Reviews from

Remembering Yesterday

Viewing comments for Chapter 148 "Forty Years Is a Long Time"
A widow's journey into her relationship with her

18 total reviews 
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh you're leaving us with a cliffhanger ending! I hope nothing bad happened or will happen!
The high school reunion was interesting as I only went to my 40th. But my high school class was 600 or more so you can imagine I wouldn't know many people or even recognize them. One guy thought he recognized my husband who never went to that school or even lived in the state. Lol!
Thanks for sharing. It sounds like your parents are at the stage my parents are now. I know you took care of your father in his last years.

 Comment Written 10-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 10-Feb-2022
    Thank you, Helen, I'm glad I lived in a small town and attended a small school. I only knew a handful of people at my college graduate so I don't bother attending those. I was already married and an off campus student.
    1995 was a bad year for me. I hate to write negative things but I'm writing what actually happened
Comment from Elizabeth Emerald
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Gripping, enthralling. Cliffhanger--never a dull moment--as to seeing the future--I recall you did as to the house fire and that dream you had out of the blue about machines (?) in a factory (?)

 Comment Written 09-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 10-Feb-2022
    Thanks Elizabeth, I wasn't able to see the future on command. I glad I wasn't. 1995 wasn't a good year for me.
reply by Elizabeth Emerald on 10-Feb-2022
    If someone could see the future on command s/he'd repeatedly win the lottery.
Comment from damommy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Class reunions can go both ways. Either it's a joy to see everyone again, or one comes away depressed. It seems there are stormy times ahead, so it's good you couldn't see into the future and ruin your trip.

 Comment Written 09-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 10-Feb-2022
    Thank you for the nice review. After the 50th we started having them every year because so many were dying off. That is depressing. There are only about 18 to 20 of the originals left. Most are girls. 1995 wasn't a good year for me.
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is another great chapter, Beth. I enjoyed reading it, though there were sad parts. You described the reunion well. It seems there was a lot going on up to and including it. With the small class size, it made it easier to see most of the graduates. Your family has always been very active in everything they become a part of. You describe each section well. I feel as if I know a bit more about your history. I believe your book will be well received by the kids.
Respectfully, Jan

May I suggest ~

I wasn't prepared to see some of my friends looking so much older. In my mind(,) they had remained teenagers. The reunion committee had hired a band to entertain us. Jo Ann, a classmate I'd known since third grade and one who had been a high school rival, did a monologue(.) [in which delete in which ] (She)she said she had always wanted to do one, but never got the chance, because I was the one who got to do all the speaking roles and won the leads in all the class plays. She said it was because I got to take "Expression" lessons(,) and her daddy said he wasn't going to pay anyone to make his kids do more talking.

JoAnn( Jo Ann) confessed she had always envied me. (She)she was pretty and popular and her family lived in the largest house in town. Then(,) she came to the play, and was amazed at my performance and realized why they had picked me. I was flattered but very surprised.

While in Newton, we visited with your brother, Rhomus and sister, Helen. Neither of them was doing so well. Helen was depressed because she was alone(,) and Jimmy was talking of putting his mother in assisted living facility. A housing project had been built beside her property, and her neighborhood was no longer safe.

Rhomus was frustrated because he hadn't been called back to work on an engineering project. Both he and Helen were concerned about our nephew, Gary's wife Cindy, who was dying of brain cancer. Cindy was still in her twenties. She had been Gary's high school sweetheart. For the last two years(,) she had gone through cancer treatments, but she'd suffered a stroke and was bedridden. Your sister, Maxine was trying to care for her while Gary worked, and it was too much for her.

In spite of being happy(,) I'd decided to attend the class reunion, we both came away from Newton feeling depressed after hearing everyone's troubles. Leaving Mom and Dad was part of the problem. Dad was continuing to have bowel problems and was falling often. He was using a walker to get around, and Mom's health wasn't good. She wasn't able to be taking care of him and the house. They had a large yard and Mom insisted it be well manicured at all times. They had no intention of hiring anyone to do the work. I knew with summer just starting, she would be out with the lawn mower doing all that work herself.

The trip back to Chattanooga was uneventful. Connie was unusually quiet. We didn't know if she and Charlie were having problems or if she was just tired. Soon both girls fell asleep in the back seat.

I've heard hindsight is twenty-twenty. I wonder if it would have made a difference, if only we had known the problems which lay in store within the next two months, which would change our lives in an unexpected way. On the other hand, maybe it is a good thing we don't have the ability to see the future.

 Comment Written 09-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2022
    Thank you Jan, You have good eye, and I really appreciate you taking the time to help me correct some things.
reply by Jannypan (Jan) on 09-Feb-2022
Comment from mermaids
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

There is so much going on here with your class reunion, health problems in the family and your daughter's relationships. Being a nurse, I can relate to having aching legs from standing all day at a job. Interesting memoir and your mother sounds like an independent lady.

 Comment Written 09-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2022
    Thank you so much. My daughter is a nurse too. I use to be able to stand all day but now my knees say, we've had enough of that. I appreciate the review.
Comment from BLACKTITANIUM86
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like your style of writing. For, you painted a very
vivid picture of your events, deep in depth. And
This is what held the readers attention. Keep Writing.
And don't forget to stop by, to talk to me. Stay Connected

 Comment Written 09-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2022
    Thank you for reading my story. I appreciate you comments. My style is pretty much the way I talk, so it is easy to read. As long as the reader isn't bored with my life, I'm happy.
Comment from Theodore McDowell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Beth, I love your images and stories and really like that you are writing for your family. You keep me interested throughout the story even though some of it is family-specific. You write very well, in a straightforward, direct, clear, and thorough manner. Well done, Beth!!!!!!

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 Comment Written 09-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2022
    Thank you so much Ted. I truly appreciate your reviews. I'm glad to know I don't bore you.
Comment from joann r romei
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed this for it read smoothly and was interesting, I like the way JoAnn admitted she was envious of you, that is a very mature thing to admit to someone, especially after 40 yrs!

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 Comment Written 09-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2022
    Thank you Joann, I see you share her name. She was a special girl. Unfortunately she died last year of cancer. I appreciate you reading my story.