Journey of Faith
Viewing comments for Chapter 3 "Two Places for Rent"Along the Way in my Life with Jesus
27 total reviews
Comment from Jasmine Girl
You are so right about these two places we will end up. I prefer the Dwelling #2 for sure and I'm working on it. I will definitely try to be good and want to be a exemplary person by helping people whom I help again and again. He, however, didn't help me much at all. But he suffered some bad luck. His wife got very sick right after marriage. He was ill, too.
Well done
reply by the author on 21-Sep-2021
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You are so right about these two places we will end up. I prefer the Dwelling #2 for sure and I'm working on it. I will definitely try to be good and want to be a exemplary person by helping people whom I help again and again. He, however, didn't help me much at all. But he suffered some bad luck. His wife got very sick right after marriage. He was ill, too.
Well done
Comment Written 21-Sep-2021
reply by the author on 21-Sep-2021
Hi Lisa, thank you so much for the wonderful review. If you read the terms of the Lease very carefully for these two dwellings, it is not good deeds that will secure you a place in Dwelling #2. The high price paid was the Blood of Jesus Christ--hence, the cross in the artwork.
This is very hard for many people to understand, but basically, He suffered and died in our place; one perfect, divine human for all of us sinners. We have all offended God, and the Bible calls all our good deeds "filthy rags" before a holy God.
All we have to do is acknowledge our sins before God; talk to Him. He can hear you. Tell Him that you realize that you've sinned, and that you accept the penalty Jesus Christ paid for it. You accept the living, resurrected Christ into your heart, through the Holy Spirit, and willingly enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ (who is physically seated at the right hand of God the Father). Thank God for your salvation, look up some online resources (including the Bible) and find out if there are churches nearby, where you can fellowship with other believers. It also involves a willingness to do things God?s way, basically, repenting from sin, being willing to live a good life; it doesn't mean that you will always do that perfectly, but you must desire to obey God.
As far as good deeds go, when your heart is made new, you will want to do them! A new heart longs to do things that are pleasing to God.
It may seem like a lot to you, Lisa, and it is a major change, but it is one you won't regret. For more information, you can Google, "How to be born again or be saved as a Christian." You will find that the weight of the world has been taken off your shoulders, when you take that step.
I'm not sure I know what you meant, when you wrote that "he didn't help me, his wife got sick, bad luck, he got ill," etc. Who are you talking about? I am interested to know.
Please don't feel pressured to take the steps I recommended. It's all for you. It has to be your decision. This is anonymous now (even if you've figured out who I am; hopefully not), but even later, it's not like I'll be mad, if you don't. This is all for you. I'll just pray for you, is all. And I will be here, to answer your questions.
I know this contest made this eternal choice into an ad, but we both know that it's a very weighty matter. What you decide to believe and do, is your choice.
Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!
Comment from $pringhart
My very first thought for reply is a bit snappy, but don't mistake these words for anything other than what they are, "Both places are actually the same place with an overall address of 888 Eternal Drive." Powers that be are not stronger than the power they were given, and 8 is Gods Infinity number! Very well written and eloquently described. A thought provoking piece, I truly enjoyed it and the way it evoked parts of my brain. Keep up the Good Work.
reply by the author on 21-Sep-2021
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My very first thought for reply is a bit snappy, but don't mistake these words for anything other than what they are, "Both places are actually the same place with an overall address of 888 Eternal Drive." Powers that be are not stronger than the power they were given, and 8 is Gods Infinity number! Very well written and eloquently described. A thought provoking piece, I truly enjoyed it and the way it evoked parts of my brain. Keep up the Good Work.
Comment Written 21-Sep-2021
reply by the author on 21-Sep-2021
Hi $pringhart, you have a lovely name. Thanks for a great review. I appreciate your thoughts. Do you fully believe in dualism, or was that just your initial reaction to my post?
I believe the Biblical narrative, and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I wouldn't gamble my eternal destiny on anything less.
This was not always the case. I was raised Roman Catholic, and in my college years and early twenties, explored everything from atheism, to Hinduism, to synchronicity and more. Nothing filled the empty space in my heart, like faith in the Lord Jesus. Moreover, I found that my grief about our suffering world found its counterpart in my own sin-sick soul, pardoned by a loving Savior, irrevocably and forever. What seemed outlandish and impossible at one time, became possible, true and meaningful. The words of the Bible jumped off the page, full of truth and reality. I took a step of faith and have not regretted it. I hope and pray that you, too, will consider it. Does it involve some sacrifice? Anything worthwhile does. (God also helped me quit smoking :-) 36 years ago)
Thank you again, for reading and reviewing!
Sorry I'm not well versed in the meaning of dualism. I did look it up but all I can really say is I too went through different periods of belief and knowledge seeking and disbelief and what I have personally come to know as true is yes there is a God or Creator. I claim Christianity, but more towards Messianic Jewish beliefs for my own research led there, or old Testament beliefs. But I believe there is equal yin and yang with all good and bad, and everything for a perfect balance. Kind of like I think there are 32 different life paths and choices and multiple parallel universes. I think as we get closer to God and die, we start in the next one as a path. I also believe humans have taken this power into their own hands and do things they think are right but will find out God won't be happy when we get to the end of the world last path. Odd and crazy sounding but just cuzz its different does not mean it doesn't coincide with Christianity. I also believe in aliens, so....
Hi again, $pringhart. Thank you for sharing your views with me. They are somewhat incomprehensible to me, but everyone has to be at peace with their own beliefs.
My limited understanding of dualism is that, basically, good and evil are two sides of the same coin, but if you don't believe that, I think it's better. When you initially merged Heaven and Hell into the same address, I thought that was where you were going with it -- my mistake.
I am concerned that aliens could be a demonic manifestation, sent to deceive humanity, but if you believe otherwise, I can respect that.
If you still believe in a Creator God, amid everything else you told me, I'm happy to hear that. I really do appreciate your sharing. - Mary Kay
read ezekiel chapter 1 and think aliens, also why does the worlds military have air crafts that chase things out of the atmosphere when something hits the atmosphere it lifts because the magnetic force of planets spinning releases and it would float out not fall in.
but thank you for respecting opinions and beliefs that arent your own, more people need to do that.
Sorry it's taken me a few days to get back to you, $pringhart -- things have been a little busy.
I have long been familiar with Ezekiel 1, I read it even before I became a Christian, and I was really blown away by it. I haven't studied it extensively, but generally among Christians, it is believed to be a manifestation of God, or even of Christ (at least one of my friends says so). However I do understand how you might associate it with aliens or even our own modern space technology, with the wheels and so forth. You can tell, by the way the prophet Ezekiel describes his vision, that he was somewhat at a loss for words, because of its amazing nature. Alien/ human future tech could explain the wheels, brass, even the many "eyes," but not the multiple faces of man/ lion/ ox/ eagle. I would certainly be awestruck by such a vision.
I'm not sure I follow what you mean, about vessels floating out of the atmosphere vs falling in, and the magnetic force of planets. In past years our government seemed to discourage belief in UFOs but now they seem to encourage or at least tolerate it more, which is interesting... what is their angle?
Good talking to you, my friend.
Comment from Patty Palmer
This is great! I like how there are two dwellings one in Hell and the other in Heaven. Good luck with the contest. You have my vote!!! I laughed at the super descriptions
reply by the author on 21-Sep-2021
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This is great! I like how there are two dwellings one in Hell and the other in Heaven. Good luck with the contest. You have my vote!!! I laughed at the super descriptions
Comment Written 21-Sep-2021
reply by the author on 21-Sep-2021
Hi Patty, thank you for everything, and I really appreciate the wonderful review. You may find these descriptions humorous, and of course they are not usually presented as ads, but to me the truth behind them is 100% real. I believe everything the Bible says about both of these places, and I believe we need to take it very seriously, because we are all going to eventually go to either one place, or the other.
There were hundreds of prophecies, written thousands of years before Christ (the Old Testament), that were fulfilled in His lifetime (in the New Testament). It's all true!
I have a cousin who I speak to on the phone, almost every night. She doesn't fully believe in Jesus, yet. I've asked her what she's going to say, if God asks her whether she's read His Book?
There's only one Holy Bible. You don't have to read the whole thing. Start with the Gospel of John. You can even find it online.
Faith is important. We have many writers on FanStory who write beautiful, faith-based poetry all the time. Try looking up pharp, Anne Johnston and royowen. It will help point you in the right direction.
I hope you're interested. God loves you so much, Patty! He loves you more than you could possibly imagine!
Thank you again, Patty, for reading and reviewing my post. I truly appreciate it.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
A clever advertisement giving the reader no choice as to which dwelling to choose here, this is how the advertisers sell their goods by giving the buyer no choice! Ha ha ha, a fine write, love Dolly x
reply by the author on 21-Sep-2021
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A clever advertisement giving the reader no choice as to which dwelling to choose here, this is how the advertisers sell their goods by giving the buyer no choice! Ha ha ha, a fine write, love Dolly x
Comment Written 20-Sep-2021
reply by the author on 21-Sep-2021
Thanks you very much for your lovely review, Dolly. Many people actually do make the wrong choice, by default. God makes it so easy, though, doesn't He? It's quite hard to resist!
Thanks again for reading and reviewing.
Comment from Elizabeth Emerald
Vivid depictions! Masterful incorporation of religious imagery--very clever--the high price has been paid and nullifies the contract made on apt. one.
reply by the author on 21-Sep-2021
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Vivid depictions! Masterful incorporation of religious imagery--very clever--the high price has been paid and nullifies the contract made on apt. one.
Comment Written 20-Sep-2021
reply by the author on 21-Sep-2021
Thank you very much, Elizabeth, for this fine and wonderful review! Yes, the high price has been paid, but admission of the applicant is conditional upon its acceptance. Thanks again for reading and reviewing.
Comment from Tpa
A very creative story for the contest. It indeed will make the readers think about which road to take, at least for me. I'm sure the only GPS for arriving there are the works of goodwill that you can give to others. GOOD LUCK IN THE CONTEST.
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2021
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A very creative story for the contest. It indeed will make the readers think about which road to take, at least for me. I'm sure the only GPS for arriving there are the works of goodwill that you can give to others. GOOD LUCK IN THE CONTEST.
Comment Written 20-Sep-2021
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2021
Dear Tpa, thank you for your fine review, and your kind and generous comments. If you carefully read the terms of the lease (and the Word of God), the only acceptable payment for a place in the Kingdom of God is the Blood of Christ, the perfect Lamb of God, the only sinless human who ever lived and the perfect sacrifice, made on our behalf for our sins. He suffered and died in our place. Any good works we do for others may flow from gratitude to God, and help us get better accommodations in God?s Kingdom, but only His Son can secure our actual admission. As it says in the Book of Isaiah, "All we, like sheep, have gone astray, we have turned, every one, to our own way, and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all." There is no other acceptable price.
I beg you to consider the Way God has provided, Jesus Christ, the living GPS for eternal life. Pardon my boldness, but I promise, you won't regret it. You can speak to Him, directly.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
I enjoyed reading your contest entry. I am wondering if more people read this that their choice would be much easier. I'm not sure. I guess faith still enters into it and that seems to be hard for some. Thank you for sharing and good luck.
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2021
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I enjoyed reading your contest entry. I am wondering if more people read this that their choice would be much easier. I'm not sure. I guess faith still enters into it and that seems to be hard for some. Thank you for sharing and good luck.
Comment Written 20-Sep-2021
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2021
Thank you so much, Barbara, for your beautiful review, and for your thoughtful comments about this weighty matter. I wonder whether I am indeed "preaching to the choir" with this post, and whether people who don?t believe it, will simply ignore or avoid it. But if even one person reads this post, and it helps them make a decision for Jesus, wouldn't that be amazing and wonderful? I pray that somebody will.
Thank you very much for reading and reviewing.
Comment from Magpiemazy.
Beautifully written. Thoroughly enjoyed the descriptions of both dwellings. You made both seem real (which they are) and made people think before choosing the first over the second. Hugs, Maggie
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2021
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Beautifully written. Thoroughly enjoyed the descriptions of both dwellings. You made both seem real (which they are) and made people think before choosing the first over the second. Hugs, Maggie
Comment Written 20-Sep-2021
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2021
Thank you so much, Maggie, for your outstanding, beautiful review, and for the six stars. I appreciate your very meaningful comments, and I also hope that some people will think carefully, as a result of reading this post. I don't generally bring the fear of damnation into personal evangelism -- we seem to shy away from it -- but Jesus wasn't afraid to raise the issue, and while we need to pray for God's leading and not be too heavy-handed, there is no reason why it should be off limits. We need to be led by the Holy Spirit. I don't want to make it seem like I'm out there on the corner, distributing tracts (although it's not a bad idea, and I've done it), but we always need to be "ready to give an answer for the hope" in us. Amen.
If Jesus wasn't afraid, then why are we?
We really shouldn't be afraid of what people think. There are many references in the New Testament to Hell, and of these, many were uttered by Jesus. He didn't want people to go there.
We should follow in the footsteps of Jesus, and tell it like it is!
Comment from Sherry Asbury
This write is priceless - at least for the second apt... You have captured the possibilities of our life after death. I would choose the Tree of Life every time - and to share it with my Savior - what joy!! Wonderful writing here!
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2021
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This write is priceless - at least for the second apt... You have captured the possibilities of our life after death. I would choose the Tree of Life every time - and to share it with my Savior - what joy!! Wonderful writing here!
Comment Written 20-Sep-2021
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2021
Thank you so much, Sherry, for this awesome, exceptional review, and for the six stars! I deeply appreciate your encouraging fellowship and your lovely comments. Yes, I also choose the Tree of Life, with all of my heart.
Comment from LJbutterfly
Well done. Both of your apartments are scriptural without mentioning Heaven or hell, per the rules of the contest. In your author notes you've referenced proof of salvation based on scriptures you used. But, the Bible goes a step further. There are references to the unpleasant attributes of your first apartment, 666 Lake of Fire, in Rev. 19:20. and again in Rev. 20:10, 14, and 15. According to verse 15, if you're not written in the Book of Life, you automatically reside in the first apartment.
I truly enjoyed your creativity and wish you the best in the contest.
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2021
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Well done. Both of your apartments are scriptural without mentioning Heaven or hell, per the rules of the contest. In your author notes you've referenced proof of salvation based on scriptures you used. But, the Bible goes a step further. There are references to the unpleasant attributes of your first apartment, 666 Lake of Fire, in Rev. 19:20. and again in Rev. 20:10, 14, and 15. According to verse 15, if you're not written in the Book of Life, you automatically reside in the first apartment.
I truly enjoyed your creativity and wish you the best in the contest.
Comment Written 19-Sep-2021
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2021
Hello LJButterfly, thank you very much for this beautiful and thoughtful review! You are absolutely right, the Bible references other attributes of the first apartment, which are most undesirable, and to be stringently avoided.
There is indeed a Book of Life, and in order to live in the second dwelling, your name must be written there ... having a relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior should be one and the same. I might have elaborated at greater length about the angelic multitude singing, and more, but there was a 300 word limit. Nevertheless, you have made some excellent points, true and valid.
Thanks again for reading and reviewing.