Reviews from

HONESTY...My Kinda Religion

Dedicated To My Sisters of The Hood...and the Brothers TOO

52 total reviews 
Comment from cvcopac
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Angry, beautiful commitment (I think) to a higher standard. Well written: emotive, expressive and in good classical form. The problem is: the path to the back can be, and often is (usually, in my case) booby-trapped by saboteurs, sometimes intentionally and sometimes out of ignorance. So, if you have a verse that you'd like to see get some circulation, and the crusaders and the ignorant derail your goal, you either pay or count on support of friends to get the desired coverage. If you say you don't give a shit, well, that's just bullshit too. Why not just take the work directly to a publisher--why bother with this site at all? I want honest reviews whether I post front door or back. I feel I have the right to expect that. I don't mind opinions either, if they have some valid sense of art and aesthetics and can explain its relationship to my work. It often takes 60 or 70 reviews to garner two or three good ones--that may be, or are helpful. There ain't no honest way one way or the other and there is nothing wrong, or immoral, with buying advertising space. At least there shouldn't be. The truth, honesty, and integrity of a good review rests with the individual reviewer, us. It would help if all writers studied their craft, were informed, and knew something about reviewing as well--or gave a shit. All the star system is supposed to do is ensure we recieve that just review. Any way it's approached, front door or back, it's fucking corrupt. Status quo is what every one wants. Kenny

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 02-Apr-2013
    Yep I know how you feel K...thanks for your honesty in this one. Every now and again someone steams me enough to rant but I just resent people not using their integrity more here.
    I try and be as honest as I can with tact, but sometimes with the shit I'm reading, I simply can't remain as tactful as I might like. It IS long as sites run on money and not talent alone then people will always find a way to operate within the rules.
    Much appreciate your lengthy review and for stopping by.
    I always welcome, your review, critique and bold of the things about you I love.
    Cheers P
reply by cvcopac on 02-Apr-2013
    I know what you're saying and there are days I can't make myself review. But over-all I just want to write and work on the craft. Yeah, corruption, ignorance, and then there's the god damned crusaders, the elitest, and then I look at myself, shit, I ain't that good either. You rock Phillippa. Kenny
Comment from Jaq Cee
This work has reached the exceptional level

I just have to six star this. It's a cracking and honest write, not to mention well delivered. My friend Indie pointed me in this direction and I'm so pleased she did.

You both have a POINT here. It is getting to be ridiculous.

:) Jaq x

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 05-Apr-2013
    LMAO Thanks so much and yes, it seems ridicule is required to sort the damn ridiculous fluff thats gracing the air waves here.
    Many thanks for your sixer review and delightful comments.
    Always a pleasure to meet those on my page.
    Cheers P
    PS Gosh I'm gonna have to thank my little Indie-Go-Go-Girl fer sure. What pure white JOY she is!!!! teehee
Comment from Galactia
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

LOL an excellent written poem. It is hard to promote your own work, I've been struggling to of late. Be a bit crazy if someone was spending real money to make their post get on front page. I've seen a bit of that myself and know who your referring to. I don't think you'll get kicked off for letting out a bit of steam. LOL I don't care if you give me $1.40, 52 cents or 2 cents, I'm happy to review a worthy poem, that's enjoyable to read any day. but i'm certainly happy to read all sorts of poems over a 1.00 lol.

Great job


 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 05-Apr-2013
    Haha...thanks Tia, always a pleasure to read your responses and thanks for your support.
    I'm still here and got a stash of sixers for this baby so sorry for tardy response...I'm still drowning in sunny accolades at 52c!
    Haha...Cheers P
Comment from ~Dovey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a great rant, and yes, sometimes things just HAVE to be said. I don't think your opinion or point of view will get you kicked out and I appreciate your candor. Loved the rhyme scheme and flow of this piece, as well as its message. Keep up the great work!


 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 02-Apr-2013
    Ooh you're a lovey, Dovey...THANKYOU. I am kinda candid...teehee. Great review mate. Thanks again...cheers P x
Comment from steevie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Na, this won't get you kicked off her. LOL

I enjoyed how you told it like it is though. I have to say that I am guilty on occasion of the odd bit or two that you mentioned in your poetry. But like most things in life, we learn the ropes as we go.

I dare say that I am now less offended by what I thought used to be harsh criticism. It turned out to be excellent editing that others offered. I thought at first, everything I wrote was great. But I soon found out even on FS, that my work is just passible as writing.

So I know of what you rant about in this truthful piece. Hopefully most of us can appreciate what it is you've said here.

great write, Pee


 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 05-Apr-2013
    Hey Stev-Oh! Thanks for a very perceptive review my friend and the poem obviously said it all.
    Glad your not offended by critique...some here actually are and the ironic fucking thing is, this IS a site generating dollars for reviews and critique.
    Go figure!
    Cheers Pee
reply by steevie on 06-Apr-2013
    Yo, mamma .... 'sup in the hood?

    Thanks for your reply. They're always welcomed regardless of how long or short and or detailed or not.

    Nice to hear from you. I hope you're around this weekend.
reply by the author on 06-Apr-2013
    I'm around mate.
    Had a good week?
reply by steevie on 06-Apr-2013
    I did indeed have a good week.
Comment from Rondeno
This work has reached the exceptional level

Is 52c your bra size?

Well, you certainly let 'em have with both barrels this time, sweetheart - but what's this about bowing out? you're just pissed off, it'll pass.

You've gotta stay. This site can't afford a further depletion of the collective talent. Don't remove your "validity elusive", Pip.

(And you look sooooooooooooo nice in that photo, hun.)

Big Mike xxxx

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 02-Apr-2013
    LMAO Mike, honey, I'm NOT going anywhere unless booted out with Tom's size 11.
    No 52 Cents darling...I'm a 34A..whoops TMI...ahh who cares
    I'm stayin' babe, do you think you are gonna get rid of me THIS quick? WE jest met...
    Thanks for sixering me up today...I'm goin' front-page and it ONLY cost me 52 cents...
    Praise that! LMAO
    LOVED your crack me up!! hahaha
Comment from despiser
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dat would be bewy sad wiv no bunion. (Means Bunny-opinion, it's a word, look it up)
Entreating viscerous pittance of honed structure... Make sense? Didn't think so.
My point of view is NOT a sin
So I won't ask repentence - dis is how Bunnies fink
Great wroite moite

-DEE xx

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 02-Apr-2013
    LOL I'm not bouncing off into the scrub anytime soon unless Tom deems it necessary...haha
    and toio roite moite my opinion is NOT a sin.
    Loved that "entreating viscy pitty honey flavoured stuctee what?"
    Ahhh, no thought it was a pass I weckon.
    Fanks...Wabbity Smile ==(:o-B)
reply by despiser on 02-Apr-2013
    Oops, aiwpwane joke - zooooom wight ova da cute widdo Bunny head
    Oh weww
reply by the author on 02-Apr-2013
    Oh crap...I gotta read it again?
    I do tomorrow...Bunneth need sweep...ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz
Comment from Indie Skreet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

lol babe, this is brilliant and people have written much worse - wtf I HAVE! LOL. Sorry I have no six left but i used my last yesterday but know this - a six star rating is inadequate anyway. luv ya Hun - great job, a gal on the same page, Indie xxx

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 02-Apr-2013
    LOL...haha Just the lady I'm partially dedicatin' this too...lubs ya baby and thanks for the sixer + rating...LMAO
    SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO on the same page...thanks again for that beaut recommendation read today...
    You are terriff mate...Thanks for and awesome review.
    From the lass Down Under!
reply by Indie Skreet on 02-Apr-2013
    the pleasure was surely all mine gal - The exclamation is up now and I would be delighted if 'yours' was the first review :) if you gotta time like :) xx
reply by Indie Skreet on 02-Apr-2013
    gee girl - seems loads are on the same page - I'm just enjoying your reviews on this and all those lovely gold crosses. xx
reply by the author on 02-Apr-2013
    I'm onto it...all over it babes...
    Oh I got time for you mate.
    Talk soon Indiependable
Comment from Earl of Oxford
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi, P.
I haven't reviewed for ages - not sure whether it's laziness or loss of interest in the site where, as you imply, the majority of posts are crap - well, maybe you don't quite imply that even though you MAY think it. LOL.

I had to sixer this one and offer my support nd agreement with every word you write. Your humour is always unbeatable, and you somehow manage to add bite in your perfectly rhymed and metered lines, apparently with amazing ease.

I LOL lots of times as I read this, nodded my head and admired. I won't quote any lines as (the old term), there are too many inspired ones!

I'm trying to get re-inspired, but with so many of our old talented friends having disappeared, and the efort in gaining funfds to promote so tiresome - it's difficult.

I sure hope you stay, as you're uniquely talented in so many ways. I sure wish I were half as good at humour and subtle stabbing as you. :-)


Ray x

PS - now I've reviewed you, I suppose I'll have to start reviewing others again...perhaps.

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 02-Apr-2013
    Don't worry bout's your arms you poor sausage...I see your fingers are good, you've typed me a beauty here babes.
    Thanks SO much for the sixer. Honesty means a lot to quite a few here and we'll soon see how much huh? LOL
    If I'm booted well, so be it, but I'm sure peeps have written much worse. You and your review are da bomb.
    Can't WAIT to thank you in a pm you sweetheart.
    your friend ALWAYS
    MISSED YOU BABES...sirriusly. X
Comment from Peter Mansson
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi P, I think your rhyme and rhythm was very good and I wish you well in the Poem in a Story comp. But seriously girl, your ballsiness just blew me away, you go get him, grr. I just pity the poor bastard that gets in your way. You have made many valid points in a way that only you can, very clever write, cheers, Peter

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 02-Apr-2013
    LOL Look Pete so long as the poor bastard can write coherently and take a little constructive critique I wouldn't be in ranty P mode...teehee...just gotta call em how honest Pee sees em...
    LOVED your sixer review and THANKS so much for your support. You're a gem...and I'm a ball buster...Roite? LMAO
    PS So long as we understand each other! LMAO Your review cracked me to tears as I'm sure OTHERS will too...this show of support is wonderful and to think I only had to pay 52cents not $1.30. LOL
reply by Peter Mansson on 02-Apr-2013
    Phillipa, you are indeed a ball buster, but do you seriously think he has any? As for me, next time I fly over Darwin I'll be holding my knees together, just in case I inadvertently gave you a bad review. Bravo, your support is well deserved, Peter