Reviews from

Changing Spirits

Use to be a game of sorts.

4 total reviews 
Comment from tempeste
This work has reached the exceptional level


you offer lots of food for thought.

The craziness and the more nonsense I see each day, the more my nostalgia for the past grows.

We had our issues: Vietnam, Aids, Chernobyl, but we also had much to be proud of.

We reached the moon, we had Aid Africa, people still cared about family and those less fortunate,
the Wall collapsed,
one felt free, had hopes, made plans.
kids actually enjoyed being kids, playing outside with their friends.

We now have kids and teens that are angry ( like Greta Thunburg, young activists)

some are bored and don't even want to leave their rooms...their mobiles and PC keep them connected 24/7to the outside world.

others that think changing their sex will solve their problems ( and governments have supposed this crap )

Mobiles and PC etc are helpful for rapid communication but these means have been used to build a global network for pedophiles,

porno.... the percentage is on the rise of people that prefer to satisfy their urges by turning to this artificial world rather than go out and connect with human beings. Sex robots will be here in 10/20 years, I read.

there is the woke movement
removing statues and trying to erase periods, names of our past,

all the transgender ideology

modifying our grammar to suit it.

It's very stressful to live in this world for our generations because we are expected to agree. Think its normal.

Younger people that are not part of the gender, transgender affirmation movements, or the woke movement, want to simply get along with their lives .. so one could label them indifferent.

But their attitude is slowly changing because the things these movements are imposing on normal people are just getting more absurd, and outrageous.


female athletes are forced to compete against transgender females.

our grammar is being changed to suit a very small minority.

females are not happy with how women are being de-womanized...
transgenders are saying; a woman is what you want it to be. That is just crap.

Matt Walsh made a film: What is a Woman? and did a great job of exposing the dangers kids and teens are facing. At that age, they are confused but therapists are not telling them that changing sex will NOT resolve their problems.
Lots of teens that transitioned have now de-transitioned and are speaking out.

Drag queen raves for babies is one of the latest outrageous things normal people are finally saying ENOUGH to.

So people are starting to speak up, to draw a line.

Sorry, I went off on a rant again. (sigh)

Despite its dark moments, we were lucky to live in the 70s,80s and 90s.

The next huge change is going to be the robot revolution.

People will become simply dead height,
but no worries: the global food crisis and the new viruses will reslove the overpopulation issue.

 Comment Written 12-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 12-Aug-2023
    A tremendous review. Thank you
reply by tempeste on 13-Aug-2023

    I didn't expect it already in the booth.

    You now have two votes !

    Ciao !
Comment from PENofFIRE
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

In reading your works, I often wonder if they are fact or fiction. Either way, you take this reader with you on your adventures.
So often, you write about the mundane things in life, which is mostly what life consists of. It's not boring, but strikes a cord of nostalgia and I find myself caught up in my own memories of the past. To me, that is the mark of a true artist, which you are.

May the Lord Jesus continue to bless you, Pen
p.s. By the way, I loved this piece.

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2023
    You are very kind. Thank you.
Comment from Iza Deleanu
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

And here we come full circle: find the can, kick the can, and then "gently" deposit in a recycle bin. Thank you for sharing and good luck with the contest.

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2023
    Thanks for reading and the review.
Comment from Karen Cherry Threadgill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I went from happy, happy, joy, joy, to sorrow. Very well written. The picture was well chosen. You have the chops to do very well. Keep writing, I want to read more.

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2023
    A very nice review. Thank you.