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Viewing comments for Chapter 24 " Chapter 24 What could go wrong?"
A collection of short stories

31 total reviews 
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Never ever use this sentence that is your title. I asked myself that the morning I was getting married and got the answer (posted as Ok, You Win). What a cute little granddaughter. She looks like she loves to tell stories. Your son's week was certainly eventful and she was so helpful in telling how it went.

 Comment Written 21-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2025
    Thank you for the support. I appreciate it.
Comment from T B Botts
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Barbara,
I'm so glad I don't have to deal with snakes here. I saw my share of them when we lived in Charleston. It sounds like there was a lot of adventure down in St. Louis. This was funny. Thanks for sharing this.
Have a blessed day.

 Comment Written 21-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 21-Mar-2025
    Thank you for the support. Her in Texas they can give a dog a rattlesnake vaccine. I asked my vet if Harley needed one because he does kill snakes. He doesn't eat them. The vet told me, "No, keep hi away from snakes." I haven't figured out how to keep snakes from the yard. LOL
Comment from Ulla
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, Barbara, this is hilarious. The misunderstandings are wonderful, but then again, you do ask the questions before your son can answer. I love it. I do the same thing when I speak to my family. I had a good chuckle with this. Ulla xcx

 Comment Written 21-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 21-Mar-2025
    Thank you for understanding.
Comment from Jacob1395
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was really entertaining to read, Barbara. It is funny when children try to take over a story being told and I could tell you just wanted to hear what had happened. An excellent chapter, I really enjoyed reading it.

 Comment Written 21-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 21-Mar-2025
    Thank you for the understanding.
Comment from jessizero
This work has reached the exceptional level

I was very amused by this story! I love how Eli tried to tell the story and you had to get the story told by someone else to get it to make sense. Thank you for sharing, and best wishes to you.

 Comment Written 21-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 21-Mar-2025
    Eli is a wonderful child, and I love her to death, but she's a hot mess, in the good kind of way. Thank you for the support.
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I completely understand about sneaky errors making their way into our 'finished' work. Those little devils manage to camouflage themselves, hiding in plain sight.
Best wishes.

 Comment Written 21-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 21-Mar-2025
    Thank you for the support.
Comment from Karen Cherry
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Maybe you should have waited for Sunday, so you could get some sixes. This is pretty funny. I was watching the movie in my head. I get color. The duck had a yellow band around its neck. Good story Karen

 Comment Written 21-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 21-Mar-2025
    Thank you for the support. Don't worry about the six. I appreciate the thought.
reply by Karen Cherry on 21-Mar-2025
Comment from Teri7
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am so very thankful that none of our sons ate any snakes, no matter how big or small they were. This is a very interesting story! You used very good descriptive words and I love the picture. Who is the little girl in the picture? It's almost 11 p.m. here and I am fixing to go to bed. I tried to read your story very carefully, but I didn't remember if it said who the picture was of. She is so adorable! Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 20-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 21-Mar-2025
    The photo is of Eleanor while they visited over Christmas. Thank you for the support.
Comment from Cecilia A Heiskary
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


This is another great story about your family. It is funny how little kids twist everything up. She told you a short hand version of the water, duck, and snake. Too cute


 Comment Written 20-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 21-Mar-2025
    Thank you for the support. The water, duck, and snake were important to her. LOL
Comment from Mistydawn
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a fun story. I could see little Elli all excited telling you about the week they had. Her frustration when you didn't understand. I chuckled at the part about the duck. Your son did have quite an eventful week, poor guy.

 Comment Written 20-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 20-Mar-2025
    Thank you for the understanding.