Reviews from

Remembering Yesterday

Viewing comments for Chapter 153 "Adjusting to the Caretaker Role"
A widow's journey into her relationship with her

19 total reviews 
Comment from Ben Colder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Evan and you had a great adjustment to make with having your father living with you. Something I said I would never do. Although one of my daughters would like that, I love living by myself. I can imagine, it was hard for the father, and the family.

 Comment Written 24-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 24-Apr-2022
    I like living by myself too. I don't won't to live with my children. My son and his new Korea bride at the only ones who have offered. I thing Oriental people expect to take care of older family members but I'm not sure I could adjust to so much sushi. LOL
Comment from Alcreator Litt Dear
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Indeed, old readers know the truth, your conversations with your deceased husband are still alive, you refer to the past moments to let your family members know the role of a caretaker you had to play with, difficult to play, but you performed well; well said, well done; post god speed more; positively encouraging editing, negatively not wording, forgiving errors of theist-good authors-writers. ALCREATOR LITT DEAR (D R)

 Comment Written 23-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 24-Apr-2022
    Thank you so much for your encouraging review. I appreciate you continuing to read my story.
Comment from prettybluebirds
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You have done an excellent job of writing about a difficult subject. I can relate to this as I was a caregiver for my husband's last three years of life. It was not an easy job. This is well-written and informative.

 Comment Written 23-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2022
    Thank you so much for the review. My husband was nine years older than I was, so I got the chance to be caregiver again. It isn't easy, but I don't regret doing it.
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

As I've said numerous times, your story will give you children a chance to see a different side of Evan and how you and he worked together, or against. LOL. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 23-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2022
    Thank you for reviewing this. There was a lot of bad things going on at that time in our lives. The next one won't be quite so negative.
Comment from Sankey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sorry I have got behind with your story talking to your late husband. You have seen all that's gone on with me elsewhere. One spag near the end, She [and](is) a senior in college.

 Comment Written 23-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2022
    Thank ;you for reviewing my chapter. You've not missed a lot. I hope you are getting past your problem and the surgery scars are healing. I've had you in my prayers.
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Being a caregiver is a hard job. My husband Jim was only sick for three months with Cancer but he went downhill rapidly. He was very thin when he died. He couldn't eat solid foods because he couldn't swallow. Esophageal Cancer is horrible. We finally got a Hospital bed the last night he was home. He had to be taken to the E.R. and he never returned to sleep in it again. The good Lord does make us strong during such times like the poem "Footprints" tells us. Well done, Beth. Nancy:)

 Comment Written 23-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2022
    Thank you Nancy. I was my father's caregiver for two years but I went through it all again in 2017 when my husband was dealing with cancer. If the Lord didn't give us extra strength for times like this, I wonder how we would make it.
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
This work has reached the exceptional level

You did a great job, Beth, describing the complex events surrounding
this period in your married life. Just being a caretaker to your Dad
was a full time job, yet you damaged so many other 'things.' Christi
seemed like a bomb ready to go off at any moment. I agree with your
Dad about not liking her massage work in the home, but not about his
kitty. It will be interesting to learn if she ever found what she was looking for. Near the beginning, is it Loren or Lauren.
Thanks for sharing.
Respectfully, Jan

 Comment Written 22-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 22-Apr-2022
    Thank you Jan, I appreciate the great review and six stars. I enjoyed your comments. I'm so glad you noticed that I misspelled my granddaughter's name. It is Lauren and I've fixed it.
Comment from Elizabeth Emerald
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'd have hung myself two days into this nightmare within a nightmare. Graphic depiction of full-time caretaking of your incontinent irascible father on top of ongoing encroachment of your histrionic daughter. Brilliant chapter--stunning wrap-up as to doing it over.

Loren vs Lauren

I had to talk her out of taking a couse=>COURSE in The Histroy=>HISTORY of Rock Music.

 Comment Written 22-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 22-Apr-2022
    Thank you, Elizabeth. Yep, those were so bad times. I think there are a few good things coming up soon. Stay tuned. Thanks for noticing the errors. I can't believe I misspelled Lauren's name.
reply by Elizabeth Emerald on 22-Apr-2022
    My daughter is Lauren--I had wanted to spell it Loren, which is the male version--uncommon these days.
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You were a hero, Beth!! Goodness me, you took on a lot, and dealt with it all amazingly well. It must have been hard when you had your father, your husband and your daughter all in the same house together and not getting on. It sounded like you were living a nightmare with a smile on your face. Yes, definately a hero!! I enjoyed reading this part, my friend. Warm hugs, Sandra xx

 Comment Written 22-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 22-Apr-2022
    Thank you Sandra. I do appreciate the review and comments. I was no hero but we did managed to survive it. There are a few good thing that should be coming up soon.
Comment from Judy Lawless
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, that was certainly a difficult time, Beth. I think I would have told Kimberly firmly that you could not possibly move them into the chaos you were already dealing with and babysit. :) I'm hoping all these problems soon ironed themselves out.

A few little spags: "you came down with it and was sick another two weeks.' - I'm not sure what you meant to say here, either (I) was sick, or you (were) sick.

"Carol was still crazy about Roy and she keep(kept) hoping"

"I'm amazed at how quickly(,) I was able to put all the aggravation" - no comma needed here.

 Comment Written 22-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 22-Apr-2022
    Thank you, Judy. I appreciate the review and comments and help with the spags. Those day were difficult. We didn't allow Don and Kimberly to move it but I did seem to be asked to keep Lauren quite a bit. She was getting close to a year old and was at a cute age, but she had to be watched closely.
reply by Judy Lawless on 23-Apr-2022
    You're most welcome, Beth. You are like me in that you find it difficult to say no to requests for help. :)