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Viewing comments for Chapter 14 "Where are you?"
A Day at Sea World

17 total reviews 
Comment from Kym Jade
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So that's who the girls heard drive up. They have escaped into the woods and there is a high risk of bushfire. I hope Cricket can track them before any fires start.

Tony didn't get to do his thing with Sam.

Love and blessings

Will PM a suggestion.

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2008

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2008
    Metcha Ladies!

    Daggonit, I know. I wanted to do that, but I just couldn't figure out how. But we'll still have doggie action! Promise.

    I'll check the pm!

Comment from Johnny Carwash
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent chapter, especially the ending. Has me clamoring to find out just what's coming next. You're doing a fabulous job with this story, Gayle. Keep it up.

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2008

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2008
    Hey Johnny,

    Thanks so much for the R&R and your comments. This one is such a blast to write. Can't wait until it's finished.

Comment from Ritsal
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hey girl!
Just a few little suggestions. :)

she unlocked the door and stepped inside. = delete "she" - already used at beginning of sentence

She'd barely taken a bite of her breakfast roll when she heard the buzzer indicate someone had entered the store. = more shes = maybe something like: After one bite of her breakfast roll, the buzzer announced someone entering the store.

Amanda shrugged, taking small sips of her hot coffee. = I would delete "her" as I don't think she would be sipping anyone else's coffee. LOL

old Koontz book, the Watchers, = shouldn't The Watchers be in italics or something?

Oh, boy. This guy's a real catch -- inherited a barn. :D

A little ball of muscle popped out on Lenny's jaw. = Really?

Wow - this is a page turner! Good job.

Best wishes,

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2008

reply by the author on 03-Jun-2008
    Hey Rita,

    Oh, did you read The Watchers? My fave of all of his. Anyhoo, excellent suggestions, as always. I will italicize in the ms, but old Eddie..nah, not.

    Let me get in there and make fix. Thanks so much for the edits and great comments.

reply by Ritsal on 03-Jun-2008
    Was that the one about the spider thingys? I read his stuff ages ago -- used to be a favorite of mine.
reply by the author on 04-Jun-2008
    No, it was about a golden Lab named Einstein, who had enhanced genetics or something. He could 'talk' via a computer. He had an enemy, 'The Other' who was a maniac that wanted to kill everything, but mostly the dog.

    If you haven't read it, do. It's my fave of all his.
Comment from butterflykiss
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is great. This is my first time I'm going back and read some, It's a fast pacer and a page turner. I liked the story line and it flowed very well. I didn't find any mistakes.
Good luck.

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2008

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2008
    What a darling name, butterflykiss,

    Well thanks so much for the great review. Sorry it took so long to reply, usually I'm right on it. Glad you liked this one and hope you'll come back.

reply by butterflykiss on 04-Jun-2008
    Thank you very much.
    Your welcome, I did enjoy reading your story. Can't wait for the next installment.
    Good luck.
Comment from Korton
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another interesting and provocative chapter. I've heard it said that San'tanas is the correct term that translated means "Devil Wind." The girls have escaped and it is definiteln time for Cricket to get busy on the outside, the inside can wait. Very well done.

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2008

reply by the author on 03-Jun-2008
    LOL! I'm glad you see it that way. Yeah, when you see it writen in the papers or whatever, it's Santa Ana's. But in conversation, we say it that way. Cool, no one else seems to mind, at least, not yet.

    Thanks for the great comments, I get a feeling you know where this is going!


Comment from Teri7
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very well written chapter you have done. I just hate that I have not read any of this until now. It is full of great descriptive wording and great dialog. Hugs, Teri

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 Comment Written 03-Jun-2008

reply by the author on 03-Jun-2008
    Hey Teri,

    Thanks so much for the fine R&R. I appreciate the comments and hope to see you again soon,

Comment from Cletus Hardiman
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This one sort of keeps one glued to the page. It is a very interesting story, but I need to read the first part to give a super honest critique.....I need to catch up! Ha! But, this is an enjoyable write--very descriptive! Thanks, Cletus Hardiman

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 Comment Written 03-Jun-2008

reply by the author on 03-Jun-2008
    Hey Cletus,

    I'm so glad you liked this chapter. If you want to go back and catch up, you don't need to leave a review unless you're moved to do so. Sorry the bucks ran out. I'd just appreciate your input!

reply by Cletus Hardiman on 03-Jun-2008
    I will do that, my friend......but, it will have to be later....maybe tonight. I have got to get off this computer, out of this office, and get some work done! Ha!! Thanks! Cletus Hardiman