Reviews from

Free Verse Collection

Viewing comments for Chapter 14 "The Dancers"
A collection of free verse poems

92 total reviews 
Comment from RGstar
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good depiction of the action, Tony. Plenty of imagery there. Your crescendo is gradual, yet we clearly see the rise, only again to subside and succumb to the calmness of which the imagery would suggest, before the moment of glee.

The emphasis on any poem is what I call 'the soul' of a poem. Without the soul, the poem reads flat and orchestrated.
You have found the soul here, it has the heart = the beating and movement, it has the soul= the life, pulse and aura in depicting your thesis of which works beautifully with your image.

Now you have the poetic ambiance which must by all costs portray your thesis, image and title combined, and you have done that beautifully with the combination of these words:


weather adjective or noun, all synonymous with your title and the movement of your theme.

I think one thing I would might of looked at , is the repeating lines as;
''Of their dance''

I think, because it is in your title, you have to either repeat it in every stanza , as you only have it in 3rd and 4th or just use it once, or it may seem a mistake.

Even if it is not aligned with any particular system, it is then your system. It has to be continuous so it is done with meaning and choice rather than coincidence.

This also applies to ''In the dust'' which finds itself in the 2nd and the 6th. This also could have been repeated in every stanza, as it is not as pronounced as ''Of their dance'' which is very strong, considering dance is what the whole poem is about. So, I would choose , either or. Incorporate in all or use a distinctive line after each stanza as you might see in many of my work when repeating a line to bring more emphasis to the meaning I want to portray.

Hope you can find some alternatives in that which I have written, Tony.

Great Image and an excellent moment captured.


 Comment Written 05-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 05-Feb-2014
    Thanks very much for this thoughtful and detailed analysis, Roy. I very much appreciate you giving so much time to it. I must say that I also had some reservations about those repeating lines and I'll certainly give them more thought. It is one of those poems, I think, that may need putting away for a while and coming back to in a little while with a fresh mindset. Your comments have been most helpful!
reply by RGstar on 05-Feb-2014
    Best wishes, Tony
Comment from Marillion
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

For a free-verse poem, my friend, this one truly dances along in the perfect rhythm to match the piece. The repetition is effective, as is the form.

 Comment Written 05-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 06-Feb-2014
    So glad you enjoyed this one, Marillion, and thank you so much for your kind words.
Comment from bichonfrisegirl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very sweet poem, Tony. Your experiment turned out very well. Although not written to any particular form, it reads extremely well and has impact on the reader.

Loved the carefree feeling in this write.

Of special note to this reader is your stanza:

And you couldn't see their feet
As they wove a birdlike flutter
In the utter
of their dance

flutter/utter/stutter .... loved the rhyming here!

Another great poem, and fabulous picture by your daughter!

Connie :)

 Comment Written 05-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 06-Feb-2014
    So glad you enjoyed this one, Connie, and thank you so much for your lovely review.
Comment from Dorothy Farrell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

At last, I am reviewing something worthwhile today. A lovely description of the girls dancing - your free verse, despite it's lack of rhyme flows as if it did - it dances. A joyful read. Regards Dorothy

 Comment Written 05-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 06-Feb-2014
    So glad you enjoyed this one, Dorothy, and thank you so much for your lovely review and very kind words.
Comment from pbroussard209
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I found this poem to be a fun and delightful read. I don't write poetry so I can't give you any advice on that. But I loved the way it came to life. It brought a smile to my lips.

 Comment Written 05-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 06-Feb-2014
    So glad you enjoyed this one, PB, and thank you so much for your kind review.
Comment from adewpearl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another marvelous photo
good proximate rhyme of trees/leaves
and alliteration in toes tapping
good assonance in see their feet
love the flutter/utter/stutter passage
great use of enjambment in that section
I also love the glided...subsided passage
great laughter/thereafter passage
This is just glorious, my friend - I so wish I had a six to give it.

 Comment Written 05-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 06-Feb-2014
    Thanks so much for this affirmation, Brooke! I'm almost beginning to feel like a poet!
reply by the author on 06-Feb-2014
    Thanks so much for this affirmation, Brooke! I'm almost beginning to feel like a poet!
Comment from Akanksha Mahajan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a scene you have created in the readers mind! Actually the Scene is only about 3 girls dancing in the water, but you have described and elaborated it so well.
The picture is nice.
Great Work.
Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 05-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 06-Feb-2014
    So glad you enjoyed this one, Akanksha, and thank you so much for your lovely review.
reply by the author on 06-Feb-2014
    So glad you enjoyed this one, Akanksha, and thank you so much for your lovely review.
Comment from LadyCosgrove
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I can so visualise those girls tap-tapping their way home through the dusky streets. Your experiment worked very well.
...and I see no need of punctuation - it read very smoothly for me.

 Comment Written 05-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 06-Feb-2014
    So glad you enjoyed this one, LadyC, and thank you so much for the kind words and positive comments in your review.
Comment from Kenneth Schaal
This work has reached the exceptional level

I'm truly glad I saved a couple of sixers, this is good. I fell into the trance like rhythm in the second stanza with the trees leaves and upgraded in the third with the toe tapping--delightful all the way through and culminates with the perfect explanation and rhythm. You have the music in you, and you worked the crescendo beautifully. The use of the repeated vowel sounds is great. I couldn't add or subtract from this lovely work of art. Kenny

 Comment Written 05-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 06-Feb-2014
    So glad you enjoyed this one, Kenny, and thank you so much for your high praise and six stars. Highly valued coming from such an accomplished poet as yourself!
Comment from Paddywack
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I really like it, Tony. I think you achieved a syncopated rhythm that is apt for the subject (i.e. the dance). You don't need punctuation, it flows well as is. The only part that didn't sit perfectly with me was the last verse. I like the first line and the last line is fitting, but the middle two don't work as well. (only for me)
Thanks for sharing


 Comment Written 05-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 06-Feb-2014
    So glad you enjoyed this one, Paddy, and thank you so much for your comments. I've had one or two people make comments about that last verse. It obviously needs looking at again! I appreciate your feedback.