Reviews from

Queen of My Castle

Only partly based on reality!

24 total reviews 
Comment from Marienkiefer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

My sentiments exactly, Only now I have something to quote--This poem.

Nice when art reflects reality, and reality, art.
Great job and good luck on your entry.

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 10-Apr-2022
    Lol, that is one big complement to be quoted. However I have had many male reviewers who don't share your sentiments or enthusiasm. : )
    Thank you so much for the awesome review.
Comment from HarryT
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice job working in the required words. Expressed with shall we say kind of loving anger? One point the following stanza stopped me: "I will not clean the toilet stool/ It's always done, he has no clue." If you don't clean it and he doesn't clean it, then who cleans it? Like your concluding couplet. Are you the innocent you wish to protect? Because from the poem, I would not think it is your husband. Poem was good for a smile. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 10-Apr-2022
    Harry, the answer to the first question is, while thinking of ways to have him see all I do around the house, I will not clean the toilet stool, because its always been clean and he has no clue how it gets that way.
    Actually the answer to both questions was that I was having a good time writing and in a silly mood, so was trying to be funny with the queen and king identities. In the beginning I made it clear that it was only based on partial reality, which is mostly him leaving things lay around the house. If we only wrote about the truth, then we would have no fun or anything to smile and laugh about. But in all honesty, my husband helps me a lot and has been wanting me to get a cleaning lady for many years because my Lupus has me pretty crippled up. That's why I started writing again, so I could feel some sense of accomplishment, and help others so depression didn't get me, because of all my organs that are going bad. Some might say that's living in a dream world, but I call it trying to stay positive and laughter is the best medicine. I didn't mean to offend anyone, but I do thank you for the nice things you did say. Also, I have no anger; loving or any other kind.
    I have a loving God who has blessed me dearly, and shown me ways to still be useful.
reply by HarryT on 10-Apr-2022
    So in your kingdom, not only is there God, but there is magic. I wonder where I can get one of those magic self-cleaning seats? Keep writing.
reply by the author on 10-Apr-2022
    In my life and reality I have an awesome God.
    In my writing I have an imagination and try to have fun. I'm sorry, as Im not being defensive, just answering your questions. However I do respect and love honesty, so I do thank you.
reply by HarryT on 10-Apr-2022
    Imagination is good. Keep it going.
Comment from Tom Horonzy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Not only funny but astute. It is given though that woman :-)) was made to be Adam's helpmate, though it would be best to have him express his appreciation now and then. Best line: "He likes it clean, but leaves his stuff,
Where it drops." Men, including me, do, do this all the time.

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 10-Apr-2022
    First, let me say, I love you Tom! You are a delight! I had thought I had made it clear that it was just a light, partly fictional, but I got a few angry reviews from men. So Bless you my friend! Lol, the part about leaving his stuff around was complete reality. But he's been after me for years to get a cleaning lady, since my Lupus has me pretty crippled up. It was a fun poem to write and once again, thank you my friend! You are
    delightful, for a man! Haha
reply by Tom Horonzy on 10-Apr-2022
reply by the author on 10-Apr-2022
    : )
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You made me smile here as women rule the roost at home and take charge of all the chores and run a tight ship and the husband should obey the rules when at home! Ha ha ha, what a lot of un this poem is, much enjoyed, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 10-Apr-2022
    Thank you Dolly. You are alway so sweet! It was a fun poem to write, with only part truth; leaving his stuff laying around, but he has been after me for years to hire a cleaning lady, as my Lupus has me pretty crippled up.
    Lol, I'm afraid some of the men reviewers aren't too happy with me right now, although the women are having lots of fun with it. : ) Thanks again Dolly!
    But I absolutely love you for making my day
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

An excellent poem, fun - but of course with serious undertones, lol. Yes, it's funny how everything remains "spick and span" and neat and tidy - unless the doer goes on strike, then things quickly disintegrate into chaos. Well written. Best wishes.

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 10-Apr-2022
    Thank you my very sweet friend! It was just another one to have some fun. Actually my husband has been after me for years to get a cleaning lady, since my Lupus has me pretty crippled up. Lol, but he does leave his stuff lay around. Haha!
Comment from Janice Canerdy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, some men do tend to have strong feelings about the castle--first of all, that it's their place to mess it up and the women's place to clean it!
Your couplets are well written and descriptive of a common family scenario. Nice touch of humor

 Comment Written 09-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 09-Apr-2022
    Thank you Janice for such a kind review! Lol, I'm finding this poem isn't as popular with some of the men. Hehe!
reply by Janice Canerdy on 09-Apr-2022
    Go figure! LOL!
Comment from Carolyn Dooley
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a great and true story in a poem. I know how you feel. It does get old. And I like the part about putting a bed in the garage. Since he is fussy about his shed and garage, that is where he should lodge. They want a clean house. They should stay in the garage. They make the mess and expect us to pick up after them. And when and if they help around the house, they do not do a great job. We can be the Queen of our house, so let them be the King of their garage. Thank you for the humor.

 Comment Written 09-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 09-Apr-2022
    Haha! Maybe the truth is hard to hear, as I don't think I'm real popular with some of the men reviewers right now! : )
    Thank you for your lovely review. It means a lot to me.
reply by Carolyn Dooley on 09-Apr-2022
    Most men do not like hearing the truth. The truth hurts. I enjoyed reading your true story. Thank you.
reply by Carolyn Dooley on 10-Apr-2022
    I know how men are. They cannot stand a woman being right. You are welcome. Have a great day, and I hope you win.
    Stand up for your rights.
Comment from pome lover
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

sounds to me like you are definitely the innocent, here, and I have to say, I think you're right - hire a maid, and maybeğ?¤?, if in between the days she comes, just leave his things where he puts them. (and you might consider a big strapping, muscular maid in case hubby gives you a hard timeğ???. just a thought.
I'm just kidding.
(sort of) :)

 Comment Written 09-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 09-Apr-2022
    Haha! Maybe the truth is hard to hear, as I don't think I'm real popular with some of the men reviewers right now! : )
    Thank you for your lovely review. It means a lot to me.
    I like your idea of getting hunky housekeeper though!
    Seriously though, my husband has been after me to get myself a housekeeper for years, as he worries since my Lupus has me pretty crippled up. Writing has been a lifesaver for me, as it helps to feel good about myself, as I get to laugh and enjoy my lovely time with friends like you!
reply by pome lover on 10-Apr-2022
    maybe he's got a good idea - if a maid would help you. Good luck to you! Writing has helped me, too, though it's ruining my posture. :)
Comment from jessizero
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was such a creative way to use the provided words! Your poem was hilarious, and it's even funnier since it was based in part on truth. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 09-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 09-Apr-2022
    Haha! I think the truth is hard to hear for some though, as I don't think I'm real popular with some of the men reviewers right now! : )
    Thank you for your lovely review. It means a lot to me.
Comment from JPGeo
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You've used your contest words nicely. The poem is straightforward and easy to follow with good rhyming. It was predictable and might have read better with some suprise or twist. Good luck with the contest and thanks for posting.

 Comment Written 09-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 09-Apr-2022
    Thank you John, I do agree with you 100%, as I was trying to think of a better ending, but some days they just don''t come as easy. However, I do appreciate your kind review.