Reviews from

Spirited Justice

Viewing comments for Chapter 2 "When Trouble Knocks Chap 2"
Mystery, crime and ghostly high jinks

22 total reviews 
Comment from Esther Brown
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is fun. Reading your faultless stories all at one time I can really follow them. Carol, I don't know how you keep track of all the details and don't miss a beat. Truthfully, do you write multiple chapters, clean them up and post them? Or write as the story unfolds? Esther

 Comment Written 25-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 26-Aug-2024
    I write as the story unfolds and I do have to check now and then to make sure I haven't left something out or jumped ahead of myself. Losing three chapters terrified me, especially since I couldn't remember how the story had been written. So it got a new life...
    Smiles, Carol
reply by Esther Brown on 26-Aug-2024
    Thought slide into your story and it happens as you write. The characters don't feel forced, they make decisions as they go and take the reader with them.
Comment from Karen Cherry
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Stress can do that of course. I will pray that you wake up and it all comes tumbling back to you and you get to shut yourself away for a day to write it all down. You print it up, save it on a dangle, save it on the computer at two different places, whatever you need to do to make sure it doesn't go bye bye again. Good news and bad news things are never really lost. If you can afford it, go see a shrink get hypnotized to find it, tape record the session. Just a thought. Just like you, I would gnash my remaining teeth and buckle down and Begin again. I will keep you in my thoughts. Karen

 Comment Written 07-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 08-Aug-2024
    Thanks so much for your kindness and thoughts, Karen. I appreciate it very much. Guess my problem might have been caused by an internet/cell tower shorting out over a few days.
    Smiles, Carol
reply by Karen Cherry on 08-Aug-2024
    Wow! do you know that for sure? I am a bit anal about my work. I keep notes usually written down. I print up whatever I write, since moving I am behind with that. None of this helps you right now, but you can pull back a bit, take a walk go visit a museum. smell flowers, recharge yourself. And don't forget the two true rules of life. #1 don't sweat the small stuff, #2 Everything is small stuff. Love you. take care, Karen
reply by the author on 08-Aug-2024
    Thanks for the pep talk! Take care!
reply by Karen Cherry on 08-Aug-2024
    I fought all nite with Fanstory reformatting me every time I edited my story"Surprise" about a birthday long ago. It is finished, but it took it out of me. I need a big nap. Enjoy your day. Karen
Comment from BOO ghost
This work has reached the exceptional level

BOO is reading...the story reads smoothly. I'm getting a feel for the characters and plot. So, I guess the ghost can materialize at will? She is inquisitive. Guess she's probably for details to solve this murder mystery. Think you added a couple of new characters, right? Ghosts can go inside elevators and sit down in decrepit chairs.

The detective is lucky to have a ghost to investigate matters. She can sneak in any establishment unnoticed without a warrant and not break protocol. That way evidence don't get a case thrown out! Like it already has, getting the dame drunk! Way the chips fell. Well, I will check the next episode for new events. You sure can write a lot of prose quick!


 Comment Written 03-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2024
    Hey, Boo!
    Nice to see you again. I am thrilled you are enjoying the story. We might have to check your ancestry and see if you are related to either of my spirits. LOL

    You are too kind with your thoughts and stars. I appreciate you so much and thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    (Hope there's no sludge on it - you know the parts are getting old). LOL
    Smiles and hugs, Carol
Comment from Harambe iz ur Daddy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice, I see you gave Danny a name change. I like how you have a fair bit of variety to the dialogue, with frowning and other facial expressions, helping it to flow naturally.

Another small suggestion regarding Danni: I think of "chuckle" (used twice here) as more stereotypically associated with a pudgy male amusing himself in a corner. Danni comes off decidedly feminine, with a lighter touch. Maybe some more feminine actions for her might include: smirked, giggled, pursed her lips, wiggled her shoulders, etc. Hope that is helpful.

Thanks for the read, and looking forward to the next one!


 Comment Written 03-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2024
    As soon as I rewrite the chapters...I will have it posted. No more holding on to them so I can somehow delete them. Thanks for your suggestions and I shall keep that in mind. Have a great day!
    Smiles, Carol
Comment from Ulla
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Carol, this is a great continuation to the story. Now it's getting some flesh on it. In other words, we're starting to see a pattern. Or maybe not. You never end to surprise. Hugs, Ulla xcx

 Comment Written 02-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 02-Aug-2024
    Thanks, Ulla. Hope you enjoy the story. It's a bit different than the last with a lot of the sme characters. Danni will add some spice to it I am sure. And Eleanor will try to keep her in line. I am thrilled with your review and of course the stars. What a blessing!
    Smiles and hugs, Carol
Comment from LJbutterfly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The mystery and adventure have begun. I never thought you posted too often. When I read book novels, I often sat reading straight through one or two hours...more if I was home alone. I don't know how you come up with all the ideas for your novels, one right after the other, but I surely enjoy reading them. See you on Sunday.

 Comment Written 01-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 01-Aug-2024
    I might post tomorrow...I'm addicted! I have three chapters sitting here begging to be read. So maybe I post Wed. Fri and Sunday but probably not with as much money as some would like. I post for four days so that gives plenty of time for those who prefer to read slower. I don't know....but I'm going crazy not having reviews to enjoy.

    this story might go a little slower because it's complicated and a pageant is out of my wheelhouse. though I will try to focus more on the crime and not the pageant.

    thanks for always being there, LOrraine and having such wonderful things to say. I greatly appreciate it.
    Smiles, Carol
Comment from prettybluebirds
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is the start of another exciting story. I didn't think you posted too often. I got behind sometimes, but I'm a fast reader, so it was easy to catch up. Excellent writing.

 Comment Written 01-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 01-Aug-2024
    I am thrilled that some want it as fast as I can write it, but I did notice I lost readers because of it. I can't promise to only write two a week.... maybe Wed Fri and Sunday??? LOL but I said I'd try to slow down. It's just when I get on a roll I'm excited to see what you think.

    thanks for enjoying this chapter. Three is waiting in the wings and four is already under way. Maybe tomorrow!
    Smiles and hugs!
Comment from Katherine M. (k-11)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your story continues well, built like a rose bush, with new petals coming to the fore. I was surprised by the character you chose to develop here, but it worked well. kay
while digging into Bennett. > while digging into knowledge about Bennett.

 Comment Written 01-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 01-Aug-2024
    I tried to introduce numberous characters and how they are entwined with the story in the beginning if possible. If you are interested, there is a prologue also that might give you more insight into the story. Thank you again for becoming a fan and following my story.
    Have a great day!
    Smiles and hugs, Carol
Comment from Carol Clark2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Interesting dialogue gives us lots of backstory information, but still moves the plot forward. I'm glad I caught this book at the beginning. I'll try to keep up with you! Hugs! Carol

 Comment Written 01-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 01-Aug-2024
    I'm going to try to slow down on the posts...maybe two or three during the week so it's easier for some to follow. It's difficult when I get into the writing mode. Sorry! Maybe two during the week on Wednesday when there's not as many to read and one on Sunday. Still working on it! Thanks so much.
    Smiles, Carol
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I for one, loved getting my daily fix, and if I can't read it for a few days, then I love to binge read your chapters. I read this chapter in bed last night on my iPad, but was too tired to write a review. BUT, I'm here now!

This was a fabulous chapter! Naomi felt eyes on her all the time, I'm wondering if it was Danni, or.... Eleanor!!! Whichever one it was, it certaily freeked Naomi out. And then she finds a man, who he is, I haven't a clue, yet. But he seems to know Noami well. Lucky for her, her cleaner, Claudia has arrived. I'm enjoying this story, Carol, and we are only on chapter two, you have already given us our favourites. I do like Danni, and Donatelli, I liked them in the last chapter. Well done dear friend. :)) Sandra xxx

 Comment Written 01-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 01-Aug-2024
    I would love to give you a daily fix but ..... I too love when I can binge on a story I am loving. So it's wonderful to hear that I'm writing bedtime material. LOL

    There's going to be a lot of complicated thngs going on in this book and I just hope I can keep it all straight. I am not too familiar with pageants so I think it will be more focused on what happens in the background. I am trying to add more undercurrents and possible budding relationships (emotional ties) into the story as well. Let me know how you think I do....I always appreciate your input.
    Congratulations on the number one spot again! Front page news as always.
    Smiles, hugs and love as always, Carol