Reviews from

How Babies Want You to Vote

They were meant to be on earth before Heaven

27 total reviews 
Comment from Dr. Nad
This work has reached the exceptional level

Well sis I know that this is a very difficult subject these days but obviously it wasn't tough for you to take a stand. I am with you, I find it very disheartening to think our country who used to value others at least to some extent now seems to be overwhelmingly proportion at least at some level. I thank you for speaking not only your mind about mine as well. I found this in your archives and I just had to respond! Love you sis.

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 02-Apr-2024
    Thanks again!! Hugs!!
reply by Dr. Nad on 04-Apr-2024
    :-) :-)
Comment from Dr. Nad
This work has reached the exceptional level

Well sis I know that this is a very difficult subject these days but obviously it wasn't tough for you to take a stand. I am with you, I find it very disheartening to think our country who used to value others at least to some extent now seems to be overwhelmingly proportion at least at some level. I thank you for speaking not only your mind about mine as well. I found this in your archives and I just had to respond! Love you sis.

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 02-Apr-2024
    Dan, I think you are awesome! Thank you very much for your powerful review. You made my heart sing to hear your comments that were on the side of the unborn baby. I am honored by your words. Thank you, my sweet brother. Love, Debi
reply by Dr. Nad on 04-Apr-2024
    You are most welcome! Embrace the love from above.
Comment from Pam (respa)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

-Nice artwork and presentation, Debi.
-Your notes are appreciated.
-You wrote a very good poem with a good topic.
-You do a good job using good examples and rhyme.
-It's not easy to do for a sensitive topic, but you make it work.
-You make good points about why and how some things
are decided or made into law.
-Mothers, especially young ones, are in a difficult place,
and often have no one for support.
-A very good closing verse.
-Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 05-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 07-Jan-2024
    Pam, you are very sweet. Thank you for caring and respectful comments.
    Your kindness is so appreciated.
reply by Pam (respa) on 07-Jan-2024
    You are very welcome, Debi.
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I feel your heart, passion, and calling to speak out on what has become a very politicized matter of women's and infant's health and mortality.

I hate that this has become a political football when it certainly seems to be a moral issue that has many nuances...and is best viewed through the prism of the health of the mother and fetus and, of course, faith...

A ten-year-old victim of incest? A woman brutally raped? A child with such prenatal disabilities that it will surely be stillborn/ Or a mom carrying a fetus without a heartbeat, yet laws insist the mother must carry her to term?

(This just happened last week, in Texas)

These are things in God's hands, and I truly pray mother and child are given the correct care and guidance to make the best decision.

When I hear pro-life politicians "agreeing" that perhaps a six-week, a ten-week, or even a twelve-week ban on abortions would be acceptable I can't help but think they've lost all moral or religious authority.

Pro-life cannot be "negotiated" to an acceptable time to terminate a pregnancy. That is an oxymoron.

I've treated a young teen, hemorrhaging from a botched abortion (which her doctor referred to as an "extraction of tissue") and I wept with her.

Her "boyfriend" and father insisted she have the "procedure."

Bless that young woman's heart. Bless the loss she suffered and the number of times through the years she's relived that horrible tragedy.

It's such a complex issue, Debi.

If there were as much pro-life passion for the children mercilessly gunned down by mass shootings...

If black and brown babies were given the same opportunity for medical care and their moms the same for prenatal care...

If men in black robes didn't rule the majority of a Supreme Court that is supposed to deal with legality, not religious views...

This country could be truly defined as a God-fearing land.

Didn't they burn women at the stake for witchcraft based on religion?

Was slavery not accepted as a norm in this God-fearing land?

Do we not go to war and kill for 'One Country Under God?'

Philosophically I agree with you. In a perfect world, every child deserves the right to be born and cared for and nurtured and supported...and blessed!

I do not believe a woman who has an abortion is doomed to hell. Certainly not! God is more compassionate than that.

I lost a child through an ectopic pregnancy. I mourn her still. Her life, her birth was not viable...

I am 100% content that I will see her in heaven.

There are "experts" out there as I type this arguing that surgery to remove an embryo from a fallopian tube (although it is life-threatening and not viable) is, to their mind, an "abortion procedure."

You speak of "opposition" on this, and I tell you nothing I've written is meant to be oppositional.

It is simply my soul crying out for all to consider there are legitimate medical concerns that must not and should not be disregarded.

I share this knowing full well that my first responsibility is to review your writing...not your viewpoint or beliefs.

Your writing is undoubtedly well-written, beautifully rhymed, and metered.



 Comment Written 05-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 07-Jan-2024
    Thanks Sweetie. Alway respectful and kind. I appreciate that.
    Lotsa love, Debi
reply by karenina on 07-Jan-2024
    Bless your passion!
Comment from LateBloomer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Debi, your poem has good rhyming and your message is clear.
I love babies, and I love the baby photo. Of special note:

Some mothers are too scared to fight
So won't stand up for baby's right

(The mothers have every right to be scared, especially if they are 12 or 15.)

Debi, It sounds like you are ready to become politically for thought. Election day is coming. Volunteers are needed. Good luck with this pursuit and passion. Xo. M

 Comment Written 04-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 04-Jan-2024
    No, no election volunteering for this girl. I just know the difference between right and wrong and it is never ok to kill a baby. I am so very strong on this that I would work myself into a heart attack with my bp problem. That is how worked up I get. So it is best I stay away from it.

    And I was talking about men who threaten and make women fearful so they have abortions. My girlfriend that I just wrote about could no longer live with what she did when she had an abortion because Jim made her do it. He would have made life even more miserable for her, and she feared him. Anyway, she had no idea how the guilt would set in and it finally took her life.

    Thanks tho for reviewing it and for your comments, my dear SOTU.
reply by LateBloomer on 04-Jan-2024
    I do remember you writing about your girlfriend, and " men who threaten and make women fearful so they have abortions" is a real problem. I want the men out of the abortion issue. M
reply by the author on 04-Jan-2024
    Yes, I agree 100%. But then I usually agree with my dear sis. (Big Smile)
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dear Mystery poetess, I had to come back after casting my vote in the contest. I too, am prolife. My voice and cause since 1973, has been for the preborn or unborn. That's a little person in there, created by God and dependent on the mother for life. I win ever every argument on this subject because I possess the truth: if that little created thing in there wasn't living, you wouldn't have to devise a method to kill it.

All life comes from God, our creator, and all are important to Him, and have a destiny. Period.

I miscarried a little baby boy in the second trimester in 1979. I fell on an icy sidewalk. I almost hemmoraged to death. All I thought about was him. I was hardly aware that I was in really bad shape until my husband got me to the hospital. I can't imagine any mother not choosing, desiring, or planning for the life for her unborn child. I'm sorry, I cannot. It goes against human nature to do so.

America is in serious trouble if we don't turn around on the issue. I don't vote for anyone that's not prolife, ever! And I never will. I am completely--unashamed--and unapologetically prolife!

Thank you again for this marvelous poem. Beautifully written and illustrated with a most important message inside.

Your prolife friend,
Sally Law Xos

 Comment Written 04-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 07-Jan-2024
    Ms Sally Marie, I think you are awesome! Thank you very much for your powerful review. You made my heart sing to hear your comments that were on the side of the unborn baby. I am honored by your words. Thank you, my sweet friend. Love, Debi
reply by Sally Law on 07-Jan-2024
    Thank you, my friend! A brave post and stand for the unborn child! You rock!!! Love you!
    Sal xoxo xoxo!!
Comment from Janis M.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's a writing site and not a political site so whether or not anyone agrees with your opinion is irrelevant. Just a nod to your authors notes. (Though I do agree) The ideas and your emotions come across clearly. You have a good rhyme and meter. It definitely has the emotions of pain, grief, and anger behind it, but not in a hateful way. It's out of concern.

It's a good poem when all is said and done.

 Comment Written 04-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 04-Jan-2024
    Janis, you are very sweet. Thank you for caring and respectful comments.
    Your kindness is so appreciated.
Comment from Douglas Goff
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great write-up. They are the only ones who really do not get a say in the situation. (Besides fathers who may be willing to take the child.)

They now say there is a heartbeat at 3 weeks. How is stopping a heart not murder? Confusing times. Tragic times indeed.

 Comment Written 04-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 04-Jan-2024
    Douglas, thank you for your compassionate review and comments on behalf of the babies. It is so appreciated.
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The poem has a meaningful and imrtant theme, and it flows well and smoothly. It has met the requirements with its fine rhyme. Very well written. Sending best wishes.

 Comment Written 03-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 03-Jan-2024
    Thanks Wendy, it is important to me to get this out as our country starts the election time. It is sad when our own president swears to stop the overturn of Roe vs Wade, but I am finding that many Christian authors are shy at supporting the cause. It breaks my heart to see that. I thank you for your kind comments and for being one who feels the need to follow God?s law and not mans.
Comment from Rosemary Everson1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The other day there was a woman on the news, who was pregnant, and she was carrying a child that would have disabilities after being born. Do we have the right to decide for her? I believe we don't.

I like your poem and its content; it's very touching. And I love children.

 Comment Written 03-Jan-2024

reply by the author on 03-Jan-2024
    Thanks Rosemary, it is important to me to get this out as our country starts the election time. It is sad when our own president swears to stop the overturn Roe vs Wade, but I am finding that many Christian authors are shy at supporting the cause. It breaks my heart to see that. I thank you for your kind comments and for being one who feels the need to follow God?s law and not mans.
    The thing is, whether I agree with God or not isn?t important. I can?t tell Him how to do His business. Every child is important and has purpose. But I do know exactly what you?re saying.
    So thank you again, my friend.