Reviews from

Vita Pura

From humble origins grow strength and beauty

3 total reviews 
Comment from tempeste
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ciao poet, you have three votes now!

The title caught my eye subito ... your poem sums up my life's simple but I love it that way.

The mountain air and the crystal waters that descends down from the mount which I am perched on at 700m. The mount itself it 1,400m.

Our stream is quiet in the summer but after a storm or when the snow starts to melt in Spring it becomes a gushing force. Powerful and full of beauty like you say.

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 27-Apr-2022
    Your description of your area sounds so beautiful. Mountains, streams, old architecture ? amazing! I think you are very lucky to live there ? pure and simple 😊

reply by tempeste on 27-Apr-2022
    We do also have a suicide bridge and on our mount last year in May a cable car fell and 14 people died .. the owner removed the safety device because it kept on switching on and stopping the cable cars ..

    But our biggest shame , is that no one is yet up for trial after 12 months.

    Thank God due to covid distancing protocols the cabin only had 15 people on board at the time of the tragedy.

    A kid of 4 was the only survivor his parents , grandparents and brother died.

reply by the author on 27-Apr-2022
    Oh my God! That is so traumatic and terrifying to watch!
    Those poor people must have been so scared :'(
    What a horrible tragedy.
    And nobody charged yet?
    If the owner knowingly tampered with the emergency brake system then they should be thrown in jail! For murder..


    That must have been the talk of the town for a long while
reply by tempeste on 28-Apr-2022
    The owner runs many things in town and in this touristic area .. school busses that honestly should not be running . More than once a bus will brake down happened to me often ..we had to get off and wait for another one ..

    His power and money keep him out of jail and slow down the hand of the law ..

    also here even stupid trials go on for YEARS .

    The kid that survived whose grandparents lived in Israel was kidnapped and taken to Israel where he had other relatives. After a court case in Israel he was returned to Aunty in Italy.

reply by tempeste on 28-Apr-2022
    Ciao , I would love if you read my 1-7-1 and listened to the videos I provided ready to play and let me know what you think of Jordan s unique voice .. no need to review just enjoy the voice .

    Ciao !
Comment from Cecilia R
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poem about a mountain stream has a nice flow to it. The picture is a perfect complement to it. The message of the words is clear and strong. It must have come from one of those streams. Good luck.

 Comment Written 25-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 25-Apr-2022
    Thanks Cecelia:)
Comment from Pantygynt
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I certainly agree with the last two lines, but I have a problem with the first two that seem too much of an oxymoron to me. Most if not all the mountain streams I have experienced are neither slow nor steady. They are rapid spurting things dancing this way and that. Slow would not produce the power but you have produced a piece within the given parameters.

 Comment Written 25-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 25-Apr-2022
    You haven't seen slow babbling mountain streams - I have, many others have, because you haven't does this mean they don't exist?
    Power isn't always about inertia. It may take great mental power for example to break through endurance barriers, or to sit and meditate silently for hours.
    You're entitled to your own view points of course but I urge you to
    expand your mind a bit before you rip apart people's poems
reply by Pantygynt on 25-Apr-2022
    Hardly 'ripping apart' I think, but I am sorry if I hurt your feelings.
reply by the author on 25-Apr-2022
    Feelings unscathed, just wanted to address what seemed like needless negativity
reply by the author on 06-May-2022
    Hi, I'd like to apologize for my lashing out at your constructive review.
    I am not in a good place emotionally/ psychologically - deeply depressed.
    In my feelings of self loathing and helplessness I lashed out, I think in a false attempt at empowerment.
    I value your feedback and apologize for my crappy behavior.
reply by Pantygynt on 06-May-2022
    No problem. Don't worry about it.