Reviews from

Dog Tags

A new military widow.

36 total reviews 
Comment from Marilyn Hamilton
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

An excellent entry for the Sad Poems writing prompt. Your poem is well-written and heartbreaking. I can't imagine the kind of pain that comes with a knock at the door like that. Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 25-Jul-2024
    Thanks, Marilyn. I can't imagine a wife, back at home, with a husband at war. Every knock on the door must create great anxiety.
Comment from SimianSavant
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a compelling and emotional write. The loved ones and families of lost soldiers endure far more than I could ever imagine.

My only suggestion is to get rid of the punctuation at the end of lines in the first two stanzas, as they seem a little distracting.

Thanks for sharing this excellent piece,


 Comment Written 24-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 25-Jul-2024
    Thanks for the review, SS. I'll take a look at that punctuation.
Comment from Begin Again
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The people who stand for our country and march off to fight a war that often we don't even understand are putting their lives and the lives of their families on the line for each and every one of us. It is beyond sad and devastating when someone doesn't return home. Very well written.
Hugs, Carol

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 25-Jul-2024
    Thanks, Carol. I thank those people every day.
Comment from Patty Mazzurco
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem does a powerful job of capturing the deep sorrow and the heavy burden of loss that comes with waiting for a loved one who never returns. The imagery of the snowy winter afternoon, the chaplain's visit, and the dog tags evoke a strong emotional response and paint a vivid picture of grief and resignation.

The repetition of "not tonight" throughout the poem effectively emphasizes the lingering pain and the sense of unending mourning. This refrain reinforces the idea that the protagonist's anguish is too deep to be resolved immediately.

The narrative structure and rhyming pattern are consistent, which helps to maintain the emotional rhythm of the poem. However, the poem could benefit from a few tweaks for clarity and flow. For instance, consider adjusting some lines to enhance the readability and emotional impact:

Example:,Your revision reads smoothly and maintains the flow. Here's a slightly refined version for clarity:

On a snowy, cold winter afternoon,
With baby asleep in the cradle's lap,
Her husband's return was expected soon
From a hard fought battle on the map.

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 25-Jul-2024
    Thanks for the review, Patty. I will take a look at your suggestion.
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, may father and brother were in major wat conflicts, both were wounded, but both returned to life as a civilian, both have passed away now, but left this world as heroes, this is supremely written, and I recognise the style, beautifully written, good luck, blessings Roy

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 Comment Written 24-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 25-Jul-2024
    Thanks, Roy. I always look forward to your reviews.
reply by royowen on 26-Jul-2024
    Bless you
Comment from Katiemae1977
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is absolutely stunning poet! Flawless iambic pentameter that reads smoothly and doesn't sound forced.
You really take the reader into your story and make them a part of it.
I like the repeated line "but not tonight"
Take care and best wishes in the contest!

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 25-Jul-2024
    Thanks, Katiemae. You are too kind. You have inspired me to write another poem, "but not tonight".