Reviews from

Been There, Done That

No need for more

5 total reviews 
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

LOL. This is so very ME. I clamor and whine that I MUST see the Empire State Building... the sunrise in Florida...or the Broadway cast of Hamilton playing nearby in Hartford, CT. Meh. It's all fine...but once done, I'm so over it!

(Okay--a possible exception to Hamilton, which was fabulous!)


 Comment Written 20-Oct-2023

Comment from Rachelle Allen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

HAHAHAHAHHA!! That pretty much sums up a LOT of things in life. I'm finding myself, in fact, wanting to make a list...because you are SPOT ON with this!! Good luck in the contest!!

 Comment Written 10-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 10-Jul-2023
    Thank you! Appreciate it!
Comment from Pam (respa)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

-I like your title and notes.
-They made me smile.
-The syllable count is good, along with the topic.
-An interesting combination of things and
places you wanted to see.
-You have a good concluding line
that sums it all up very well.
-Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 09-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 10-Jul-2023
    Thank you so much!
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed the tone of this 5-7-5! The disparity between those much longed for sights and then the rather dismissive response after seeing them! It's fun and reflects a good sense of humour on the part of the writer. Well done and good luck! Debbie

 Comment Written 09-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 10-Jul-2023
    Thank you, Debbi!
Comment from JSD
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

In the end, this is a very personal point of view and piece of writing. I hope neither armadillos nor San Franciscans are offended by your opinions. Although I suppose many sights are like this. Went to Rome, photographed the Colosseum. Seen it, done it!

 Comment Written 09-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 09-Jul-2023
    I haven't been to Rome but when I attended college in New Haven, CT, I saw a concert and a roller derby game at the New Haven Colosseum.
reply by JSD on 09-Jul-2023
    It's probably exactly the same!