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My Health

Viewing comments for Chapter 7 "My results. "
journey through Covid and Asthma

59 total reviews 
Comment from w.j.debi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So sorry to hear that long Covid has a hold on you. I can't even imagine the taste thing. My neighbor had the couldn't taste anything version and it lasted for months.
I hope you get well soon.
Sending good vibes and prayers your way.

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2023
    Thank you, Debi. I never thought about what Long Covid was like, as in, different from the Covid we've nearly all had. But it is much different. I had Covid three times, which has caused me a lot of other problems. Thank you for the good vibes, my friend, and the prayers. Love and hugs, Sandra xx
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh Sandra, I so sorry you're having to deal with this. I'm glad your doctor is assuring you that somewhere in the future this will be behind you. It sound dreadful. I can't understand you wanted to take it slow and rest. I've cut back on writing too because of nerve damage to my hand from a fall. I'm taking something that helps repair never damage but it may take a while. Still I feel like a baby for making a big deal over it because other people have to deal with having limbs amputated. I can still use my hand. My fingersa are just numb.

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2023
    Thank you, dear Beth. I have to keep upbeat because, like you, I can't be otherwise. My youngest brother has had amputations, and he has always got a positive way with him. If he can, I surely can. (sometimes! but we do need to have a bit of a pity party sometimes, don't we? Even if it's a private party. :))
    That must have been a nasty fall, Beth, it has to be hard to type with numb fingers, I'm just glad you can. It would drive me mad to not be able to write. But, like you, it will be far slower. Thank you, dear friend, for your sympathetic comments. Love and hugs. Sandra xx
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

My friend, prayers coming with this. I have heard about Long Covid although it seems to be different in everyone. I have had all these symtoms but have fibromyalgia and hypothyroidism too which causes many of the same symptoms. Taking it slow seems to be my life at present. I'm with you!

You're not at all whining at all, and I appreciate the update and humor. :))
Love and blessings to you always,
Sal xoxo's

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2023
    It sounds like life hasn't been too great for you on the health chart, Sal, I'll keep you in my prayers as well. It's awful seeing others going about life full of energy, and I hardly have the energy to make the bed without help. Never mind, at least I know there will be an end in sight. Thank you, dear friend. Love and hugs, Sandra xx
Comment from Pam (respa)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am sorry to hear all of this, Sandra, except for the title of your new project. Your body has certainly taken a beating, and I hope that getting over this will be the end of the many issues it has caused. At least the long Covid isn't contagious, but it doesn't sound like fun.

Thoughts and prayers are with you and hope you are better soon. Don't hesitate to question something if it doesn't seem right. One good piece of advice I got is to tackle one issue at a time. If something is different than what you have experienced with this, always ask about it.

You're not an idiot for thinking of things you might have. I'll send you an e-mail later. Take care and get plenty of rest. You will have a lovely poem to read for tomorrow.

Love and hugs to youð???ð???

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2023
    I've just read and replied to your email, Pam. You're a precious friend.
    Thank you for all your kind thoughts, they mean a lot to me. Love you lots, dear friend. I'll be sure to read your poem! :)) Sandra xxxx
reply by Pam (respa) on 29-Apr-2023
    You are very welcome, Sandra, and I am glad the comments were meaningful. Love you lots, too.
Comment from Frank Malley
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I thought Long Covid was a pirate island in the Caribbean. "Arghh," muttered Long John, "Jim, you're made of daunty stuff and needs to find yerself a berth on a good ship headed for Long Covid, where the shipping lanes have lots of rich human freight. Ripe for yer adoption." I hope this curse of covid, long, short, or plump, moves offworld soon. Whining, not whinging. Be well.

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 Comment Written 29-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2023
    Thank you, Frank, you made me laugh! I sound like Long John, sometimes with my gravelly, croaky voice! Lol.
    Whinging is the UK spelling, for peevish or fretful complaining, though we do use whining for the sounds some types of animals make, and inanimate objects, ie some engines, and helicopter rotors starting up.
    Thank you again, Frank, for giving me a much needed laugh. :) Sandra xx
Comment from Mario PIERRE
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you so much for sharing your experience and thoughts, Sandra!!! I can assure you that this is not whining, just venting out and share something which might even be useful to some wh don't know they have this condition. For my part, this is the first time I read about this, and now that you educated me, I went to search for it on Google.
I wish you all the best, and by the grace of God, I hope this will be over sooner than later.

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2023
    Thank you, Mario! I'm hoping mine will be over sooner. There are people who have Long Covid and self-diagnose thinking it's the flu, or some such illness. My asthma made it worse for me, and I was hospitalised for a while with sepsis. I had Covid three times which weakened my immune system. It was like having an open door for other infections, which was how I had the sepsis. My body has been a traitor! Thank you, Mario. Warm hugs, Sandra xx
reply by Mario PIERRE on 29-Apr-2023
    NP. Were you vaccinated?
reply by the author on 29-Apr-2023
    Yes, and had my boosters being asthmatic. I'm having my spring vaccination next week. If I hadn't had them, I do wonder if I would have died like the millions of others before me. I can cope with this for a while longer. 😊xx
Comment from aryr
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, that is truly devastating, Long Covid. My ex-husband developed pericarditis and I thought it was devastating. I can't imagine what you are going through. Just a thought, get the cataracts fixed, I did mine in or around 1990, three weeks apart and it made the world of difference. I have monovision with a distance eye and one for close up. Best of luck, stay safe. Blessings, smiles n hugs!

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2023
    Thank you, Alie. It's awful. When I hear of other people having Long Covid, I feel so sad for them. Now I've read that there is another strain for this dratted illness, going around. Is there no end?

    When I had my eyes tested the optician told me they aren't quite thick enough for the laser treatment. I hope I can get it done soon. I'm hoping the new glasses will help until they can do it. I'm glad yours are fine now. That must make a huge difference to you. I've not heard of monovision. So, you have one eye that can see close up and the other long distance? That must be weird when you're reading or looking around. I take it you have glasses to give each eye an equal vision? Thank you, again, my friend. Love and hugs. Sandra xxx
reply by aryr on 29-Apr-2023
    Nope, no glasses at this point? What is the world coming to? You are so very welcome, Sandra. Stay strong!
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, my dear, it's not a great diagnosis, but at least it will end at some point. Although, I'm sure it won't be soon enough. Whoever called this the Golden Years should be shot, but people like you will always find a way to smile your way through whatever is put on them. Get well soon! :-)

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2023
    No, it's not. But, hey, it's not terminal! I'll still be able to come and annoy everyone!!! LOL You're right, these are most definitely NOT the Golden Years for some. Who ever thought it was? Love you lots, my friend. :) Sandra xx
Comment from Bill Schott
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sorry about symptoms, Sandra, but so happy you have a handle on the cause and an idea that there is an end to it eventually. The smelling part sounds awful.

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 Comment Written 29-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2023
    That smell, no one else can smell it, only me. It's awful. Anyway, I'm hoping my doctor is right and it will go with all the other symptoms, I just hope it's sooner rather than later. Thank you, dear friend. Warm hugs, Sandra xx