Reviews from


AI is a threat to original writing

30 total reviews 
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

SUCH an important theme... AI is a huge threat to creativity. Everything we type gets sucked into the web and AI consumes it, learns from our human patterns, and spits out a robotic version.

The problem has reared its ugly head here in both posts and reviews. Tom's trying to address it, but in the process, real human reviews (mine, I know) - are being "flagged as "possibly AI" and kept in a database on FS -- so that I (or any other) may be reprimanded for violating rules.

HOW, I ask, do we prove we are the originators of our own work? This has been a recent topic on the Forum. I fear for the creative process, when anyone can ask AI to create anything from a Sonnet to a Haiku about a given topic.

(To be clear, this review was wholly written by me -- a real live human...and was not run through any AI process whatsoever.)

Isn't this a fine mess we're in?


 Comment Written 20-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2024
    I spent 46 years in the technology sector in both industrial and military equipment and components. AI definitely has a place in hard scientific, medical and research disciplines. It has no place in creative writing.
    I'm glad you wrote the review by hand without a machine guiding you. I knew you would. 😁
reply by karenina on 20-Oct-2024
    Love that grin! I'm with you...

    AI, in appropriate disciplines, is phenomenal.

reply by the author on 21-Oct-2024
    I use a technique called "elision" often I don't think AI will catch on to that.
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I do agree that it is a threat as AI can mimic great writers and poets. I was shocked at how good some of the AI created sonnets were. I hope that we will be able to discern the lack of a soul. But I wonder how many AI creations win contests?

 Comment Written 11-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 11-Oct-2024
    Thanks for your review, Helen. I do not trust AI. I published a newspaper article about it. The title was: "AI: Big Brother, Antichrist, both, or neither?"
    It has applications in hard science but not creative writing. I am aware of three different AI detection programs, but they are not 100%. Microsoft needs only 3 seconds of a person's voice to be able to synthesize it.

reply by lyenochka on 11-Oct-2024
    That is scary about AI impersonating people. Makes you think of the Terminator or some other sci-fi shapeshifter.
reply by the author on 12-Oct-2024
    Terminator is close.
Comment from Rachelle Allen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I saw an interview in which Elon Musk stated that AI is the greatest threat to civilization today. That gave me quite the chill, and likewise, does your poem. The only consolation I have is that I'm old and won't have long to deal with it all. And that's a pretty chilling statement, too. Well done, Robert. Grimms Fairy Tales have NOTHING on you!! xoxoxo

 Comment Written 07-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 07-Oct-2024
    Thank you for your read and review. It is a little scary.
    I agree with Musk. I spent over 40 years in the tech sector, I am not an expert in AI. I do know AI has no conscience or moral grounding. Thank you for your wonderful comments. The Grimm Brothers threw me out of the group. They said I was too Grimm. 😊
reply by Rachelle Allen on 07-Oct-2024
Comment from Debi Pick Marquette
This work has reached the exceptional level

I cannot believe that you just quoted my hatred for AI. It stands to take over writers and other jobs, college essays, heck, why not all of college classes, finances, people, the human mind won't be needed and what's next? It's when we trust it so much, an error comes and it wipes us all out. The possibilities are endless of the tragedy that comes from AI. I have two words for it,
Altogether Infuriating!! Thank you for telling me about this poem. Normally I wouldn't have had time, but this subject has me steaming. I appreciate it so much, it gets one of my precious sixes, and well deserving!! Great job, Robert!

 Comment Written 07-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 07-Oct-2024
    Hello Debi.
    Thank you for reading the poem and for such strong commentary about it. I appreciate your thoughtful comments.
    I do not trust it and I believe it will discourage good writers and will cause writing to fall into the calamity of some other institutions in this day.
    It has no conscience and it is "artificial." It has no humanity.
    I am so grateful that I was able to snare one of your sixes, but that was not my objective. I just wanted you to take a look at this poem before it went broke. I have not been on here much because we have been without Internet for 11 days. I'm in western North Carolina and our Internet just came on today about noon.
    Thank you again.
reply by Debi Pick Marquette on 07-Oct-2024
    Now I am more grateful than I was before for giving you the six. For one thing, if your poem hadn't been really good I wouldn't have given it for just the subject matter. Please understand that I thought it was great. And I am so sorry about what so many are going through right now. And now another one is coming. I am worried to about our Florida friends.
    So sorry about getting so loud about the AI, but it scares me for my grandchildren. It is just wrong. Thanks again, Robert. You are awesome.
Comment from Pam (respa)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

-Very good artwork and presentation, Robert.
-Your notes are appreciated and you raise good questions.
-You wrote a very good poem with effective imagery and rhyme.
-You also ask very good questions within the poem.
-The opening lines set the scene and wonder what the robot will do.
-Good descriptive detail about the robot and its stealth, and
it "comes with guile and theft."
-Good closing lines showing how the thoughts of what the
robot might do are unsettling.
-A very good closing couplet.
-You did a good job with the poem;
I enjoyed reading it.

 Comment Written 07-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 07-Oct-2024
    Hello Pam.
    Thank you very much for your positive and uplifting words about the quality of this poem. I am quite suspicious of AI used in writing.
    It cannot feel emotion. It's like Data on Star Trek. It creates rote text, in volume. (If it starts reading my stuff like this, it might get mad at me.)
    Since AI does not have a conscience or feelings, I still think humans have the edge in writing. When we write words, it means something to us. It means nothing to the robot.
    I am pleased you enjoyed the poem and I thank you for your in-depth comments.


reply by Pam (respa) on 07-Oct-2024
    You are very welcome, Robert, and I agree with you about AI. There isn't any emotion involved at all. I don't envy the teachers these days who have to deal with all of this stuff.
Comment from artisart4u
This work has reached the exceptional level

The thing is, the robot has a lot of information put in it and can produce what people want, all we have to do is feed in a few words or sentences. W as humans, have to use our own intelligence or look for info. I think he has a lot of info. and spit it out all kinds of ways. His owner gets the money and we just search around trying to get someone to take what have to offerwith a limited amount of info. But years ago I got a diploma in computer science. So, I guess it is little I can say.
Your poem is very nice and it does make us think.
Good luck with it.

 Comment Written 06-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 07-Oct-2024
    Thank you for your complimentary remarks about the poem. I spent over 40 years in the tech sector So I follow this as I can. I have looked at AI detectors software, but I don't know what to believe. I am suspicious of it when it comes to creative writing. I am very grateful for your six star award.
    I am pleased you found some worth in my lines of poetry.

Comment from Y. M. Roger
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yeah... it is quite the scary thought: although it cannot appreciate beauty, it can read words of prose and 'mirror' the emotions through simple use of words... no conscience, but certainly a learning 'sentience' there: copying and 'ad-libbing' as teenagers are wont to do... Same thing, I'm afraid. But without the emotion a conscience brings, it will always be that 'empty' copycatter that is very good at its job... :( A wonderful offering here, Sir Robert... love the flow to present others with more than a bit of a quandary.. :) Yvette

 Comment Written 06-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 07-Oct-2024
    Hello Yvette.
    After retiring from over 40 years in the tech sector, i'm watching this as closely as i can. I stopped doing math and physics problems when I retired and when somebody asks me a question now, I say I don't know.
    I am quite suspicious of AI. We don't know the source of much of the code and as you know it's an energy gobbler. What I don't want is it copying my words. You are right. It has no conscience. After all, it is "artificial." I guess we'll live and learn.
    Thank you for your great review and interesting comments. I appreciate you reading this thing, and now that we have Internet back, I will be playing at FS more often.

Comment from gansach
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem poses a great question~just how far will Artificial Intelligence go in creating its work? It needs to draw its source from somewhere and will it plunder human efforts in order to create its product? I don't think we have even scratched the surface in discovering what AI can do or become. Your poem is well done!

 Comment Written 06-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 06-Oct-2024
    Thank you for your positive review of the poem as well as your well thought out comments regarding the technology. The questions are mammoth but the answers are fleeting and miniscule. I agree with you. The surface is unscratched at this time.

Comment from T B Botts
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Robert,
your poem has offered food for thought. I don't like the whole AI invasion into our culture. It feels like our lives are being controlled more and more by others and we don't seem to have any rights to prevent it. Like so much else, money and power are at the forefront of a lot of ideas and the masses are left out of the equation. Thanks for sharing this.

 Comment Written 06-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 06-Oct-2024
    Hey Tom.
    Thanks for reading and commenting on this far out piece. I am suspect about AI and creative writing. It can take any piece and modify with no notice. I published an essay in a news paper and the title was "AI: Big Brother, Antichrist, or both?" I received some very interesting feedback and comments.
    Thank you for your supportive and meaningful comments. I am quite suspecious of AI.
    As I write this, I hear the drone of helicopters continuing to deliver relief to the stranded in W.NC.
Comment from Marilyn Hamilton
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I hate the idea of AI generators becoming available that will write poetry as instructed! A poem comes from the soul, in my opinion, and that should leave AI out of the equation completely! Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 06-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 06-Oct-2024
    Hi Marilyn. I wrote this poem some time ago expressing my distrust of Al for creative writing. Unskilled writers will now be able to enter the game by having someone, or something write their thoughts. There is nothing creative about that!