Reviews from

Queen of My Castle

Only partly based on reality!

24 total reviews 
Comment from Douglas Goff
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was a great piece of satire/wit that made me chuckle. If he is the king than you must be the queen. Too funny.

I shall continue my journey through your mind. Let us see what is next?

 Comment Written 06-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 11-Jan-2024
    Douglas, you amaze me. Wow, to go back and check out my oldest work here is so kind of you. Sorry I didn't get back to you right away, but I always read the review right away even if I can't respond. Thank you so much.

    This was before the days of learning about the advanced editor. I thought I knew about writing before I got here, as I did grow up writing poetry, but what I learned since I got here is equivalent to a college education. If you accept the feedback in the beginning, you truly learn.

    I am so glad that I have met you and that we are friends. I feel like we've known each other forever.
    Thanks again, my awesome friend. Love, Debi
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, I think this is pretty much true of all spouses. Somedays he's the king and somedays your the queen...and most days the kids and pets rule the kingdom! Oh my gosh. I'm laughing at this one! You did a great job of incoporating the required words!


 Comment Written 17-Aug-2023

Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I that maybe the hubby maybe a little out his time, I remember my father tried that out on my mum, but he soon learnt she was made of sterner stuff than tha, poor guy. Beautifully written and wonderfully rhymed in couplet rhyming, well done, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 11-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 11-Apr-2022
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is precious! And I think you will find many a woman who will read this and declare it's true. The part about the shed and garage - he gets a little upset if you move things around after he's cleaned up, lol!
This is funny and real and well-written, all at the same time. Nice job!

 Comment Written 11-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 11-Apr-2022
    Thank you so very much Pam. This poem was so much fun to write, but even more fun to read the reviews from women like you, who could certainly relate to it. Lol, however the reviews of a few men were not so nice, even though I explained that it wasn't to be taken serious, and that's why I commented that it was only partially based on reality. : ).
    Once again, thank you for your lovely review!
reply by Pam Lonsdale on 11-Apr-2022
    Men can be SO sensitive (eye roll here).
reply by the author on 11-Apr-2022
reply by the author on 11-Apr-2022
Comment from Anne Johnston
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well done on this poem, good rhyming and you have expertly used all the assigned words. I did notice on thing: Line 6: " I've have had enough!"
Should read either I've had enough, or I have had enough.

 Comment Written 11-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 11-Apr-2022
    Ooh, thank you Anne! I can't believe that even though we proofread, we can still miss some mistakes. I thank you for your lovely review and for catching my mistake. You are awesome, my dear friend!
reply by Anne Johnston on 11-Apr-2022
    You are welcome. I am always thankful when someone finds my errors. It is so easy to miss little things.
reply by the author on 11-Apr-2022
    You are a gem and now it's fixed. Lol, It's like having my own private editors! ❤️
Comment from L. Kalere
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have an early morning smile...which is not easy. But, I can relate to everything you wrote!! Great job with using the required words. Wishing you the best in the contest.
Still smiling.

 Comment Written 11-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 11-Apr-2022
    You are so sweet, Ms Kalere! You gave me a smile too while reading your review. Thank you for the kind review!
Comment from nomi338
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hiring a cleaning lady is an option. It is one that would no doubt ease your anxiety and abate your anger at his dereliction. I am not entirely sure that this is the best solution however. Money could be saved and anger avoided from the start, if only this lazy bum would just do his part.

 Comment Written 11-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 11-Apr-2022
    Nomi, as always you are so sweet. Truthfully, the only part of my poem that was reality was that he does leave his stuff laying around, and keeps his garage and sheds clean. Otherwise he does help me and has been after me for years to hire someone to help, as my Lupus has me crippled up pretty bad. However, reality doesn't always make for light, carefree and fun writing. So I have no anger, but Lol, a little confusion that a few men reviewers gave me a hard time about this poem.
    I did explain that it was mostly fictional, but not every man is as gracious as you Always are. So thank you for your kind and delightful review!
reply by nomi338 on 11-Apr-2022
    I was a pleasure. My response was mostly for fun as I myself get chewed out for not always cleaning up behind myself. I think it is a guy thing.
reply by the author on 11-Apr-2022
    Haha! That's what I hear!
Comment from Rosemary Everson1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very cute poem. I would love to live in a castle too and have a maid. Wouldn't that be fun! Come home and the dishware are done and put away. The floor is swept; the house is in order!

 Comment Written 11-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 11-Apr-2022
    With a limo driver named James, a butler who calls you the lady of the house, etc, etc...Lol, Oops, maybe that's about my dream poem.
    Thanks Rosemary for dreaming right along w me!
    Also I thank you so much for the very kind review.
Comment from Gypsy Blue Rose
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good entry for the Poem With These Words writing prompt contest.

I hear you. Some men have no clue.

Check this...

My husband thinks that our house,
Should be a castle for (her) spouse. **His

I like the presentation and imagery. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 10-Apr-2022
    You are always so sweet, and I thank you for the lovely review and kind words! Thanks also for your feedback, which is always priceless!
Comment from paige_a
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

As someone who also has a partner who just drops his stuff wherever after I've spent hours cleaning, this poem really resonated with me. Perfect blend of humour and frustration. Well done!

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 10-Apr-2022
    Lol, this poem has generated either fun remarks from the ladies and some not so fun ones from a few men. Most have been good sports though.
    Thank you so much for your very kind review, as I love that my husband isn't the only one who leaves his stuff laying around. However that was the nonfiction part. Otherwise he's pretty helpful and has been after me for years to get a cleaning lady.