs Mikey! I enjoyed reading.You area wonderful writer and poet!
( please write more yummy romantic pieces)

 Comment Written 17-Aug-2018

Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

There is a lot to be said about the favoritism in the contests. The only fix as I see it is to do away with the public voting or make everything blind posts. As I see things even those contests that are judged by the committee too award wins to their favorites. Patricia

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 Comment Written 17-Aug-2018

Comment from apky
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Michael,

>>But I've seen too many contest entries that are rehashes of work I've seen many times before. There's no rule to turn anyone in over. There is peer pressure however. We too often overlook things here that shouldn't be overlooked. If we don't maintain standards for ourselves, we can't complain about the standards that result.<<

I think I understand you especiall in the passage above from your post. I've often wondered about the plagiarism and all that in FasStory but I guess I was always too "chicken" to dare a criticism. Now you've done it for me and I can breathe easy on this.

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 Comment Written 17-Aug-2018

Comment from Therese103
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is a wonderful essay, coming at a most fitting time for me. Yes, I lost yet another contest, and I'm extremely disappointed, though I admit the winning poem was far better than mine. Thank you for sharing! Blessings, Therese

 Comment Written 17-Aug-2018