Thoughts on Love
A few quick thoughts concerning love.26 total reviews
Comment from jake cosmos aller
Nice and short meditation on love shared from a baby's point of view Babies are born with the capability to love other people they have to be taught how to hate
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2024
Nice and short meditation on love shared from a baby's point of view Babies are born with the capability to love other people they have to be taught how to hate
Comment Written 10-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2024
Thank you Jake. I liked you comments.
Comment from Jacob1395
Love is definitely something we are all born with in our hearts like you say, Beth, and it's something, I think, never goes away, despite what might happen to us in our lives. A well written piece. Good luck in the contest.
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2024
Love is definitely something we are all born with in our hearts like you say, Beth, and it's something, I think, never goes away, despite what might happen to us in our lives. A well written piece. Good luck in the contest.
Comment Written 10-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2024
Some people don't seem to be able to feel love for others. I think if don't like you self, it is hard to feel love for anyone. Thank for the review.
Comment from zanya
A-h-h this poem celebrates love and just how precious it is in our human lives - the final stanza expresses it in a nutshell and what a great pic to illustrate.
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
A-h-h this poem celebrates love and just how precious it is in our human lives - the final stanza expresses it in a nutshell and what a great pic to illustrate.
Comment Written 10-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
Thank you, Zanya. I'm pleased you like my poem. I appreciate your thoughts.
Comment from Marilyn Hamilton
An excellent entry for the What Is Love poetry contest. Love can be defined so many ways. You did a nice job with your own definitions. It is definitely a treasure that should be held close. good luck in the contest.
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
An excellent entry for the What Is Love poetry contest. Love can be defined so many ways. You did a nice job with your own definitions. It is definitely a treasure that should be held close. good luck in the contest.
Comment Written 10-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
Thank you, Marilyn, I'm so pleased you liked my poem.
Comment from Robert Zimmerman
Hello Beth.
This is very well written. The rhyme and meter allow the poem to flow and enable the reader to enjoy without stumbling. The content is very touching. Babies are dependent and sweet. God made them that way.
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
Hello Beth.
This is very well written. The rhyme and meter allow the poem to flow and enable the reader to enjoy without stumbling. The content is very touching. Babies are dependent and sweet. God made them that way.
Comment Written 09-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
Thank you, Robert. I appreciate your nice review of my poem.
You're welcome
Comment from Gypsy Blue Rose
Excellent poem. I love the sound. Good rhymes and meter that are not forced. Love is a perfect poem theme. Good luck in the contest.
Well done!
"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason" -- Novalis
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
Excellent poem. I love the sound. Good rhymes and meter that are not forced. Love is a perfect poem theme. Good luck in the contest.
Well done!
"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason" -- Novalis
Comment Written 09-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
Thank you, Gypsy. I'm so glad you like my poem.
Comment from Dawn Munro
I couldn't agree more and your poem says it wonderfully, most especially here, IMO --
Love is a feeling meant to share,
a treasure we must treat with care.
Best of luck in the contest!
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
I couldn't agree more and your poem says it wonderfully, most especially here, IMO --
Love is a feeling meant to share,
a treasure we must treat with care.
Best of luck in the contest!
Comment Written 09-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
Thank you, Dawn. I'm pleased you liked my poem.
Comment from Ric Myworld
What is love? I've often wondered what it truly is or where it really comes from. And although I've never actually figured it out, but with that said, I do know what it's the most special thing that one can give. Thanks for sharing.
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2024
What is love? I've often wondered what it truly is or where it really comes from. And although I've never actually figured it out, but with that said, I do know what it's the most special thing that one can give. Thanks for sharing.
Comment Written 09-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2024
Love is hard to put a definition on. We never sure if we really understand it.
Comment from Bill Schott
This poem, Thoughts of Love, presented with three AABB-rhymed quatrains, and makes me think that God is that essence of love which makes light where there was once only darkness.
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
This poem, Thoughts of Love, presented with three AABB-rhymed quatrains, and makes me think that God is that essence of love which makes light where there was once only darkness.
Comment Written 09-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
Thank you, Bill. I appreciate your sharing your thoughts on my peom.
Comment from June Sargent
What a beautiful picture you have painted with your words! Love is an emotion that distinguishes us as humans created in God's image. From birth to death, we are made to give and accept love - if only we would follow our hearts and just be kind.
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
What a beautiful picture you have painted with your words! Love is an emotion that distinguishes us as humans created in God's image. From birth to death, we are made to give and accept love - if only we would follow our hearts and just be kind.
Comment Written 09-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2024
Thank you, June. I'm so pleased you liked my poem.