Reviews from

All Hell Broke Out

The drama in Afghanistan

3 total reviews 
Comment from Justin Chopin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great work with this poem. I was impressed with how you were able to articulate all of the fear, anguish and blood shed of our ongoing "Afghanistan nightmare" in such a short piece. Thought the lines where you transitioned from blood streams to broken dreams was done very smoothly . Excellent job with your writing.

 Comment Written 29-Aug-2021

reply by the author on 29-Aug-2021
    Ciao thank you for the kind review !

    Glad you enjoyed the read .

    Yes Afghanistan is an ongoing nightmare

    Yesterday I read the names of the 13 American soldiers that were killed , I was shocked at how young most were their early 20s .(Sigh)

    You don t say but an extra thank you if you were the one that gave my wee poem the only vote it received!

    Take care


reply by Justin Chopin on 29-Aug-2021
    You're welcome.
Comment from pome lover
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

and shame on the man who could have changed it! He has turned his back on his own country and his own people crying for help, along with those who helped us. He has turned this country from one trusted and respected to one, humiliated and weak.
Your poem and picture correctly portray the betrayal and criminal lack of action by our "leader," and the unthinkable results.

 Comment Written 28-Aug-2021

reply by the author on 29-Aug-2021
    Yes, I don?t understand what Biden was thinking .. over night he pulled out American troops.

    Leaving vulnerable diplomatic staff and those that have helped the allies.

    I don?t believe Biden didn?t know that the Talibans would move in so quickly.

    Two days ago two bombs killed 13 American soldiers and 200 civilians.

    Biden promised revenge and within 24 hours those responsible were killed with a drone..

    Afghanistan will become again a breeding place for Terrorists .. millions of Afghans have fled.

    Turkey ( who has already 4 million refugees residing in its country) and Pakistan have built a wall to stop the Afghans from entering.

    Europe, Italy in the next few months will be over.

    For more than a decade Italy has seen dealing with refugees ( after Saddam and Ghedaffi were killed) and off late illegals arriving..

    yesterday alone 700 young men arrived from Tunisia..

    In ten years 700.000 arrived OFFICIALLY .. the true number is likely double

    We already don?t have work for us .. I don?t see how we can take care of these hundred of thousands Afghans now fleeing.

    Our country took 5.000 during the two week evacuation.. when does it stop.

    Sorry for the rant

reply by pome lover on 29-Aug-2021
    all of that is just terrible! For heaven's sake, don't apologize for the rant - I rant all the time. I just wish it did some good.
Comment from LisaMay
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your topical poem and suitably graphic choice of illustration combine to emphasise the horrific tragedy in Afghanistan, in skilfully constructed monorhyme.

 Comment Written 28-Aug-2021