Reviews from

Halloween Follies

Phantom offenses and eating crow

36 total reviews 
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is one of your best and "original". I must admit, whatever you say you are, you are an unapologetic, "one off" writer, unique in stance and style, I love these accounts, and your undefinable luck at winning prizes. Well done, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 29-Oct-2021

reply by the author on 02-Nov-2021
    The poor guy wasn't in the stereotypical "blackface" such as he was accused of.

    I appreciate your taking the time to read a four-part piece.

    Surprisingly, nobody asked about my suction power, but a couple of guys tweaked my tits.
reply by royowen on 02-Nov-2021
    Hah hah
Comment from phill doran
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hello Liz,
Your writing is always 'comfortable' even when the subject is not. What with identity politics and mass formation, the first piece ("no offence") is horrific (no offence).
Your own travails are always amusing, and often self-depreciating, but deftly done so that you leave the reader relating. You become anyone and everyone. That is a neat trick.
I wish you well with your continued writing - as I have said to you before: I always read, even when I do not comment.

Cheers - stay safe.


 Comment Written 29-Oct-2021

reply by the author on 02-Nov-2021
    Thankssssss, Phill!

    The poor guy wasn't in the stereotypical "blackface" such as he was accused of.

    I appreciate your taking the time to read a four-part piece.

    Surprisingly, nobody asked about my suction power, but a couple of guys tweaked my tits.
Comment from papa55mike
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I shouldn't ask this question, but how many are real these days with plastic surgery. What a wonderfully written collection of stories. Best of luck with your writing!

Have a great day, and God bless.

 Comment Written 29-Oct-2021

reply by the author on 02-Nov-2021
    The poor guy wasn't in the stereotypical "blackface" such as he was accused of.

    I appreciate your taking the time to read a four-part piece.

    Surprisingly, nobody asked about my suction power, but a couple of guys tweaked my tits.
Comment from Sanku
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Extremely entertaining trilogy. You are one brave woman to go as a vacuum cleaner. after all.the trouble you lost to a SCARECROW!
Scarecrows seem to have a winning streak

Thank you for this trilogy.

 Comment Written 29-Oct-2021

reply by the author on 02-Nov-2021
    The poor guy wasn't in the stereotypical "blackface" such as he was accused of.

    I appreciate your taking the time to read a four-part piece.

    Surprisingly, nobody asked about my suction power, but a couple of guys tweaked my tits.
Comment from Sherry Asbury
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Such a live like an undercharmed Princess Leia. But the dirt devil should have won! No matter now, it is all dust in the wind - oh wait - that is what the mini-Devil is for.

 Comment Written 29-Oct-2021

reply by the author on 02-Nov-2021
    The poor guy wasn't in the stereotypical "blackface" such as he was accused of.

    I appreciate your taking the time to read a four-part piece.

    Surprisingly, nobody asked about my suction power, but a couple of guys tweaked my tits.
Comment from Iza Deleanu
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ha, ha , ha this part was so funny:"Accoutrements included a pair of genuine triangular Dirt Devil floor sweepers, which were strapped to my boots; a red canister torso; a stuffed paper bag on my back; a tool belt with attachments; a hose with a large crevice tool "sword"; and a cord wound on hooks between my left elbow and shoulder.

Let me not forget my partner-in-suction: a mini Dirt Devil, which I alternately pushed for business and cuddled -- canister to canister -- for pleasure." I think it capture my attention and made me get rapidly to the finish line.

 Comment Written 29-Oct-2021

reply by the author on 02-Nov-2021
    The poor guy wasn't in the stereotypical "blackface" such as he was accused of.

    I appreciate your taking the time to read a four-part piece.

    Surprisingly, nobody asked about my suction power, but a couple of guys tweaked my tits.
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

okay. Plug your eyes. Forgive me for the unforgivable pun.... But it SO SUCKS you didn't win... Lost to a scarecrow? that costumes about original as fleas on a barnyard dog! delighted in the telling of the story.... I'd send you my one trophy for best costume if only I could find my Star Trek handy dandy teleportation "phaser" gun...

To think I spent half an hour trying to find this story....and left home with no sixes on my pocket!

Just saying? I'm A poor loser. I don't smoke but I would have lit a match!

(It impressed my inner fire bug in The wizard of Oz!)

Pee my pants hysterical!


 Comment Written 22-May-2021

reply by the author on 22-May-2021
    THANK YOU!!!

    Surprisingly, nobody asked about my suction power, but a couple of guys tweaked my tits.

    (I wonder whether anyone read my notes--when I repromote I'll put it in the text area.)
reply by karenina on 22-May-2021
    I read them! --Karenina
Comment from kmoss
This work has reached the exceptional level

I expected some boo's of offended-ness in this story! Lol. You are a brave soul to take on a Dirt Devil costume-of course the first place my mind went was: "I wonder how many times she was asked about her suction power." Lol. From your description, you should have one. There's always a Debbie Downer in every crowd-or judging competition. When I was working on The Fine Print, I tried to conjure(hehe bc yours is about Halloween) up the level of offense that will be present in year 2050. I couldn't fathom it. Halloween will probably be a thing of the past come 2050 because all costumes will be deemed offensive and people will have to go to parties as themselves-ohhh that's the real scary part-people showing their true self. Ha. I've said it before, if it offends you, you don't have to react or look at it, move on and STFU.

I loved this one!

Great lines:
But Brian, for your own sake, next time play it safe as a vanilla Elvis.

Whatever has possessed Halloween?

The phantom conjured by the "Powers that P.C."

Fun all around, it was. Non-partisan politics: neither "correct" nor "incorrect." Just fun.

 Comment Written 21-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 21-Jan-2021
    What a lovely ssssssurprise--especially for a two-penny piece, long delisted--I'll re-release it in October.

    Surprisingly, nobody asked about my suction power, but a couple of guys tweaked my tits.
reply by kmoss on 21-Jan-2021
    Does that rating count toward this year?s status or is is it only measured by stuff you posted this year?
    I can?t believe not one thought to ask that. It would have been my first comment. Lol. I laughed out loud at tweaked my tits.
Comment from Roxanna Andrews
This work has reached the exceptional level

I am totally sick of being told everyone is offended, that because I am white that makes me a racist. Sorry you didn't win the contest because you looked fake. =] So the scarecrow looked real?

 Comment Written 15-Oct-2020

reply by the author on 17-Oct-2020
    Roxanna--Such a lovely ssssssurprise! Glad you appreciated my points. Stop by anytime! Cheers. LIZ
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Of course, a woman judge would judge another woman harshly for whatever reason she could muster. You did a great job with your story, Liz. The three parts work wonderfully together. I like the POV of all three. Your descriptions of the costumes was such that I could envision each.
Thanks for sharing.
Respectfully, Jan

 Comment Written 14-Oct-2020

reply by the author on 17-Oct-2020
    Thanks again Jan--so pleased you liked the piece! Cheers. LIZ