Reviews from

The keys to Success

Some advice on doing business

36 total reviews 
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think all those observations are spot on, and every parent should read this. Life has man opportunities, but we have to be prepared for them, and use them to the best of our abilities. It's not only children that need to follow this, older people do as well. Well done! A very interesting read. :)) Sandra xx

 Comment Written 22-Jun-2022

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2022
    Sanda, Thank you very much for your insightful and thoughtful review. Terry.
Comment from dellsworthpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A succinct and meaningful article. The pointers were good and the examples better. These points are nice to see all in one place. The flow is good and the piece stays on message.

Thanks for a good read.

 Comment Written 22-Jun-2022

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2022
    Thank you very much for your thoughtful review. Terry.
reply by dellsworthpoet on 22-Jun-2022
    You are welcome.
Comment from Shirley McLain
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a great piece of writing to read. Thankfully, I am retired also, but it is solid advice for anyone. I hope people take it to heart. You did a great job. Enjoy your afternoon. Shirley

 Comment Written 22-Jun-2022

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2022
    Thank you, for the kind review! Terry.
Comment from Anne Johnston
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you so much, Terry for sharing all your secrets of success. I like that you have stressed punctuality, hard work, and practice as being so important. This is something that every young person should listen to.

 Comment Written 22-Jun-2022

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2022
    Anne, thank you very much for your review, Terry.
reply by Anne Johnston on 22-Jun-2022
    You are welcome
Comment from Susan Newell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


All of this is good advice and the fact that it is peppered with high profile people makes it all the more fascinating. When I started my second sales job, the business was owned by a couple of ex-Xerox salesman. They had a number of Xerox training posters hung up around the offices. One of them was "Operate on Lombardi time." Proofing notes follow.


Check your title for caps and spelling

to work in the private sector and help start two companies. ==> helped start

"Because in your training, you ask more questions than anybody." -- asked?

the Dallas Cowboys Public relations department and asked -- I'd cap relations and department

 Comment Written 22-Jun-2022

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2022
    Sue, thank you for the review and the edits. Terry.
reply by Susan Newell on 22-Jun-2022
    You are very welcome.
Comment from Gloria ....
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

How cute, the Canada goose and her goslings. This is terrific advice for a manager, walking around to get to know his/her company. So many isolate themselves as if they fear their employees.

Cancer Society is one of the easier non-profits to fundraise for, and you are absolutely correct, success requires a committed team.

I always got a charge out of the quote, "Ninety per cent of this game is half mental." Very true, and hard work to perfect one's skill might yield the jackpot, but there are no guarantees in this life, even with working hard.

Just one typo in the title:

The keys to Sucess (Success)

and, one question, what projects did Zale Jewelry Corporation support from its fundraising department?

Great read here, and many thanks for sharing. :))


 Comment Written 22-Jun-2022

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2022
    Gloria, thank you for the review and edit. The Zales as I recall did not have a fundraising department. The two brothers William and Morris had family foundations that support a variety of charitable interests. Terry.
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thanks for all these great words of wisdom! I think you could have made any of these subtitles into a Six Word poem for the contest! You certainly have met a lot of famous people and even though you didn't raise your own kids, I'm sure you have mentored many like a good father!

 Comment Written 22-Jun-2022

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2022
    Helen, thank you very much! But I will the poetry to you! Terry.
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Terry.

What a fine opinion piece on those things which are the building blocks to successful business life-and to life, in general!

Your anecdotes are appealing glimpses of often famous folks you've interacted with, all of whom seemed to have both feet planted on solid ground.

Ask questions, be courteous, accept mistakes and learn from them, have class...

I particularly enjoyed the story of Roger Staubach. Amen to that! Not out for glory or greed. Just a decent man doing the decent thing.

I found myself nodding and smiling.

Thanks for that!


 Comment Written 21-Jun-2022

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2022
    Karenina, this is a little departure for me to do a commentary. But wait in about ten days I will offer up Romantic Fiction! I hope the readers are kind! Terry.
reply by karenina on 22-Jun-2022
    Variety is the spice! Always enjoy your writing...
Comment from MissMerri
This work has reached the exceptional level

A great bit of advice and excellent in presentation. I enjoyed this and can see it could easily become a guide to companies wanting to teach and inspire new employees. It is well edited and masterfully composed. I see nothing at all to change.

 Comment Written 21-Jun-2022

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2022
    Miss Merri, Thank you for the six stars for my story!! I am humbled! Terry.
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your suggestions are very practical and common sense, exception for Lombardi time. Always be a little early but not days early. The bosses won't know what to do with you. My granddaughter had a boss recently who ignored every one of your suggestions. In the end, even though they needed the jobs, everyone quit. It took that for the owners of the company to learn and fire her, no matter how good she looked on paper.

 Comment Written 21-Jun-2022

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2022
    Carol, I enjoyed your review! Thank you very much. Terry.