Reviews from

Harvest Time

Vincent Van Gogh's The Red Vineyard..vid must sees below

4 total reviews 
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love this write because it has melody and also all the good produce that we can eat and drink and the vibrant colour, you win my vote, much enjoyed, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 21-Jun-2021

reply by the author on 21-Jun-2021
    You made my day , Dolly!

    .. once I had voted the contest page opened and I saw I had no votes .. ( sigh)

    Thank you for the gift .

    I?m glad you loved the rhyme .. you also noticed the produce I mentioned that comes with the autumn harvest /season and last but not least the beautiful painting of Vincent Van Gogh .. the hues are so vibrant .

    I hope you checked out the vids below ..

    The film , Loving Vincent, is a must see and the song Starry Starry Night is heartbreaking

    Thank you for your enthusiastic review is much appreciated

    Keep safe!
Comment from LisaMay
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

As an artist myself, and a lover of Vincent's work, I enjoyed your poem very much. It should do well in the contest - it speaks of originality as a poet and brings the scene to life with vigor.
Don McLean sings Starry Starry night beautifully and I also enjoyed this version you presented.
I've seen that film, Loving Vincent. You are right - it is an amazing masterpiece.

 Comment Written 20-Jun-2021

reply by the author on 20-Jun-2021
    I am glad you enjoyed the read ..

    I wanted to edit the middle line and write:

    Tired pickers reap year s rewards.

    But then I saw the contest had hit the booth.

    I love Don McLean s original version too .. in all honesty I remembered the film .. it made a great impression on me

    but for some reason I didn t recall the song .. two days ago I came across it and only then did I make the connection with the film.

    The words are so beautiful.

    Keep safe !

    PS: My mother was an artist too : painting and sculpture.. what art do you delight yourself with... painting ? What kind of style ?

Comment from AliMom
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your first line immediately grabbed my interest as I could readily picture the boldness of the colors without seeing the painting. The second line was more difficult to visualize (vines bathing?) The personification confused me but it may because I associate vines with hanging and that means they are against or dangling not awash in rivers or orange sunsets. Then in the third line, I must admit I'm not sure if you're alluding to the people or the vegetation. I do like the use of assonance. It makes your poem breathe like ah-ooh, ah-ooh in the first two lines which again draws me back to the painting.

 Comment Written 20-Jun-2021

reply by the author on 20-Jun-2021
    Try to google :Vines bathing in the sunlight , evening light etc as depicted in the painting. Vineyards don t grow in water hence grape vines grow on the land.

    I live in the countryside and vineyards bathe in the sun , in the light ,sunset etc ..

    It s quite a common expression even in English...

    Anyways vines are harvest in autumn and produce wine hence why I wrote wine in my closing line

    ..spuds are harvest in ( late) autumn too and at least in my country people eat stews in autumn and winter.

    Anyways I hope you enjoyed the video at least .

reply by the author on 20-Jun-2021
    PS:your review put me in a frenzy I decided to make sure there can not be any misinterpretation ..I put GRAPE vines

    grapevines bathe in evening dew.

    I always make the mistake of thinking everyone knows about vineyards,vines etc..

Comment from Bonnie Seach
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Contest compliant.
Attractive artwork and appealing presentation.
Much is mentioned in the Author's notes about Van Gogh's paintings and a movie surrounding his life.
This review however, is to rate the author's haiku poem. Well done. Kind regards

 Comment Written 20-Jun-2021

reply by the author on 20-Jun-2021
    Thank for reviewing my wee poem ..I just finished editing the first video which now has the singer singing as paintings of Vincent appear in the background.. the song mentions lots of the artist's paintings and also his struggle to remain sane.

    I hope you took the time to listen to the song's very beautiful.
    My mother was Dutch too was about time I wrote something on this amazing yet unfortunate artist.
reply by Bonnie Seach on 20-Jun-2021
    I know the song. It is a favourite of mine. You are doing very well! Congratulations. Cheers
reply by the author on 20-Jun-2021

    I loved the film too.

    I edited my middle line cause the second reviewer thought for some reason I was talking about vines that grow in the water because I used the word :bathing..

    According to her bathing means in water ..

    The painting is The Vineyard so I thought it was obvious I was speaking about grape vines . And grapevines can bathe in the sunset but apparently for this reviewer :no

    Anyways , to avoid misinterpretation I edited my second line got the better or the worse.

    Keep safe!

reply by Bonnie Seach on 20-Jun-2021
    Explain intricacies in the Author's notes space to avoid misinterpretation. Good communication is the glue that binds everything together
reply by the author on 20-Jun-2021
    I will keep that in mind .. thank you for the good advice.

    Keep safe!
reply by Bonnie Seach on 20-Jun-2021