Reviews from

Purgatory's Hill

An English sonnet

22 total reviews 
Comment from honeytree
This work has reached the exceptional level

Purgatory's Hill

"No matter what mistakes I do now make
The Lord my God will not my soul forsake."

This is an excellent poem about Purgatory's Hill.
to climb to the gates of purgatory would be hell.

If we are truly sorry one can escape this 'purgatury'
Jesus has told us he can and does forgive us.
Jesus is God, part of the Trinity many cannot understand.

I loved the sincerity when you promised God to change.

Forgiveness is there by God when we are truly sorry.

I loved this poem and mesage.


 Comment Written 22-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2008
    You understood perfectly the message of this poem. Thank you.
Comment from bard owl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a thoughtful poem you have written, expressing a virtue that is so lacking in humanity today - integrity. Using the English sonnet as the basis for your contest entry takes great skill and your sonnet is very well written and expresses worthwhile, admirable thoughts. Best of luck to you in the contest. Blessings, Linda

 Comment Written 22-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 22-Apr-2008
    Thank you for your very kind words. You "caught" exactly what I wanted to convey.
Comment from ravenshadowwinds
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have written a few sonnets, but I dont write many of them because I tend not to enjoy reading them much. However, I enjoyed reading this sonnet. I liked the use of traditional christian language in not so traditional ways.

 Comment Written 21-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 21-Apr-2008
    Yes, I like being caught between being Christian and post-Christian. Thanks for a great review.
Comment from Sylvia Page
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Alvin, this is a beautiful and meaningful poem I am privileged to review.
Just perfect no need to change anything.

 Comment Written 21-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 21-Apr-2008
    You are far too kind, Ms Page.
Comment from PUPA
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Alvin,
I feel the tone of regret clearly in your sonnet. Very strong wording expressing those feelings. I like the sonnet very much and will read about it. I wrote two poems and got reviewers telling me it was almost a sonnet! and I didn't know it.
Thanks for sharing your talent, most enjoyable read.

 Comment Written 21-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 21-Apr-2008
    Thank you for your very kind words.
Comment from Janilou
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A beautiful poem, Al and one that does exactly what it is supposed to do for this contest. I love the way you express first the remorse and regret and then the relief that comes with the unconditional love of God, through Christ's sacrifice.

Excellent word choices here. Very beautiful work. You are a truly talented poet.

 Comment Written 21-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 21-Apr-2008
    I thought you would like this one--it shows how much we have in common. Thank you for a wonderful review.
Comment from carolm5415
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What I like best in this sonnet is the way the writer displays his regret at having given in to his lust. He is feeling such pain at having perhaps forsaken a vow. The rhythm flows really well also. A very lovely poem.

 Comment Written 21-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 21-Apr-2008
    A very detailed poem, understanding exactly what I wanted to convey.
Comment from jeana
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed your sonnet the flow and images are truly amazing. The storyline is creative and different. It is easy to read and clearly presented. It is a wonderful read. jeana

 Comment Written 21-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 21-Apr-2008
    Thank you for your very generous review.
Comment from becky7777
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

very nice message in your poem. seems like a great English Sonnet. Makes you wonder if you are doing the right things. good luck in the contest

 Comment Written 20-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 20-Apr-2008
    Thanks for the great review.
Comment from RaymondJohn
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice sound with a Brownian ring to it. You have the rhythm and phonics of a true sonnet. The last line is especially effective. Best. Ray

 Comment Written 17-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 17-Apr-2008
    Thank you; you are very, very kind.