Searching for wholeness
A poetic journey46 total reviews
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
I'm sure everyone could find something inside themselves that needs changing. Beginning a new year with such determination will surely do the trick. You've come a long way, it seems, and I can't help but admire you for doing so. Well done, my friend, and Happy, Healthy 2025! :) Sandra xxx
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I'm sure everyone could find something inside themselves that needs changing. Beginning a new year with such determination will surely do the trick. You've come a long way, it seems, and I can't help but admire you for doing so. Well done, my friend, and Happy, Healthy 2025! :) Sandra xxx
Comment Written 03-Jan-2025
Comment from Jacob1395
It does sound like you have been on a journey from reading this poem and that you have made some life changing decisions. A well written piece, I hope your friends continue to support you.
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It does sound like you have been on a journey from reading this poem and that you have made some life changing decisions. A well written piece, I hope your friends continue to support you.
Comment Written 03-Jan-2025
Comment from Bill Schott
This poem, Searching for Wholeness, seems to mark a new goal of finding the person who is the epitome of the best you. We all seek this, I feel, both as an endeavor and a daily necessity.
I found this: ...(than) all the hardships...
Happy day.
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This poem, Searching for Wholeness, seems to mark a new goal of finding the person who is the epitome of the best you. We all seek this, I feel, both as an endeavor and a daily necessity.
I found this: ...(than) all the hardships...
Happy day.
Comment Written 03-Jan-2025
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
It sounds like you have opened your heart to new friends here Jesse and I found your words uplifting and many will identify with your sentiment here, a joy to read, love Dolly x x x
reply by the author on 04-Jan-2025
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It sounds like you have opened your heart to new friends here Jesse and I found your words uplifting and many will identify with your sentiment here, a joy to read, love Dolly x x x
Comment Written 03-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 04-Jan-2025
I am glad you enjoyed reading this poem. Old friends and my brother are the steadfast way for me to go. I try to stay positive and most of the time I am successful.
Enjoy the weekend.
Comment from karenina
No sixes left,, Jesse! This is some six star wisdom, that is crucial, in order to live a full and happy life!
There is a quote I love:
"Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we'll ever do." --Brene Brown
We should not and must not expect others to love us if we have not truly done the hard work of this self-reflection and growth that leaves us to accept we are not our mistakes...
We are not what others may have telegraphed to us... Less than, imperfect, unworthy...
As Henley wrote in the final lines of his poem, Invictus:
" I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul!
We experience, we learn, we grow
And one day comes the dawn that we realize this path we have been on has led us to our self awareness!
Nothing's going to stop you, now!
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reply by the author on 04-Jan-2025
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No sixes left,, Jesse! This is some six star wisdom, that is crucial, in order to live a full and happy life!
There is a quote I love:
"Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we'll ever do." --Brene Brown
We should not and must not expect others to love us if we have not truly done the hard work of this self-reflection and growth that leaves us to accept we are not our mistakes...
We are not what others may have telegraphed to us... Less than, imperfect, unworthy...
As Henley wrote in the final lines of his poem, Invictus:
" I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul!
We experience, we learn, we grow
And one day comes the dawn that we realize this path we have been on has led us to our self awareness!
Nothing's going to stop you, now!
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Comment Written 03-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 04-Jan-2025
Thanks, Karenina, for this sage wisdom and advice. I always love the quotes you choose to accentuate your points. "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul," is one of my favorite phrases to live by and learn to grow from.
Your virtual six is worth any real six any day of the week.
You know I have a warm place in my heart for you and your wonderful reviews.
I am glad you see the growth and development in me and my journey.
Take care, my friend.
You are an inspiration!
Thanks, my friend.
Comment from Michele Harber
I truly respect the honest self-reflection, and the ability to own up to your mistakes and take positive steps to head in a better direction. I also respect that the path you've chosen is one of ethics and kindness. I think the most important line in your poem, though, is "I've become who I love," since, if you can't love yourself, it's much harder to love others, because you'll always fear you can't live up to them. It seems as though you've made a tremendous amount of positive, personal growth, and it sounds as though it's made you a much happier person. I hope your life continues to improve as a result of this self-awareness and growth.
On a technical level, your rhymes are well chosen, but I did wonder why you changed your rhyme scheme for the second verse.
Of course, as we discussed earlier, I'm happy to be in the company of another rhyming poet. Thank you for helping prove that rhyming poetry can and should be alive and thriving.
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reply by the author on 04-Jan-2025
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I truly respect the honest self-reflection, and the ability to own up to your mistakes and take positive steps to head in a better direction. I also respect that the path you've chosen is one of ethics and kindness. I think the most important line in your poem, though, is "I've become who I love," since, if you can't love yourself, it's much harder to love others, because you'll always fear you can't live up to them. It seems as though you've made a tremendous amount of positive, personal growth, and it sounds as though it's made you a much happier person. I hope your life continues to improve as a result of this self-awareness and growth.
On a technical level, your rhymes are well chosen, but I did wonder why you changed your rhyme scheme for the second verse.
Of course, as we discussed earlier, I'm happy to be in the company of another rhyming poet. Thank you for helping prove that rhyming poetry can and should be alive and thriving.
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Comment Written 03-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 04-Jan-2025
Thanks, Michele, for your honesty in telling me you respect my self-reflection and self-awareness as shown in this poem of mine.
Your respect means the world to me. Yes, for the most part, I am happier and well-adjusted than I was when I was young and didn't know the importance of such things.
The second verse has a different rhyme sequence for no reason in particular other than it came to me that way and I liked what I had to say. You might say, the spirit moved me to write that way.
I still think that rhyming is the way to go and I am glad we share the belief in common.
Enjoy the weekend, my friend.
If someone wants to write unrhyming poetry, that's fine, as long as it follows some kind of pattern or meter that still qualifies it as poetry.
What really gets under my skin is when someone writes what is obviously prose, and passes it off as poetry by giving it a hard right halfway through a sentence. If it has no rhyme or reason, and is just regular prose spread over several lines, IT IS PROSE, NOT POETRY!!! I can't write what I don't understand, and I don't understand so-called "prose poetry."
I understand and enjoy rhyming poetry simply because it does have a pattern. It's the rhyme and the rhythm that tell you exactly how to read the poem. To each their own, but rhyming is what works for me, and I'm glad that's your style of choice as well.
Your second stanza fits in the category of "to each their own." It may not be what I would have done, but it's your poem. If that's what the spirit moves you to do, then that's what you should do.
You enjoy the weekend as well. I hope it's warm where you are. It's been cold and windy here.
Agreed on all counts. To each, their own, suits me fine.
It goes back and forth between rain and sunshine. The weather can't make up its mind.
Stay healthy and vibrant.
The wind here has certainly made up its mind. I'm surprised you can't hear the howling in California. I'm hearing it very clearly through closed windows. I understand we might get snow here on Monday.
I'm glad I live on the West Coast.
It is balmy and warm most of the year.
I don't miss snow. It is beautiful in pictures but a hassle in real life.
I don't drive, so I don't have the hassle of driving in snow, or digging the car out. Also, since we live in an apartment building, we don't have to do any of the shoveling, so I'm free to enjoy the beauty of the snow.
Of course, I worked in Manhattan for 35 years, so I got to "enjoy" watching the snow get covered in soot and dirt, and turning to ugly, slippery slush. I'm glad I rarely have to commute anymore, so I don't have to see the negative side of snow nearly as much as I used to.
You have lived a full and rich life!
Now you can reap the benefits!
We're trying. 😀