Reviews from

HONESTY...My Kinda Religion

Dedicated To My Sisters of The Hood...and the Brothers TOO

52 total reviews 
Comment from Laurie Clayton
This work has reached the exceptional level

I've been off-site for quite a while, but in the short time that I have been back, I can't help but notice what appears to be happening re: the top slots on the front page.

I always try to review in a positive manner, however, I have found myself bypassing some of the top posts, just because I can't find anything positive to say, not even to take the easy option and get my greasy mits on those much needed member dollars.

Your rant comes from the heart, is well crafted, concise and to the point, all within the confines of verse. You are entitled to freedom of expression, as we all are. There highlight some valid points that many on FS will recognise to be true, I certainly do, but I'm not sure I could have put them all together as well as you.

Best wishes,


 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 05-Apr-2013
    Hey there Laurie, thanks SO much for your show of support and sorry for the tardy reply...there were a lotta sixers to reply too...hahaha
    This struck a very deep chord I found...seems I was saying what plenty were feeling...I just hope I articulated myself in a way that was fair and NOT self righty-youse.
    Cheers and thanks again...much appreciated.
Comment from ephraim crud, COS.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

i were moaning the likes on me
hompage t'other week so, bravo
i've given up reviewing, except
for those i've fanned. the whole
site is drowning in godspout,
arseholes spitting their dummies
and hogwash poetry.
i came here to learn and to teach
where i could but have long given
up on such a thankless task.
anyways, enough moanin'. as always,
your work is exceptional as this
gem clearly shows, well done, and
keep 'em coming....

warmly, xxx, ephin eph.

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 05-Apr-2013
    I understand eph...infact I ephing understand mate...the post said everything and what it didn't, your review more than covered.
    Thanks for stopping by and apologies I can't be as consistent reviewing those who review me regularly...time is such a suck at the mo and draining me dry.
    I appreciate your thoughts and warmth ALWAYS.
    You my friend, are ephingexceptional.
    Hugs and smooshers (oh no that word again)...just know you're loved honey
Comment from Black_Oxygen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well Done ~ Phillippa

I'm not afraid to admit; I am a member of your
congregation (not religious). Since joining
this site, I have been amazed at how many use
this forum to proclaim their religious beliefs.
I just scrap it off my shoe and keep running.
I appreciate this poem and the poet. Thank You
for your creation.

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 05-Apr-2013
    Indeed mate...scrap the crap off and get sprinting. I don't usually bring my political or religious beliefs into fs for that reason...too many self righteous individuals spouting from the rooftops. It's quite tragic really. Not to worry, I have my own unique voice and it's gettin' heard LOUD and LONG baby!!!
    Cheers Bloxy...X
Comment from sweetwoodjax
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

this is very well written, closetpoetjester, you did a great job writing this poem about the way all are supposed to have free voice here, not just the select few. when people mark me down for my religious writing, i remind them i don't mark down on their belief system so they should allow me the same respect. i enjoyed reading this one.

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 05-Apr-2013
    Thanks Jaxy...I appreciate your warm words as always, your support is appreciated.
    I only mark stuff down when its written REAL badly...religious or not...its unfair to be penalised for your political or religious beliefs...thats why I don't spray them around here because there are too many self righteous wankers. Sorry mate, but there are. With that said, there are some darn good religious writers and I DO actually follow 3 or 4. Thanks again...
    Cheers P
Comment from prodigal
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well written as usual. It wouldn't surprise me if you got booted for this. In 08 I kept getting muted by a substandard front page poster for telling the truth.

The ratings system here is flawed at best. Basically you write on FS to compete for reviews. You are trying to get good honest feedback. It's hard with the front page full of drivel. I'm not sure which of the two you are referring to but there are now two who compete for the 1st spot with absolute drivel.

Full disclosure - I believe in a literal interpretation of the bible which means I'm one of the crazies who thinks God created the universe, Jesus died for my sins and so on... but I have to think even Jesus doesn't like incoherent poppycock.

It's got to be tough for the Toms because, after all, this is a business and they pay well. Oftentimes the top rated folks are famous for drive by reviews. copy and paste type stuff.

Good luck to you. I'd like to see you stay. Have a great week. - Sam

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 05-Apr-2013
    LOL Thanks prodigal...(Sam)...I so DO appreciate your divine review and I have nothing against religion, just those who portray it badly in unfinished sentences and babbling pre-schooler talk.
    It makes the rest of us that REALLY try, look bad.
    I must concede though, surely God thought this what is posted up there in its divinity needs a bit of polish.
    Perhaps that poet needs to say an extra prayer or five! LOL
    Cheers and yep, you couldn't remove me from here with a barge pole. LMAO
    P x
Comment from seewhatimwritingnow
This work has reached the exceptional level

You absolutely told it like it is, my dear 'sister'- Don't know who this 'King-of-the-front-page' is, who writes all the dribble, but he must have won the lottery or something! Those posts DO serve a purpose though, to show us that it's not necessary to excel in talent, or even make sense, in order to climb to the top! It does prove that if you 'think' you are God and pay enough- you will rise to the top..sort of like a turd. LOL- Thanks for sharing this 'needed to be said' poem. LOVE it! Betty

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 05-Apr-2013
    Awww Betters, thanks so much for the divine sixer review and yes I think he must have a combination of multiple lotto wins cos he sure has more money than the sense God gave him.
    Speaking of God, shouldn't He have perhaps stepped in and said
    "My Son, this isn't really poetry. Perhaps work on quality rather than quality...or on the premise I work on...I may not step in often and show myself to my believers...but boy when I do...there's some divine waters being parted"...No seriously, I think God could WELL have said this. *smirk*
    Indeed, he could have finished with "...but Son, I AM aware a turd floats"...
    LOVED your review and much appreciate the sterling show of a sixer...I can't believe how many this pulled...
Comment from Shirley B
This work has reached the exceptional level

You are not going anywhere. :) I truly loved your rant. I felt like it was my rant. But I feel like I need to make a confession, sometimes I take the easy money especially right before I post. But I do know talent and you my dear, have it. Great job, Shirley

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 05-Apr-2013
    Wow Shirl, thanks so much for your support for this mini ranty style rhyme...I accept your confession along with many others who admit taking the dough sometimes.
    I guess we have to ALL evaluate WHY and HOW we review and make a change within ourselves. If we BYPASS complete drivel, it soon shrivels up and dies because it can't afford to promote at a buck thirty and have NOBODY review it.
    Wouldn't it be funny if we ALL grew a moral conscience and did that? LOL
    Trouble is, it sounds as though a few ACTUALLY think he has merit.
    I'd certainly be interested to see what THEY are writting...come to think of it, I won't bother...
    I have a feeling they are on his page...haha
    Loved your sixer review and warm comments and also your honesty...nice to see your conscience getting the better of you and you are able to confess your sins to the Closet. teehee
    Hang in there...the front page WILL improve eventually but it WILL take a little time to sort the "shit" from the "clay" as it were.
    Cheers P
Comment from donaldww
This work has reached the exceptional level

I love your FS rant. I agree with everything you've said here, and am similarly fed up with the hijacking of the front page. It's like having a termite infestation in the attic.

Herr Litt gives shit a bad name.

You said what needs to be said, and said it well!


 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 05-Apr-2013
    LOL Oh Donald this is one bloody infestation mate! LMAO
    It seems the litt crit shit fit is getting on everyones nerves well, most folk and there are a few good ranty vents getting around. I much appreciate the steady flow of sixers on a 52 cent post which proves you can knock the big guy at the top, but you must be coherent at least and a little rhyme never hurt neither. LMAO
    LOVED your review...and yep, I think even the "foeces" has not come out of this shitfest well at all. *smirk*
    Thanks so much for making me smile, cackle and then LOL today.
    Cheers Phillippa
Comment from J. Dark
This work has reached the exceptional level

My good friend, Indie, keeps telling me I must look up your work, and now I can see exactly why!! This is a fantastic poem with brilliant attitude, laugh out loud humour, wise wit and a great deal of common sense to boot. It is not easy to make a fine point to make someone sit up and listen and have a good chuckle along the way. You have definitely nailed it here, girl. Well done, this was fabulous and easily deserving of a six star rating.

Kindest of regards,

Julie :-)

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 05-Apr-2013
    Whoah! Yet ANY person my little Indie-Go-Go has recommended to read my word play on the divine presence gracing the FS airwaves.
    Thanks SO much and I really appreciate your show of support with a sixer and some very warm words.
    Glad I could make you chuckle...I'm hoping a chuck'll be happening real soon at the top there.
    Its seems we've cut him down to size as there is only one being promoted currently.
    However it won't take him long to assume the top seven positions again and he'll be filling Tom's pockets with gold. Tom would be positively BEAMING.
    Thanks again
    Cheers P
Comment from Treischel
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Now criticism here. I just say Bravo! Wow, that is some really passionate poetry. Someone or one's must have really struck a wrong cord. Your abcb rhyme scheme here carried a burning rage along with an honest truth that many of us feel. It makes for an emotional roller coaster ride. Your honesty shines through along with your talent. Well done.

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 05-Apr-2013
    Awesome review thanks so much. Yep someone struck a wrong chord and hopefully this one will strike the right one! LOL
    Cheers and you are bang on the money with the term "rollercoaster" when it comes to me. How perceptive! LOL