Reviews from

Why I write

A thoughtful; commentary

50 total reviews 
Comment from Michele Harber
This work has reached the exceptional level

What a beautiful piece, Jesse, and congratulations on being asked to read your work for AHHA. It's such a gratifying feeling to know that your work makes a difference. It's the feeling I get those very rare times when someone on FanStory bookmarks my work, because it means I've touched and/or taught someone enough, through a particular piece, that they want to be able to access it easily to remind them of the feeling or lesson.

I truly respect your ability to put your feelings into words, because that's a very difficult thing to do. "I write to make a difference, not to impress other writers," is a very honest and honorable statement. It proves you write for the help it can provide others, not the glory it can afford you.

I'll take you up on your challenge, and tell you why I write.

I write because I need to. I have feelings and thoughts inside of me that need to get out and, like the steam valve on a pressure cooker, I write so that that steam can escape before I explode.

I also write for therapy. Things that bother me, that I might not be able to discuss directly, I can put on paper and read them silently or say them out loud, helping me to face them and to deal with them.

Other times I write to try to have an impact or to teach a lesson. Certainly, when I write works for children, I always try to include a gentle lesson the child might be able to take away with them.

So, I write for pleasure, I write for love, I write for therapy, I write to teach others. But, mainly, I write because I have to. The words I write are a part of my make-up that needs to be released.

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

Comment from LateBloomer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Jesse, a thought-provoking post, and a writing that many can/will relate to. Personally, I began to write at the encouragement of others ... because I could tell a damn good story. However, I have learned that it is easier to tell a story than to write a story. I don't write that often, but I am still trying to find that talent/the talent that others saw an me.

RE: So many folks were less than impressed by my advocacy for the homeless.

(J, what a difference a day makes; what a difference a decade makes. I do remember your early writings, and I have associated them to the essence of you.)

RE: just want to know how I am doing rather than read what is meaningful to me.

(Evidence that FS is not only a community of writers, but a community that cares ... but I hear you. You want your message and what is important to yo to be heard.)

A worthy post, and please never stop writing what is important to you. You and your thoughts are important, and they matter.

Well done; well said. Margaret

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 21-Jul-2024
    Thanks, Margaret, for this supportive and encouraging review. I appreciate your kindness and caring and have noticed you from afar for a long time. You are growing. I can tell.
    Thanks for sharing why I need to write what matters to me. I need that. Your friend until the end.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
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I think most people write to express their emotions and hope that these motions are shares with others. This can cover a wide range of subjects we feel passionate about in life. It is because of writers that we understand how people have felt through history and it is a way of recording the challenges we have faced throughout life. I think all your experiences you write about Jesse are important, even if only one person reads them, you have reached someone's heart. A fine post, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

Comment from Madeleine Mardis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Jesse, well, of course it's no surprise to me, your being an advocate for the homeless! Seeing 's
how you remind me of a strong guardian angel! This is a great post, very thought-provoking! Haha, one of my sisters is used to "farm," haha in Humboldt County, in the Garberville area, in the early-mid eighties! A great area! Much love to you and yours! Congrats on your speaking engagement, that's epic, such an awesome compliment in regards to the work and writing you've done! Maddy

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    Hey Maddy. It sure is a small world! One of your sisters working on a farm in Humboldt County is amazing in its coincidence!
    Please don't be so fast as to put me on a pedestal. I may be your guardian angel as a writer but I am not perfect by any means.
    You must be my number one fan when it comes to my poetry.
    Thanks for all of your kindness and thoughtfulness.

reply by Madeleine Mardis on 22-Jul-2024
    Jesse, I understand
    how my repeating
    that so often, about
    your being like a
    strong writing
    guardian angel,
    could make a
    person a little
    Haha, I get it!
    Not to worry,
    we're all human
    and prone to
    make mistakes.
    Hey, yeah, my
    sister's farm was
    her growing pot,
    she was pretty
    good at it! Again,
    congrats on your
    speaking engagement!
reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    I had a feeling she was growing canibus. Thanks for understanding about my being uncomfortable.
    Enjoy the day.
Comment from nomi338
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Awesome thought. Personally, I write because I have to. If I did not write down and fully express the things going on inside my head, I would probably explode. Daily, almost by the hour, I am thinking about something or other that bothers, excites, or intrigues me. Therefore, my statement is. I write because I have no choice.

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 24-Jul-2024
    Spoken like a true writer. I write because I have no choice. We all feel compelled to express our thoughts and feelings. Otherwise, we ought to try some other avocation.
    Thanks for this honest review. You get right down to it and I like that.
    Keep it real, my friend.
Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You wrote this very well and you made some real valid poignant points about why you write. I am a writer who wants to do things to help others as well and I hope that you will fan me and you can follow my work here on fan story and I will make you a fan so I can follow your work as well. I think you have some things to say that this whole community needs an eye for one will be checking you out. Patricia.

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

Comment from Begin Again
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I write for the enjoyment of creating a story from my imagination and to share it with the reader, hoping they find enjoyment in it too. When someone tells you they are sitting on the edge of their seat waiting for another chapter, what can be more rewarding and exhilarating than that? We all chose our own reason and must stay true to ourselves. Do what makes you feel good, Jesse! It's your thoughts, your time, your pleasure.... not anyone else's.
Have a great day!
Smiles, Carol

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

Comment from LJbutterfly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I never realized your concern for the homeless. Prior to retiring, as part of my job, I visited a different homeless shelter every week. Talking with people who feel they have lost everything, gives you a different perspective on life. I posted only one story about visiting a homeless shelter, but I have many, and learned many lessons about human nature from my visits.

When I joined FanStory, writing was new for me. With my vivid imagination, all my life I had stories floating around in my head, and found it easy to write fiction. People suggested I write about myself. That's hard, but that is what FanStorians like to read.

I admire your open honesty when you write about your life, but would love to read your poetry about the homeless. I look forward to your future posts.

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

Comment from Janet Foor
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm reading a book by Julia Cameron titled, "The Right to Write". It is very insightful and has caused me to examine my writing. She says we are all writers and we should write because it is human nature to write. Interesting!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts Jesse.


 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

Comment from Pamusart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Jesse


I don't think I have to question why I write because it's a burning desire.

Why do I write on fan story? I wish I knew. Part of it is to polish up what I've already written.

Part of it is to get feedback to improve my poetry even more

This recent feedback I got wanted me to rewrite the entire poem so that it didn't have two verbs in the same line

That particular suggestion I nixed because it would've required me to rewrite the entire poem

I didn't know you had all those publications and that's good and I didn't know you advocated for the homeless

I feel very deeply about the homeless and I've written numerous poems about them

It seems like the people on fan story like them. But do they want to help the homeless based on them?

I don't know they seem to like it in principle, but maybe still won't do
anything about it

It takes me three days of reviewing to get enough funny money to make a post

So, I myself have been questioning why I stay on fan store

It may not be for much longer

Thank you for this post

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024