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A Couplet

16 total reviews 
Comment from T B Botts
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Karen,
I don't know a couplet from a singlet. Poetry isn't something that I'm familiar with. I follow a few poets on here, but prefer stories. That being said, there are a lot of poets on this site. Usually poems are faster to read, but I seldom get the gist of the poem, with the exception a few really great poets. Thanks for sharing gal. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving day with your family.

 Comment Written 30-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 30-Nov-2024
    Thanks for the read. I needed a break from the Margaret stories. I was working on #5 and stymied up. So, I writing some poems and other things for a while. Karen
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Blinds are kind of passe' now. I agree pretty much everyone would identify any given author...p!us there's that small matter of the "blind" poem being posted in our portfolio!

(Your point is well taken)

Great abbreviated couplets! It takes skill to convey so much in two word lines!

(He is definitely not a keeper btw)


 Comment Written 30-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 30-Nov-2024
    As soon as I have some money I will serve him with papers. I have separated for two and a half years.
    Thanks for the read. Karen
reply by karenina on 01-Dec-2024
    Oh! Why did I think you recently served him?

    Wishful thinking?

reply by the author on 01-Dec-2024
    I was ready to serve him. I paid my money and everything. He moved without giving me notice even though I had checked with him. I am saving up money for a real divorce lawyer. No more do it yourself on the cheap stuff. Karen
Comment from Sanku
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Once the results are announced you can repost your poem I thingk Then it will get into the inn boxes..Any way this two pronged poem ws interesting to read...I liked the ending too. He needs a shock..

 Comment Written 29-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 29-Nov-2024
    You are so sweet. Thanks for the read and kindness. Karen
Comment from Tom Horonzy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You're right that there are some writers we know by style and content, like Bermy, and Dolly, and yours mostly have some good looking gal to intro the piece submitted.

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 27-Nov-2024
    Thanks for agreeing with me. That makes me perk up! And thank you for the read. It was interesting to do. Karen
Comment from kahpot
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Blind contest entries should be available to be posted as new posts as soon as the contest has been decided, none the less, what an excellent read, I really like the way the two characters have their say or thoughts, a wonderful couplet, very well written****kahpot

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 27-Nov-2024
    I agree. Blind posts should go into the mailboxes once the contest is over. Thanks for the read. Karen
Comment from ESOSTINE
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

He does not seem to have any attractive attitude to welcome him in the first place. Could it be he changed over time. Please find out before the divorce papers. Hahahaha! Well done, dear.

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 27-Nov-2024
    He is a selfish narcissist. He and he alone is the only person in the world that matters to him. Others should follow suit. I declined. :-) Thanks for the read.
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The guy doesn't present himself very well. Doesn't sound like a fun guy. A divorce seems like a good choice, although he will not be a forgiving guy.

 Comment Written 26-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 27-Nov-2024
    They never are. Thanks for the read. happy turkey day. Karen
Comment from Neonewman
This work has reached the exceptional level

Brilliant job, Karen. I understand why you didn't enter this masterpiece in a blind contest, but it would have breached the top of the heap. I feel like they should add them to our friends' boxes after the contest is over.
God bless,

 Comment Written 26-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 26-Nov-2024
    Thanks for the read, and agreeing with me. I like it when folks tell me I am right. It takes me to a happy place. And the sixes are sooo lovely. Thank you handsome. Karen
reply by Neonewman on 26-Nov-2024
    My pleasure, Karen.
Comment from jim vecchio
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I haven't been here as long as some, but I believe I can recognize anyone's writings. I would recognize this as your writing easily. That'd not bd. What if Hemingway changed his style? Or Dickens? I expected a divorce or killing at the end.

 Comment Written 26-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 26-Nov-2024
    I can write many different ways, even not kill anyone, but folks seem to know it is me. It's the accent isn't it? Happy turkey day. Thanks for the read. Karen
reply by jim vecchio on 28-Nov-2024
    It's like cheap glass and fine crystal. You just know.
reply by the author on 29-Nov-2024
    That is the perfect way to put it. I had fun at my sisters. We played racko and Yahoo. I creamed 'em. I needed that. I am still in a very good mood. Did you eat some good stuff? Karen
reply by jim vecchio on 30-Nov-2024
    Lately, I can't eat so much. I ate part of a small piece of turkey and stuffing.
reply by the author on 30-Nov-2024
    I ate a little bit at their house, but they sent me home with leftovers. Karen
reply by jim vecchio on 02-Dec-2024
    II just can't eat much anymore. Lots of food tastes bad to me and I find myself vomiting often after meals.
reply by the author on 03-Dec-2024
    What do the doctors say? Do you brush your tongue when you brush your teeth? A lot of medicines can effect taste. I am so sorry for your latest problem. We love you here you know. karen
reply by jim vecchio on 04-Dec-2024
    I'm still eating enough to not worry. Years ago I had a gastric bypass so that may be affecting me now.
reply by the author on 06-Dec-2024
    Double up on the vitamins, get the gummies ones, easier to take.:-)
reply by jim vecchio on 06-Dec-2024
    I'm doing what I can. Now I may have to have a couple of biopsies. I'm postponing my decision for a month.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, we recognize each person's writing style. Thank you for sharing this poem with us. I enjoyed reading and had to smile as I read. This is a good write.

 Comment Written 26-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 26-Nov-2024
    You write of quiet sweet love in most of your things. You have a calm way of looking at things. I feel peace when I read you. You write well, I can guess it is you most of the time. Not a bad thing. Happy turkey day. Karen