Reviews from

Dust Bunnies in My Mind

If you look you'll find...

15 total reviews 
Comment from jessizero
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You almost always make me laugh, and this was no exception. I absolutely loved your last line and the talk about dust bunnies. Thank you for sharing this, and best wishes to you.

 Comment Written 25-May-2024

reply by the author on 25-May-2024
    Always nice to hear from you how my renderings render a laugh. :-) or smile.
Comment from Sanku
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A fallowed land gets more fertile ,so a fallowed mind will get new inspirations. The dust bunnies could lead you to gold mine.I hope you are far away from Napolean (he started walking on two legs)and the Old major.Your reviews were sometime abstruse, I have to admit .

 Comment Written 25-May-2024

reply by the author on 25-May-2024
    Sometimes I write reviews in code purposedly as to keep my two feet from entering my mouth. If I don't know what I am saying, those being reviewed won't either. :-O
Comment from Mary Vigasin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Tom, there are a handful of treasured people who see the world through upside down, sideways and always with a humorous sparkle and enjoyment. You are one of those people. I wish there were more like you.

 Comment Written 24-May-2024

reply by the author on 24-May-2024
    Send a SASE to me @ ...... . .......@yahoo, and I'll send a DNA sample for cloning!
    Thanks for being my friend.
reply by the author on 25-May-2024
    Send a SASE to me @ ...... . .......@yahoo, and I'll send a DNA sample for cloning!
    Thanks for being my friend.
Comment from kahpot
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ha! Ha! I would like to say that you and your humor is rare, (to be claimed rare an item must be found) though I will go one further and say that you have not been found by the right prospector, so very well written, best wishes for your contest****kahpot

 Comment Written 24-May-2024

reply by the author on 24-May-2024
    ??? So are you in favor of dust bunnies??? or am I to understand you are a fan??? I get so oblique at times I feel as if I am falling down. Keep me in your prayers, please. Even the mentally challenge are deserving of r e l i e f!
    Thanks, me thinks.
reply by kahpot on 24-May-2024
    In favor of dust bunnies? of your work YES
Comment from Begin Again
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think you have been forwarned about staying out of all those cobweb infested corridors in your mind and mine too I must admit. They are dangerous places. Not only leaving us sneezing but we are mystified by the thoughts we find there and things come out so differently. LOL
Smiles, Carol

 Comment Written 23-May-2024

reply by the author on 23-May-2024
    And yet like diving into the depth of the sea I yearn for adventure but with caution thanks
Comment from robyn corum
This work has reached the exceptional level


This is wrong. Practically from top to bottom. Wait. No... ENTIRELY top to bottom.

First of all, it's not flash fiction. Whether it's fiction or not is a fight I shall leave to those who know you better... (or less). If you ever want to discuss the art ... beauty ... ESSENCE of flash fiction ... do holler.
--wink-- (I'm FAR too obsessed with the subject.) [Note I didn't say I was good.]

Third, your notes are a little wonky. Not in content--but (inmo) just in need of a handy-dandy, read-aloud moment... (which i hate.)

B.) The horse pic is de bomb.

Gamma, I can't BEGIN to understand how you missed the fact that the GENIUS of this piece was the first sentence. PERIOD.

[** READY? Now ... Take a deep breath and BE BRAVE. -- Keep in mind you are NOT allowed to throw things... Really. Ask Tom. **]

Your first beautiful, magical, LYRICAL sentence is the WHOLE post. It is a GIFT for each reader the world over. (bless you for such kindness!)
I already appreciate your work, right? BUT since I ALSO [-ahem-]
have sparkling flashes of insight, I (alone) am probably best qualified to advise you on this ...

>small print qualifier: I have no actual knowledge re writing music.<
[I am a Fabulous listener.]

So. In robynworld, this post would be categorized under "Song Lyrics". Anything after the horse and first paragraph would be moved to a different post. Other changes as needed... (see following:)

Before that......just LISTEN:

A fallow mind--like mine--is rather hard to find
because what sane person is searching
for dust bunnies lurching in corners?

-- I did think it needed a finish-y thing... maybe LIKE:

A fallow mind--like mine--is rather hard to find
because what sane person is searching
for dust bunnies lurching in (lost) corners
(of lonely membranes)?

--> though I know you could do much better...

I could almost hear other stanzas about sweeping away cobwebs, cleaning out that old clutter that collects (where does it come from? where should it go? will I regret tossing it?) /etc.

Do not worry one iota. You are welcome to consider me nuts (and j that swelling crowd). *smile*

In the meantime, I hope you'll accept my humble six star rating ... only because they won't allow anything more. That one sentence (well, plus the horse) won my heart. AND made me smile. BIG. Thanks for that.

If you haven't passed out from exhaustion by now, I also have my fingers tightly crossed that you'll accept my comments as intended. Please have a groovy week - and a happy happy holiday weekend! Hugs! -robo

 Comment Written 22-May-2024

reply by the author on 23-May-2024
    and to you I too give a six for review, if for no other reason than the time and love you have expended, which was far more extended than the 150 words I selected. Thanks for both.
reply by robyn corum on 23-May-2024
Comment from Douglas Goff
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You are a funny man, my friend. I do so enjoy your 'dust bunnies' as you call them.

Is this true?:
occurrence to their funny bone, known as the humerus, which isn't a bone at all but a nerve.

Perhaps I am thinking of the femur? That's a bone.

Regardless. Keep it up.

 Comment Written 22-May-2024

reply by the author on 22-May-2024
    It is what I read in a medical journal
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dry facts can be boring but confusion is, to some extent, interesting. I assume your dust bunnies aren't dumb bunnies and have ways of communicating with you in the wee hours of the morning. Sometime a lot of what goes on in your mind reminds me what is running through my own so if people don't get a good laugh they at least get some member cents and aren't bored.

 Comment Written 22-May-2024

reply by the author on 22-May-2024
    Maybe they, the dust bunnies have apoplecticy. Nah. Not a chance if they had I would wake but I don't so won't complain and see what they dream up tonight.
reply by the author on 23-May-2024
    Maybe they, the dust bunnies have apoplecticy. Nah. Not a chance if they had I would wake but I don't so won't complain and see what they dream up tonight.
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You are uniquely and unapologetically yourself, Tom. I liken your witty mind meanderings to a PG-Rated version of the late, great, George Carlin's
"Brain Droppings" --

George Orwell would have been lucky to have you in HIS bloodline!

Intelligence and wit both look great on you!

Don't change and keep writing!


 Comment Written 22-May-2024

reply by the author on 22-May-2024
    K-girl keep massaging such messages towards my tender ego, easily bruised. I love being thought of as ... well, just about anything. I feel the love. Thanks.
reply by karenina on 22-May-2024
    Awww. You are so welcome!
Comment from Jim Wile
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think "Tom Horonzy" is a pseudonym, and you really are George Orwell, such is the brilliance of your maunderings. You've had us fooled all these years playing the fool. Don't ever attempt to sweep up those dust bunnies, George. They are your inspiration.

 Comment Written 22-May-2024

reply by the author on 22-May-2024
    Is maundering a positive or a negative in the case of my pennings? Never guess that I am more or less than Hyperion was to a satyr.
    If Lewis Carroll was alive to write about me he might have said, 'Contrariwise, if He was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.'